Avengers: Infinity War hype!

The trailer will drop in 2 days.

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says who?

Fuck off.

the fuck is that hair for Eagleeye?

He's a nazi now

The Russo brothers on their IG posted the number 3 yesterday, meaning 3 days,


Today they posted the number 2


All those costumes are really muted and boring. Where's all the colour? This is supposed to be a comic book movie.

either 3 days or 3 dec

Haven't you seen the number 2 they posted tofay? Now it's 2 days/


oh ok

Anyone else notice how the one with only whites just looks aesthetically better?

2 days or dec 2

Oh, I thought it could have been either "3 days" or "Avengers 3"

But now it's settled

It's a countdown to the announcement of the trailer. Or the teaser for the trailer. The real trailer will be in front of Star Wars. They're not going to give a full trailer on youtube a couple of weeks before one of their cash cows hits threaters.

who even reads these shitty magazines anymore?


There's always a home in doctors and dentists waiting rooms


First Trailer For ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ All But Confirmed To Arrive This Thursday


Imagine all the Infinity War threads this Thursday.

Imagine all the butthurt marvelkino haters lmaooooo

>H-hey stop it. This m-movie is for k-kids! Hey! V-Validate my Maturity by hating this M-MOVIE! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

The funny thing is that most of the haters act like kids themselves, they waste their time on hating a movie on Sup Forums, like don't you have something better to do? Dear Lord, it's so fun to watch them getting triggered by those movies. Kevin Feige said there'll be 20 more movies after Avengers 4, so they better get used to it already.

Will this be the most viewed trailer ever?

Depends. Do we know which movie trailer has currently the most views?

They are so mad

the manchild disease is so bad i wouldn't be surprised if americans paid a movie theater only to watch the trailer


Trailer tomorrow, confirmed. What do you have to say now bigot?

fuck off shill


This board is fully compromised now

Children and Marvel Pajeets literally shilling a bland Capeshit movie trailer days in advance.
This board gets more trailer threads for Marvel movies than actual movie discussion

Mods are in on the game too, Thor3 trailer even got a fucking sticky
Might as well just rename this board to /removies/ the level of studio funded shilling is beyond noticeable and frankly cringe worthy.


No, that is exactly what they do, user.

There's been a consistent pattern of releasing trailers weeks before big MCU/Disney movies.

>OJ's post prison hell

What is no one going to point out how comically jarring this headline is with those covers?

a bloo bloo bloo

>the entire marvel fanbase is consisted of retards, niggers and feminazis

For the first 24 hours.

as opposed to DC, which is just spics and pajeets JEJ

I am not going to lie
I am super hyped

Are you 12??



>H-hey stop it. This m-movie is for k-kids! Hey! V-Validate my Maturity by hating this M-MOVIE! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE



soyboys too

so how's oj doing now?

I honestly am excited. For better or worse, it seems like the MCU has become the OG Star Wars of our era while at the same time surpassing the original trilogy in scope. If anything it's an interesting phenomenon to observe even if you absolutely hate everything marvel (disney) make.

I wonder whether your balls will drop within 2 days. Fucking capeshit children...

lovely bait

Top right doesn't have a black man on it wtf Marvel

that's why it's the best looking one

Well at least I have balls

Not that guy, but I have to agree MCU build a better, more cohesive universe, and pretty much like SW, it has a couple good films (ANH, ROTJ in SW, and IM, GOTG and CAWS in MCU), and the rest is just "fun" movies. And unlike SW, MCU has not dropped like a stone quality wise.

I love how they make Robert Downey Jr. seem taller than Chris Hemsworth in that.

If you look Falcon and him are "floating", but usually they make RDJ to look taller in most prmotional art and stuff like thta.

Ruffalo is such a faggot. The rest of the cast is p good.

Seems like Tom Holland "accidentally revealed" the Infinity War poster that Mark Ruffalo sent him on his instagram live video. Even though it was staged, I loved it.


For those who don't know, there is a running joke about Mark & Tom being Marvel's worst nightmare cuz they always leak things and give spoilers.

almost got me, fuck off with your bait though.


I love that the Marvel cast is fun, boisterous, and always happy. I also love that the DC cast is miserable, sad, alcoholic, rapists who wish they'd get fired.

It's no wonder JUSTice League sucked giraffe dick.

>that video

>For those who don't know, there is a running joke about Mark & Tom being Marvel's worst nightmare cuz they always leak things and give spoilers.

He's good at this. Acting skills on point ;)

Like every interview


someone leaked the trailer months ago from that disney expo, I watched it on yt then.
Yes, it looks shit

It also started when Tom revealed accidentally in an interview that there will be two more Spider-Man movies. He also leaked the Homecoming trailer on his instagram & more, I don't remember. Then Mark started with his leak about who dies in Infinity War & then he leaked the first ninute of Thor Ragnarok cuz he "forgot" to turn off his phone. Sebastian Stan also gave an Infinity War spoiler recently.

at what point in the first video does something happen? All I got is that they didn't let him read the scripts because he can't keep a secret- Was that all the first video was about? If so, where is the source of him not keeping secrets?

>Sebastian Stan also gave an Infinity War spoiler recently.
Said spoiler being?

New trailer would have better CGI, different scenes, etc..., we even had one teaser leaked during 2015 or so.

For example GOTG trailer had over 1 minute extra footage and better CGI, than the leaked trailer. Apocalypse trailer had 2 different scenes, and censored profanities, AoU was a different case, the original leak was only the head of Ultron and the title, then the whole trailer leaked and Marvel decided to release the trailer immediately.


that was a teaser made only for comic con
this will be completely different you dunce

whose nomad

See the post at

Captain America is Nomad