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probably not
no one really cared when she admitted to molesting her sister for years
I don't think anyone will care now

>new york post

She got written off, by liberals, as a moronic piece of shit when she made the "I wish I had an abortion" remark.
Conservatives didn't understand that this was the case, because conservatives actually believe liberals wish for abortions.

Yeah, at this point they are beating a woman who looks like a dead horse and no one cares.

>empty vessel
She is far worse than that.

I see what you did there


>>empty vessel

She looks really filled in that pic

Filled with shit for a start.

>women trying to bring other women down
Wow, this sure is news-worthy.

Just in time for contrarian Sup Forums to start liking her.
I give it a week before we start getting /ourgirl/ threads.

Wearing diapers to own the libs

Lena is based

Another SJW dike bites the dust.

>a week
wew lad

you will be the one starrting those

>She got written off, by liberals, as a moronic piece of shit when she made the "I wish I had an abortion"
No she didn't. There was maybe one article calling her crass. Not exactly a huge condemnation.

>conservatives actually believe liberals wish for abortions
Oh you mean like Lena Dunham literally wished for abortion? Gee I wonder how they got that idea.

Is it time to finally recognize Lena Dunham as /our gal/?

well, she's already a pedophile

No. This is just like one of Stalin's lackeys saying the wrong thing - she will get the bullet, but the tyrannical monstrosity will keep on rolling.

>Lena Dunham...
>I studied your tapes you're a fat pig
Still his best work....

Doubt it. She's got that same thing Trump has going for him where everyone knows she's a horrible person who says and does dumb shit on a routine basis, but everyone just forgets she never has to face any real consequences for any of it.

>Lena "let's trigger the nigger" Dunham

>because conservatives actually believe liberals wish for abortions.
You know they get confused - all those 'I just had an abortion' t-shirts may send the wrong message to these people.

anyone who doesn't like pedo incest molestation belongs to reddit

i would unironically selflessly stimulate my penis within her anal sphincter until i felt ejaculation was imminent, then disperse said ejaculatory material upon her small, disappointing breasts, and rub my now wet and smelly glans on her face and lips until it became flaccid if you know what i'm saying

in a way the worst thing we could do to her is support her,


Can't stand this woman, but something in me wants to marathon powerfuck her until we both pass out.


destroying fetuses is so brave


Too bad your mother was such a coward.

>She got written off, by liberals

American's are retarded.

what THE FUCK is "hipster racism"?

did you actually just get mad at what he said and had to defend this t shirt

how did you get here



Apparently it's calling a black woman a nigger and then saying it's just a joke because you're an open-minded person who would never really call a black person a nigger.

why hasnt she moved to canada yet?

>Lena Dunham may be the first person to fabricate details of her alleged rape, then proclaim all women’s claims need to be believed, and then publicly accuse a young woman of lying about having been raped.
A very jewish thing to do.

B-but...she so influential you guys! An icon!!!!


Is this the 'whitest fucking room' JJ was speaking of?

What is the ethnic or religious background of most of the people in that room I wonder

Bin that trash. Actually I've always thought Dunham would make good compost.

Jokes. Specifically, racist jokes or sarcasm that are meant purely as jokes. And as we know, jokes are no longer allowed.

Come to think of it, none of the holywood leftists have moved to Canada since the election. How disappointing.

>Elon Musk towering over bugmen and jews
What did they mean by this?

Americans landed on the moon, europeans pee sitting down.

Imagine how many problems one hand grenade could solve.

Can we call this the feminist hat trick?

You want the innovation and ingenuity that Jews brought to the West but not their culture.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

By being the greatest con-man the world has ever known, he is an honorary jew.

All their "innovation" is stolen. Jews can't create.


>Americans landed on the moon
Sure they did
>Europeans pee sitting down
Fair point, given that Americans shit standing up. Can't compete with such level of manliness.

>You want the innovation and ingenuity that Jews brought to the West
One wonders why the can't bring that same innovation to Israel. Shouldn't it be a technologically superior paradise by now?

That's a bold claim to make, and you know it. You are prepared to debunk every innovation Jews claim as thievery?

Shouldn't they purge that Steve Jobs wannabe from the middle of the photo?


>claim someone from side/board i do not like will say something
>make post saying that something
>make third post pointing to your own post to confirm how right you were

Damn that reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally made me think

of course he isn't

Don't be disingenuous. Israel is doing well in the technology market, and in some respects leading it -- why create such a strawman when this cognitive dissonance is at the heart of your thinly veiled anger.

I get that, it takes bravery to choose between an unborn child and another pumpkin latte.

