What the fuck happened to south park this past 3 seasons?
What the fuck happened to south park this past 3 seasons?
personally I think its because they finally decided their political stance and therefore have become unable to play both sides correctly
you grew up
pic related
They were writing fractured but whole last season and while trying to do a topical continuity and when the election didnt go their way it blew up in their face.
personally i think the new season is back to form and it feels like they learned from last season
that kid's adopted, right?
Wife's son, literally
You only believe this because they poked fun at (your side here).
i have no side, whats your point now then faggot
>wahhh you a faggot
You don't have to get so angry, autismo. It's a cartoon that makes fun of literally everyone, so the point is that if you're starting to get a bit touchy over something in the show, chances are it's because they took the piss out of what you believe. You a Trump voter by any chance?
go back to your super hero movies bud, you can clearly enjoy the same drivel rehashed over and over again, much like listening to your own shitty logic
Season 19 was experimental, I think it was alright.
Season 20 was too much about the 2016 election and not the kids adventures.
Season 21 don't know haven't watched it yet.
>shieet whitey gimmie mo money I need sum new nikes
You don't have to get so angry, autismo. It's a biracial kid that she had with a black guy, so the point is that if you're starting to get a bit touchy over something in that picture, chances are it's because they took the piss out of what you believe. You a Trump voter by any chance?
Are you just having an argument with yourself now? You on the spectrum?
>shitty logic
Are you a Trump supporter and coincidentally feel like the last two seasons are #biased?
Why did you copy my post and apply it to some other autistic bullshit?
>lol they make fun of everybody
When did they make fun of Obama?
Or black lives matter for picking criminals as their poster children?
I dunno but I thought they were going back to self contained plots
>watching this shit post 2005
19 - different and cool
20 - different and lame, horribly written mess. First two or three episodes were ok, but it went downhill when they went full election.
21 - is actually pretty good, they are trying to go back to their roots, but still kind of keeping their new experimental formula. I think they are onto something potentionally great here, but people are just letting it slip by because of how bad 20 was :(
trump is boring and you are boring, later virgin.
They can't help it. It's like the liberal faggots on Sup Forums that claim they didn't care about the election or Hillary Clinton then spend hours debating on why Trump is literally Hilter who is going to start WW3 with Russia who elected him but selling Nuclear material to Russian interests is okay becuase they promised to not do anything bad with it.
>they literally made fun of both those things
So I was right about you being a triggered conservative, eh?
What are thooooooose?!!
>watching after 2002
Pretty sure they made fun of Obama durig the sexual healing episode, the one where they hunt a fake alien.
Post examples. Showing Obama as a diamond theif is not making fun of him.
Pretty sure that was Tiger Woods you raicst.
>moving the goal post
Is South Cuck even holding the same ratings as it was pre poltical focus?
>the Obama jokes don't count when I don't like them
You're just a triggered faggot.
Showing a person in a positive light is not taking a gab at them. You are a very out of touch person.
We’re in season 21 and I came to the conclusion that season 16 was the last one that had episodes worth laughing
>Obama being a super theif is making fun of him at his expense
You have the tism. Come back to me when they bash him for droning children
in brown counties or claiming a petty drug dealer was his son
The point was that yes, they have indeed made fun of Obama. Will you try to get some self-awareness here and understand how you sound as ridiculous as the voice actor for Chef?
But they did criricize him for drones, they did that a few times. Nobody gives a shit about that second thing you mentioned, Alex.
Imagine actually complaining about South Park making fun of retard conservatives and thinking they never make fun of anyone else.
>lol Obama being shown as super cool is on par with Mr Garrison rapeing le Drumpf XD
Just because you didn't watch the episodes where they poked fun at Obama, doesn't mean they didn't exist. This is all just a dodge anyway, since it is painfully obvious your some Rhino faggot mad about the newer seasons.
>no body gave a shit about him droning third worlders
I'm sure the people losing their kids in indiscriminate stikes did. But they only matter when a talking head on the daily show tells you they do.
>they poked fun at Obama
not that user but when did this happen
>C-cuckoldry is okay you guys.
You still haven't cited any examples.
You're illiterate. I said nobody gives a shit about the second thing you mentioned, you disingenuous cunt.
>teehee muh daily show maymay ;)
Fucking kill yourself already, you assblasted, shit eating faggot.
Never happened.
Because this whole tangent is still a whatabout.
>another thread ruined by teens arguing about politics
They chose a side thinking they were gonna win and look like smart people
I was able to tolerate 20 and 19 but 21 is a simple farce. They still keep using one joke for multiple episodes, just that they now bother having multiple plots.
And this year is the first time that every episode feels like a strawman. Everything unbalanced, no advocating for the middle path which was still somewhat ackknowledged in 19 and 20. I completely dropped it now, figuratively Simpsons tier.
Name calling isn't an argument. You gonna start posting your examples or you going to keep shitting your liberal diapers and impotentily screech?
>it,never happened because I don't watch the show
What would honestly be enough for you? Obama being some "deep state" anti-Christ murdering babies in the womb as he smokes crack with Kenyan Muslims and looks right in the camera and says "I am a bad President. Amirite"?
The guys who make it are almost 50 and have been wealthy for half of their lives by now. They are not starving, 28 year old artists anymore. Simple as that.
You're literally the one complaining about South Park being meanie poo poo to whatever dumb bullshit political opinion you hold...
Still haven't posted examples in 8 seasons worth of South Park during the Obama Presidency, even the boondocks took jabs at Obama. But keep screeching it makes you look stupider everytime.
Good posts.
How can you evade mentioning politics when the question is "What the fuck happened to south park this past 3 seasons"?
