Explain the Appeal
Explain the Appeal
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Made me want to puke
It's a wildly unconventional movie with a very cool main character. It's sort of the same appeal that The Velvet Underground has.
>dude explain why i didn't like it lmao
Historical relevance. It was a stylistic revolution and tons of people saw it.
doesn't mean good
>"cool" main character
oh ok so now I know to disregard your entire post.
It's not even a bad movie. You just did a horrible job of defending it. So bad that it would probably turn a few people away from the movie because they'd assume if you like it, it must suck.
>liking a film because it's historically important rather than because you enjoyed it
The Jazz Singer and Avatar aren't edgy and obscure enough to be shilled by film students I guess
Bro, have you seen Fight Club? Tyler Durden is so cool and the movie's so unconventional in how edgy it is against captialism and shit
what, not enough cgi and explosions for you? lol
lol so randum: the film
Things that are intellectually engaging can be entertaining too; at least if you aren't a brainlet.
give proto-hipster gf
Different situation. Those two were innovative because of the technology behind them, while Breathless contained no technological breakthrough but instead featured a completely new reimagining of the medium through pure director's vision.
>I didn't get it
It's hardly random. It defies the expections the audience has - which were formed by Hollywood. The point of the pointless scenes is that there are pointless i.e. they are not contributing to the supposed linear gangster story. The critique is in the form, not in the content. The narrative is a rather obvious clash between an American citizen and the City of Paris. You might not have enjoyed it, neither did I really, but it's always cited as a major influence on many filmmakers since the French Nouvelle Vagues paved the way for New Hollywood people like Spielberg, Lucas etc.
I am gonna get memed for this put Tarantinos movies are full of direct quotes from these films both in the narrative and the structure. Pic related.
Is this possible natty?
You know I hope to be something of a filmmaker myself, so it's really inspiring and influential to me, bro, just to see such a ruckus film which subverts the tropes we see in formulaic hollywood shit
"French art film"
>Dude it's so random and artsy and it breaks the conventional rules lmao.
Absolute hipster trash with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. One of few movies I've rated 1/10.
explain the appeal
You're an idiot.
all the leaves are brown
it's godard's worst movie* but it's important to see where he got his start
*Weekend and A Woman Is a Woman don't count as movies
it's funny
>Implying that anything after Masculin Feminin is worth watching
>le Godard was a serious artist with valuable insight post 60's marxism face
Explain the appeal. Why wasn't this """comedy""" funny?
>you fags probably wouldn't of enjoyed it had you not known about it's historic significance
>hurr durr you didn't understand the references to obscure artists and u don't understand romantic relationships hurr durr
>I am a mega pleb and always need instant gratification
>if any form of knowledge, patience or skill is required to enjoy something I will switch my brain off and watch capeshit INSTANTLY
>wouldn't of
pls no
It's an okay film, but everything in it is overshadowed by Annie Hall. Allen himself regrets it
I almost turned it off when he started namedropping Bergman, Tolstoy and other "high culture" artists just to show what an intellectual he was.
explain the appeal
explain the ap.peal
I can't. One of the dullest westerns I've seen.
>dude it's so shocking because he almost shot the girl lmao!
let me fix that for you
>you didn't understand the references to famous artists and you don't understand romantic relationships
>...in order to save a film not worth showing (Breathless), Godard chopped it up any which way, counting on the critics' susceptibility to being astounded, and they didn't let him down in helping him to launch a new fashion, that of the badly made film. Incorrigible waster of film, author of idiotic and abject comments on torture and denunciation, a self-promoter, Godard represents the most painful regression of French cinema towards intellectual illiteracy and plastic bluff.
>"OH wow, dis movie was pretty subversive and edgy for it's time! Glad I researched all that boring French history shit to understand the subtext. Much more satisfying than anything with a meaningful story or characters I can apply to my own life, now I can impress people with my hipster taste on Sup Forums!
>I know the story behind Breathless and I can tell you it's a corker! A minor producer had hired a minor director to make a minor crime movie running a maximum of 5,000 meters. But the director filmed 8,000 meters; the producer told him to cut it down, but the director refused. Then he was forced to do so. So in an act of bravado, he made the cuts himself any which way, at random, in order to make the film unmarketable.. But curiously enough, once the bits of film were mounted, the producer considered the result to be ingenious, edited with power, astounding... He had wanted to demonstrate the impossibility of cutting his film, but what he did turned out to work. Then Godard understood... and in his subsequent films, he produced more Godard! Senseless ellipses, cuts in the middle of a tracking shot, were taken to be part of a new esthetic. It became a fashion. And France is the country of snobbism in the cinema - a country which gets caught up in everything and especially no matter what!
>...first films are always very long. Since after thirty years [of living], people try to put everything into their first film. So they're always very long. And I was no exception to the rule. I had made a film that lasted two and a quarter or two and a half hours; and it was impossible, the contract specified that the running time not exceed an hour and a half. And I remember very clearly... how I invented this famous way of cutting, that is now used in commercials: we took all the shots and systematically cut out whatever could be cut, while trying to maintain some rhythm. For example, Belmondo and Seberg had a sequence in a car at a certain moment; and there was a shot of one, then a shot of the other, as they spoke their lines. And when we came to this sequence, which had to be shortened like the others, instead of slightly shortening both, the editor and I flipped a coin; we said: 'Instead of slightly shortening one and then slightly shortening the other, and winding up with short little shots of both of them, we're going to cut out four minutes by eliminating one or the other altogether, and then we will simply join the [remaining] shots, like that, as though it were a single shot. Then we drew lots as to whether it should be Belmondo or Seberg and Seberg remained...
And none of these hipsters would enjoy Empire by Andy Warhol? It goes against the grain of popular film formula even more than Breathless. I mean they're both boring and up-their-own-asses. Shouldn't Empire also be among your favorite films by that logic?
coming of age story that doesn't try too hard
makes you feel nostalgic for a time you weren't a part of
I never did any research. I only watched a shit ton of movies. You know, even black and white ones. It's not like Godard is some hidden gem or anything.
I never said anything about subtext. Do you understand what that word means?
>boring French history
If you think history if boring you literally prove that you are a brainlet.
>hipster taste
Doesn't work with Godard because literally everyone who ever got into movies even superficially knows who he is.
>I don't understand anything
>He's a genius tho
If you are able to watch the whole movie, do it.I It's way better than Breathless.
>story or characters I can apply to my own life
ultra pleb
Explain the appeal.
Lorre. And this scene youtube.com
I don't remember much else but both of the things are worth watching the movie.
lol what a brainlet
>wouldn't of
fucking Americans, they don't even know their own language
>themes i can relate but not apply to the wider world
pretentious faggot teenager
for Christ sake learn to write idiot
I know how to write idiot. See, I just did it.
>t. turbo-pleb
>they haven't seen Histoire(s) du cinéma
>french kino cuisine 2deep4 zee dumb Americans who not know zee proper grammar
So was the shitty editing intentional in Breathless, or just a consequence of most 60s movies having shitty editing?
Explain the appeal
I'm not French but nevertheless I'm triggered by people who can't speak their own (easy) language
>t. super-fedora
Since when are those people watching Nouvelle Vague? Fedoras watch QT and Korean stuff.
>implying you don't have more than 3 subbed anime-shows on your HDD right now
>marcel duchamp was a mistake