Guys what did her shirt smell like after a long day of filming?
Guys what did her shirt smell like after a long day of filming?
Please someone respond this is important.
kek. but seriously yeah this movie was like a bad joke. at least Marion was sexy but good lord it was stupid
>takes a bunch of sleeping pills when she's at her lowest point
>husband instantly forgives her for attempting suicide and abandoning her family.
bunch of other stupid things like that too.
Cotillagge cheese.
Is this a movie with a completely unbelievable premise?
Yes it is one of those glorified TV soap operas which have the pretense of being realistic but have characters and situations that are so contrived that they are removed from reality entirely. Pic related is another example.
this film is pretty realistic though
>professional carpenter with 30+ years experience, a council house, and no car has no savings for a few months of joblessness
>making friends at the job centre
>can't even work a fucking computer mouse
>guise its unrealistic because I can't wrap my head around forgiveness