>ha! He refused to entertain my goalpost shift! Looks like I win by default again ;)
You people are retards.
All this effort you put into name calling and crying could be used into posting some youtube links that could prove me wrong. You claim they did it several times in 8 years of his presidency so it should be real easy.
>19 - different and cool
Was that the one about ads? The ending was such a damp sigh that I think it definitively proves Six Days to Air prevents them from making an overarching plot.
They pretty much lost me when I learned that Fractured But Whole was SJW propaganda.
Harder difficulty the more black you make your character? Fuck off Matt and Trey. Just because your lives have been (apparently) easy, dont project your faggy white guilt onto me.
You keep saying goalposts incorrectly. I posted saying South Park never attacked Obama during his presidency and you rebutted claiming they attack everyone including him. You then proceeded to claim I am wrong and screech and name call while all I asked for is an example. Why is it so hard for you to prove your claim?
user, it's a whatabout.
>Harder difficulty the more black you make your character?
That was a joke, easily offended person.
>literally not how this conversation started or went
I asked you if you were a conservative or Trump supporter and that could have been why you feel like the new seasons are "biased", but you returned with "but whatabout Obama?"
Are you actually going to argue that it's just as easy for blacks? As a whole?
Not him, but it's one of many "jokes" that fall flat on their face because you realize they actually believe it and the joke just becomes the vehicle to justify their political agenda. They do the same thing with the racist cop storyline or when they actually defend the whole "choose your own gender" movement, only pretending to make fun of it in the safest, most harmless way possible.
Season plot archs were a mistake. All it did was cause the jokes to suffer and be recycled at the expense of some shitty plot. Compare the variety of main jokes each episode back in season 8 to the jokes now.
Season 8
>Episode making fun of anime and shitty mall ninja weapons
>Episode making fun of steroids and the special Olympics
>Episode making fun of the Passion of the Christ
>Episode making fun of dance battle movies
>Episode where Cartman pretends to be a robot to trick Butters
>Episode making fun of Michael Jackson
>Episode spoofing the illegal immigration issue
>Episode making fun of elections
>Episode making fun of Walmart
>Episode where the boys have to deal with a fuckup they made back in preschool
>Episode making fun of media sensationalism
>Episode making fun of tabloid celebs like Paris Hilton
>Episode where cartman becomes a psychic detective
>Woodland Christmas critters episode
Notice the variety of topics, and how many of them are not even spoofing a current event or trend, but are just the boys having a stupid adventure.
Season 21
>Episode spoofing Charlottesville
>Episode making fun of Trump
>Episode making fun of increased victimization
>Episode making fun of fake news
>Episode making fun of the Opioid crisis
>Episode making fun of sexual abuse witchhunt in Hollywood
>Episode making fun of Trump
>Another NFL episode
6 of the 8 episodes deal with the current left vs right divide going on in America, with the other 2 episodes also being political hot topics at the moment. There isn't a single episode that is just some stupid adventure the boys get caught up in like in Good Times with Weapons or Awesom-O. Every episode is super politically charged and that gets tiring in an era where everything is becoming political. Is it too much to ask for them to tone it down and just go back to the shows roots a little bit?
Are you claiming it's whataboutism? That wouldn't be true as Barrack Obama falls into the category of "everybody" that the Southpark writers seem to engage with.
You dont understand what arguments or whatabouts are.
>blah blah blah
are you a trump supporter by any chance? eh? easily offended person?
>Sup Forums threads are linear discussions
Not everyone you disagree with is the same person
They do have it harder than any other goup in America, no doubt, but the reasoning as to why is heavily flawed.
that retirement home episode was good
>liberals inject accusations of antone disliking south park are Trump Supporters thus beginning poltical discussion
>person who replies is told to go to Sup Forums
>liberals inject accusations of antone disliking south park are Trump Supporters thus beginning poltical discussion
>They pretty much lost me when I learned that Fractured But Whole was SJW propaganda.
Go tuck your wifes son to bed, Trey
You mean the last 13 seasons?
well they have the lowest intelligence so probably not
Read the whole thread next time. You should to to Sup Forums if you like reminding people how your potlical opinions are the right ones
What annoys me the most about the fractured but whole is their fucking fart fetish. Matt & Trey have disguised it quite successfully in form of toilet humor throughout the show's history, but in the last game it's become creepily obvious that one of them actually has a legitimate fart fetish and it's creepy as fuck.
Are you actually going to argue it isn't? Affirmative action gets blacks into schools they didn't perform well enough to get into on their own, costing mostly whites spots. And into jobs they didn't accomplish well enough to get, again mostly costing whites spots. They also have a massive welfare system that subsidizes them not to work. Assistance programs that give them free cellphones, heating and cooling, section 8 housing. We literally bend over backwards to prevent blacks from ever having to work or struggle and they still complain. You're a fucking moron.
White people have it harder than anyone in America. Whites are actually expected to work for what they have and are constantly discriminated against.
You clearly haven't played the game because the difficulty doesn't actually change
>White people have it harder than anyone in America. Whites are actually expected to work for what they have and are constantly discriminated against.
Oh boy, you're one of those...
Actually explains everything.
Then why respond?
good argument
>muh IQ is a monolith Sup Forums argument
You're not 16 anymore
There is no rational discussion with someone who honestly believes whites have the hardest time in the fucking US. You aren't even in the same reality.
>"the sky is pink"
>oh you're one of those
>"good argument"
not even him
Then don't play it.
I hate niggers and welfare as much as the next guy but you're just wrong.
Shipping happened
First tweek and Craig, then cartman and heidi
So was I right? Are you literally just NOW upset because they made fun of your meme man President?
>he still plays video games for kids