/who/ - Doctor Who General

"What did Russell mean by this?" edition.


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Best girl coming through


for the kino RTD arcs, can we agree

Bad Wolf > Vote Saxon > Something on your back >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit > fucking

that she (hopefully) dies in the other Earth

Whoflix did Empress of Mars. No casual racism, homophobia or woman-bashing this time, which is a shame.

Could they have at least not given them such fancy clothes? made them servants?
Arent they always cherishing oppression tales?
why erase them?

nth for Jodie.

The most kinoest is the bees

She was on the list of the dead at Canary Wharf

She lived happily ever after with meta Ten and they had a family together :^)

Right? Just imagine how well it'd carry the themes established in The Curse of Fenric. Season 27 when? yeah I know they made it in Big Finish but I haven't gotten into ear stories yet and apparently it wasn't that great


Listen to some ear stories, user. Eight's are kino.

The stories that were done under "The Lost Series" weren't great, to be honest. However, Night Thoughts was meant to be s27 and is one of my favourite BF stories of all time.

"Oh, she TECHNICALLY officially died! But in reality she's fine and happy! But you should be sad because she's classed as dead on an arbitrary list!" doesn't excuse the obvious finale ratings trap of this arc.

>regency england
>25% blacked

They admit they lie on purpose too.

They admit the purpose is to mislead, and the implication is clear. The white majority must believe Europe has always been black. It's somehow natural and normal.

I know, I know. I only just finished all of Classic Who for the first time last month. Now I'm trying to get through all of the revival before Christmas. After that, the expanded universe is my oyster.

How lame is it to comfort yourself with a fantasy of a character dying off-screen? She's not real m8.

Who fucking cares?

The 'One of them will die' line from Journey's End was more rubbish imo

I still need to do that myself


>tfw we might get a yuri Doctor now
Will Chibbers have the stones to do it lads? A sapphic Doctor romance?

Watching all of Doctor Who chronologically in succession is a kino experience, I'd highly recommend it. How much of Classic Who have you seen?

Oh god, I forgot about that one.

Say what you want about Moffat not being able to kill off companions, but at least he doesn't spend an entire series baiting viewers with lines like that only to have it not even be true and only work in a technicality sense.

Remember how the big meme that followed Moffat around in the early days of his tenure was that everyone in his stories ends up dying? I have absolutely no idea how the fuck that came about, it's almost enough to make me believe in the Mandela Effect.

The audiences should at least be aware that the show doesn't teach real history.

Most of the historical stories have alien monsters in them, user

I've seen episodes of every classic Doctor but they're randomly sprinkled episodes from all over the place so it's pretty confusing. I've seen the most of Hartnell, Tom Baker, and Pertwee. I'll get around to watching it eventually.

I regret binge watching The Mist netflix adaption recently when I could have been watching classic who because it fucking sucked compared to the movie and I'm annoyed.

Mate, the giant snake monster should get rid of that notion.
Even outside of the supernatural elements of the show, history is lied about constantly, not just in Doctor Who but everywhere. Only when the lie involves race do people like you seem to care, or indeed notice.

It might have just been that he had lots of fakeout deaths e.g. Rory's neverending string of them, Amy in Pandorica, 11 multiple times.

You might enjoy the McCoy era. Parts of it are very clearly a precursor to the RTD era, but it's also it's own wonderful ambitious thing. Seven ended up becoming my favourite Doctor and Ace my favourite companion.

'Next time you need advice from a cuck...'


True, but I could've sworn those memes started coming about before Rory's first death even happened.
>Two of his most famous stories end with the memorable 'everybody lives' payoff
>Le 'Moffat kills everyone you love!!' meme

From what I've seen of his era it does seem right up my alley in terms of humour and Seven seems like such a hilarious fucker



>seven seems like a hilarious fucker

Kek, you might be in for a slight surprise about what Seven and his era is like, beyond Season 24 at least.


gareth stop linking your tweets here

I like Gareth's writing but he's such a pretentious fucker

Im still convinced hes only mad because he wasnt asked back after S8. If you check his older tweets during S8 he was singing a different tune.

Does anybody have that webm of him driving the motorbike and everything explodes because that's what I'm talking about, that sort of shit makes me laugh don't ask me why

Well isn't he one of the darker Doctors?

>one of

As a lesbian, I'd be hyped. Daily Mail would combust, lol.

help i'm being bullied

radiotimes.com/news/tv/2017-11-28/what-clues-does-this-new-doctor-who-picture-hold-about-the-christmas-special/ This is a pointless article

>isn't he one of the darker Doctors?
He tricked a guy into burning himself alive once, yeah. And one of his stories heavily implies he's responsible for the Master being they way s/he is.

>Bill having sparkly boots means she's involved with the ice alien thing
....Stellar article

Do you guys actually like the Matt Smith series or not?

>Who fucking cares?
If regency was that full on coloured people and it was not unusual, the reaction of the guy who was freaking about Bill makes no sense story-wise.

I like 5 and 7a but not 6 and 7b

He's my favorite doctor but really he's Moffat's eccleston.

Remember that time you derailed a thread to be about Trump not being that bad, when nobody had mentioned him?

wew here we go again

could sharon d be older bill?

Ahahaha yeah see that's what I meant by a 'hilarious fucker', maybe I'm just twisted but that's why he appeals to me

5 is one of the best seasons of the entire show.
6 is deeply flawed but has some real highlights.
7 is fairly mediocre.

i don't actually but i'm sure you'll be reminding me till the end of time, so carry on

>wew here we go again
ain't that what poc stands for?

can we not

>Another awful trip getting triggered over politics
Do you really have to discuss this shit in the Doctor Who General?

>what is historical context

>but has some real highlights.
Which episodes?

"coloured" has a long history as a racial pejorative. "person of colour" is a deliberate reframing of the term by people interested in racial equality, which sands off the ugly connotations.

Girl Who Waited
The God Complex
A Good Man goes to War

it's more of an autistic triggering over character's logic



M8 you're literally using a trip, you are using a fixed identity tied to your past posts, why trip at all if you don't want to be recognised




Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
The Doctor's Wife
A Good Man Goes To War
The Girl Who Waited
The God Complex

>autistic triggering

all these buzzwords

I really liked Night Terrors (it's the only one of Gatiss' I actually liked Tbh)

>"coloured" has a long history as a racial pejorative. "person of colour" is a deliberate reframing of the term by people interested in racial equality, which sands off the ugly connotations
sounds kinda the same but i get it now i think

>Why would he be married 3 times if he was a woman hater

jesus fucking christ this guy is deranged

God Complex is such a good episode.

>uses a trip
>gets mad when people notice him

>watching a show about a wacky British man sans irony


Did whelan's mum delete her twitter?

Having a panic attack, help me calm down /who/

watch a comfy episode

Are you underage?


Listen to Bah Bah Biker

How old are you?

Sinse they gonna make First Doctor chauvinistic sexist to make contrast between 60s and 2010s, one would hope they won't make him racist towards Bill as well.


>forgetting the exclamation mark

To be honest I'm okay with this. She's dead for the Doctor because he'll never going to see her again. This is very dramatic on its own.
Yes, I'm aware of S4, but ignoring new ending it works

How old are you?

I have a theory that TheOncomingStorm is just RTD in disguise.

I kinda like that someone is willing to take their time to insult me

How old are you?

If you're not underage, why won't you answer your age?

I'd rather use my time on better things


Cards Against /who/manity, come join

>Password: epicnardole

Two digits. Your post there used far more words than answering your age would. How old are you?


theyre literally just asking a question

Feck. Rip

I'm talking about the guy who used my name though