I red that one, the one who called her that meant what GW Bush said years ago - 'the soft biggotry of low expectation'
She called Dunham racist because Dunham believes that PoCs are unable to accomplish anything without her help. Quite common belief among white liberals.

Only person missing from that photo is george soros and then we have the injustice league

>All their "innovation" is stolen. Jews can't create.
Bixnoodmuhfugga, whiteis wuz flying spiceships, while da j00s were still cavemen neanderthals and shiiiiiiiet

>Elon musk

Ok ok ok hold up hold the fuck up, stop this thread and listen to me right fucking now, why are they trying to push this Elon Musk as the second coming of Jesus? for real have any of you watched any interview with the guy? he is not just autistic he is DUMB as fuck, its like his only superpower is to own a company and sign the checks that nerds turn into not-even-inovative tech, come the fuck on, can someone PLEASE explain to me whats the big hype behind this tool? coz i tried watching SEVERAL interviews with him and one after the other was a huge disappointment, you gotta have the braincell account of negative 200 to actually mistake this well clothed fart factory for smart even worse "genius" i wanna fucking murder whoever i see calling him a genius.


if i am not mistaken over 90% of Musk's company is government funded. Easy to make scifi shit when it is not your money, but yeah, the guy seems as the best target to crash and burn to the finest ash.


This joke is so perfect, its like a joke lasagna, one layer you have is the fact that he have tits when he shoudn't because fat, the second is he was molested for it, the third is he was mistaken by an unattractive famous fat woman.

Is andy a genius or is this his one hit wonder?

>Quite common belief among white liberals.
As opposed to white conservatives that believe that blacks can't achieve anything even with help.

please headbutt the nearest train, thanks

>lobby to legalize and financially support abortion and companies profiting from it
>w-we totally do not wish for abortions to happen guys
Are you retarded user?

>Sure they did

Are we really going to bring this down to Moon Landing Truther shit?

If thats true why is central africa still suffering from hunger and aids despite 50 years of non-stop humanitarian aid?

>conservatives actually believe liberals wish for abortions

If it's not true, the confusion is understandable.
Liberals are pretty fucking enthusiastic about abortions.

>>Actress talk belongs on Sup Forums

Go away Lena.

>dat grill with one leg

The moon landing was a piece of propaganda to beat Soviet. We've never been on the moon.

No, Andy Milonakis is a genius and always has been.

Even Sup Forums perpetuates Elon Meme, because "he wuz a saffa an sheit"

Well it's his first joke since about 2002 so he's had a lot of time to tweak it.

She's such an awful, disgusting person that it was only a matter of time before she got disowned by even the insane left. Of course, after a few months she'll be back in their good graces by hating trump.

>Leftists eating other Leftists

As they get more and more extreme and ideological puritanism inevitably rises, it is only logical that infighting would increase in proportion to this as well.
In a movement based almost entirely around attacking outsiders, you have to watch your back. Fail to virtue-signal hard enough and you'll get a knife there.

>every loo fear their poo
>tfw you will never make a toilet scurry away in abject fear of not only your personal girth, but that of the 20 pounds of meat and mre's in your bowels, slowly transforming into a superdense mass of pure, unfiltered freedomcake

The problem with liberals is that they do/say shit to impress other liberals, i am a liberal myself i am pro abortion, i think a lot of promiscuous bitches shoudn't breed because they can't raise their kids to be normal humans BUT whenever you see liberals on said protests they always try to outlib each other, they turn this shit into a competition
>i am pro abortion
>i am more pro abortion i wish i had one
>i am getting pregnant just to have an abortion
>i am handling out free abortions coupons all around town
>i set the baby nursery on fire I WIN
Its the kind of idiots who will turn everything into a competition because they crave superiority and attention over anything else, there are types like this one the right too, its a cancer to humanity and it must be located and purged.

Why is it so hard for Americans to control their calorie intake?

HFCS is so fucking good m8

You're right, but that is a topic for Sup Forums to be quite honest with you, famalam.

It's not the conservatives who support affirmative action, sweetie.

>Americans landed on the moon
Last moon landing was in 1972, American development has hit the cliff since then and is falling fast.

>As opposed to white conservatives that believe that blacks can't achieve anything even with help.

If that belief is false, why are Liberals CONSTANTLY trying to prove it right?

>I'll just move the goalposts to a 3rd world shithole
nice try

He look buddy, she's not fat. She's light as a feather.

>conservatives fighting against freedom of choice
What a time to be alive

this image is amazing
so many sociopaths, scam artists and yids crammed into one room.

The fucking corn syrup shovelled into literally everything. I was baffled when i found out that there almost doesn't exist non-sweet bakery goods in USA.

They airbrushed out the two cranes holding her up.
