Would this work on film?
Would this work on film?
america lol
What a dumb Doombot
who's that fat fuck in the middle of the top panel?
>People who destroy cities and countries, even going so far as to "reshape the universe in their image" standing in a circle crying over some destroyed buildings
Absolutely fucking shamelessly retarded.
The ill intent.
Kingpin, and its all muscle
>upcoming DOOM film will be directed by Noah Hawley (Legion)
This is so stupid. Apart from Kingpin, none of them would give a fuck about this.
kingpin ?
Kek, I didn't notice Doc Ock
One of the cringiest comics of all time. Fuck America the newest third world country. All it exports now is capeshit and nigger music. White cucks and halfbreeds. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
I want to suck earth into a hell dimension but 9/11 goes too far.
oh shit, and is that juggernaut next to doom?
Who wrote this shit? Magneto doesn't give a fuck about humans.
>Trying to make kingpin look "noble"
>They're literally just standing there doing fuck all while the fire department is scrambling to save people/clear shit out
Nigga, magneto could clear 90% of that shit in minutes. What the fuck are they doing.
Exactly. Fucking embarrassing to behold.
Thinking why they couldn't outdo a bunch of sandniggers
>The fucking juggernaut is there
Magneto could have turned the planes around from the other side of the planet lmao
Based Joker.
>Joker is a soyboy
jesus christ. written by cucks, every single one of these feminizing little paper books
>joker hates nazis
why is DC so based
>superhero does his job
>The absolute state of Sup Forums
More like the Red Pill.
>Literally showcases how absurd the american brainwashing labeled "patriotism" has become
He isn't though. He's angry at working with a foreigned judging by his actual dialogue.
>Americans can't be nazis
All this fucking mental gymnastics, my lad... wew
>Putting reason and logic in the words of a fanatical "literal" strawman that you then push out the the masses in order to villify anyone with opposing opinions and worldviews than yourself
And people pretend this isn't propaganda.
would this work on kino?
How are you that dumb to think that the Joker was upset that he was foreign and not upset because he was a Nazi? The writer wanted to show that even the Joker had standards, not to say that he doesn't like people from other countries.
>people still thinking Red Skull gives a shit about what he's saying and isn't using reason to get people on his side so he van use them for his own purposes
>people still falling for fake propaganda
The absolute state of Sup Forums
That's how manipulation works, though. You start out by speaking the obvious truth, and then you slowly twist it to fool people.
He literally emphasizes "AMERICAN".
If he's upset about him being a nazi he would have used something about actual nazism as backing his rationale for being upset but he doesn't.
They wrote it as if "lol I'm an american psycho therefore it's all good and only foreigners can be nazis"
Wew lad. How fucking deluded are you to think that a character like the joker is in any way better than fascists?
He literally murders and tortures random civilians for a laugh.
Get some fucking perspective and sort yourself out.
>let's take the opposition's stance and make our literal nazi bad guy say it, that'll show them
Who would win?
You see even dr.Doom and magneto give a fuck unlike you fucking Drumpf voters lmao
what the FUCK is wrong with his head??
I wonder how Seth Rogen and his buttbuddy will butcher this scene
capeshit is so fucking stupid
You're resisting to the obvious message of the comic because you sympathize with Nazism and are deeply upset when others insult it. No one but you is dumb enough to miss the point of the comic.
Further, I clearly never said that the Joker should be morally against Nazism, I merely pointed out the purpose of the comic was to show that the Joker was morally superior to it. The fact you're pretending that I said that I believe the Joker is morally superior (and not the writer) is a testament to your delusion and stupidity which likely drove you to becoming a Nazi sympathizer in the first place.
Stop saying "wew lad" it's cringey and awkward and it doesn't help detract from the heavily concentrated stupidity of your shitposts.
>No ur a nazi therefore I am right
You've gone too deep into the brainwasher.
Bernie Sanders, the communist, being Captain America. Fucking hilarious
Joker should've just said "I kill all people equally" instead
At least they stopped supporting him after he lost..
I'm pretty sure Magneto and Doom have done much much worse than 9/11 in their careers.
Magneto wants them genocided for the right reasons.
juggernauts just sad because he tried to take a tower down in the 90s and was stopped
>Not patriotic Americans
The fucks wrong with you guys?
I have that comics. It's still as OOC as it was back then. Not even worthy of a What If... ? brand.
DOOM crying is the last straw. It's the best parody comics I own.
>even the villains aren't evil enough to destroy the world trade center
>Juggernaut literally did just that in the Todd McFarlane Spiderman comic
That's a crossover elseworld thing (a world where DC and Marvel coexist, not dimentional travel) from Marvel and DC so it doesn't really have to be 100% in character.
Same thing really...
>Patriotic Germans - OH WOW NAZIS ARE SO COOL
The worst thing Feminism and political correctness has done is trick Americans into being SO convinced they can't have national pride that they raise another countries fucking flag.
No, because the MCU (with the exception of GotG and soon Captain Marvel) always happens close to the release date of the movie. Since it started in 2008, the towers were already gone.
Also, Kingpin is non-canon to the movies and Marvel doesn't hold the rights to Magneto and Doom on film.
Lemme guess, this was from the post 9/11 comics sperg-out?
Not that it was actually any good, but that shit annihilated The Dark Knight Strikes Back or whatever it was called. Miller literally went insane trying to hold both reality and his beloved world of superheros in his head at the same time. Then went on to do the worst "Revenge Comic" of all time, with Not-Batman never even getting close to the real culprits.
Mate, I support neither of those extremes.
>Inb4 lol u must be a centrist
What exactly is american patriotism? Killing europeans?
>americans can't have national pride
Holy shit, how out of touch are you?
Regurgitating memes about "freedom", "america fuck yeah", "number one!", "home of the brave" etc.
That's pretty much it.
Fuck, this is gonna be a cinematic thing isn't it.
Disney will buy DC. This cross-over dimension will be introduced in two separate movies across brand lines. Then the big coming-together event movie with all your comicbook favorites to go up against...Hagar the Horrible? Some Manga villain?
Hark, the wind...it speaks...it's saying
"R-E-D-D-I-T I-S T-H-A-T W-A-Y, F-U-C-K O-F-F-!!"
Just like muh Alien VS Predator!
>Patriotism is an extreme
Not sure what mental gymnastics you're going through to get to projecting, though I guess you're just spamming buzzwords for lack of anything else to say.
Only enough to have seen retards marching around doing Nazi salutes on the news like clowns as their way of expressing national pride.
Well, having a photo op while everyone around them scrambles to save lives is pretty villainous
>Blind faith in the government and a flag
>not extreme
yeah okay
It's literally religion.
i can sort of see why Magneto would be here, with how many mutants there are there's bound to be some in the victims/survivors but not the Doom.
Someone give me the basic gestalt on this.