the t600 of terminator salvation was filmed with this rubber skin but was changed in posproduction
The t600 of terminator salvation was filmed with this rubber skin but was changed in posproduction
should've made a good movie in post production
looked beter before and made more sense given the established "future history". the movie was a shitshow back to front.
this is the scene
probably the best scene in the movie
shit was badass as fuck
i loved sooing the t600 in action
what about the tom and jerry rube goldberg traps that destroyed?
the bikes had a more terminator look
I would've prefer them to have this terminator look and had the t100 with the rubber skin
a droped idea was that the cyborg didn't give the heart to connor but instead became him
that would've been silly imo
stupid writers and designers fucked this up. reese says the t-600s were infiltrator units like the later 800s, but the rubber skin of the 600 made them easy to spot. the t-600s in salvation are like 8 feet tall and have plainly inhuman proportions and behaviour, with huge guns strapped to their arms
is that the retard that got crushed between his own car and mailbox? I thought they said he was a good actor? lel
That film was awesome. But the normies and fags wanted muh Arnie and more of the same shit over and over again, that's why we ended up with Genysis instead of a sequel.
The one in Salvation is probably a damaged guard or soldier. Why would he have military outfit and a rotary machine gun on his arm?
They probably did have a manlet version for infiltration.
Those bikes were so fucking retarded. The only reason Skynet bothered with a human-esque form factor was for infiltration units like the T-600/T-800. Why the fuck would Skynet bother with any kind of human-influenced design elements for a wheel-bound unit?
If anything it should look like this- covered in fairings for aerodynamics, no seat, just a reinforced center area where the robot parts are. Jesus Christ this movie was stupid.
This film made post-apocalyptic so much better than Feminist Road
thank you for this little tidbit, friend.
terminator salvation is pretty funny in regards to how well fed the characters look like, they even seem to have time-off from killing terminators to workout 4-5 times a week
yes, he's that one
the t800 are used as an army in T2
and they could be use to do both things
Was anyone else triggered by the fact that it didnt look like the oringal in the actual movie. I fucking hate jewwood make a scene then decide ;nah not good enough we'll re shoot it all again' even though they use all that stock footage in the trailers and merchandising stills.
>T2 a masterpiece
>T:Salvation, a crappy PG-13 summer pop corn movie
>This film was awesome
Kill yourself millennial.
>that would've been silly imo
because him giving his heart was sooooooo much better
The Terminator didnt move like a Terminator. It moved like a stunt man in a blue suit.
The viewer can only feel a connection if there is some humanoid piloting it. Which is why the whole AI, self-driving, self-piloting stuff isn't going to translate well into movies. Even in futuristic movies the automatic robots are just mooks while a human is the big bad, even though robots have proven to be superior in everything.
no, but making connor a terminator is worse
the movie story was stupid anyway
what do you mean it didn't look like the original movie?
They just cloned it from Fallout 3.
Look at OPs done that?. Cool Now watch the actual scene.
you mean that the the non rubber skin t600 doesn't look like the t800 of the first two terminator movies?
>feminist road
>entire plot hinges of the actions of men
>dumb women would have driven out into a barren wasteland of nothing and died if not for Max
you're not very bright
I unironically enjoy Salvation.
Good call, that looks like shit.
Dying was the worst thing to happen to his career
Both are equally crap desu, even though T2 excelled in production value while Salvation nailed down the atmosphere (still a bit off though). But both are crap. T1 still hasn't got a worthy sequel.
Terminators are supposed to move smoothly, they're infiltrators dumbass. The reason why they were jerky in T1 and 2 was because the technology wasn't sufficient.
that's suposed to look like shit dumbass
it was the first skynet try of making human skin and its damaged
>Using John Wayne Gacy as a logo for a toy company
Hey look it's the DEAD BOY
>Gacy invented clowns
skynet wanted to be friends
Why did they think rubber was a good idea?
Looks more like plastic.
It's kinda hard to see them clearly in the scene the user you're responding to posted. But as far as I can make out, the dont look exactly like either of your pictures but looked far more like the bike you posted except with the color scheme of the bike that the other user posted. So unless I'm blind, what was the point of your post?
He just wanted to post the pic