Are Disney princesses virgins?

Are Disney princesses virgins?

no they're crtoons, now go make another stupid thread about why people don't take their shoes off in the Poltergeist movies or whatever dumb inconsequential bullshit you want to bring up to waste people's fucking time.

Depends if you think anal sex counts, I guess.

All of them are, excluding your favourite.

does this look like a virgin

Yes cause their dads dont count

Not for long

time to go back to rebbit, you obviously can't handle being here

Yes they are pure.

No but you are.

>people don't take their shows off in the Poltergeist films
go on...

the sultan is raw dogging her every night. it's the middle east.

Handle your dad's cock, cuntface. not everybody is content to ride the dick slurping bandwagon of shitty regurgitated nonsense that this board has become.

you mad, bro?

>why people don't take their shoes off in the Poltergeist movies
Why is that, Sup Forums?

I doubt Tiana is a virgin, black girls tend to be really horny when they are teenagers so they lose it quickly.

also the rape

The princesses aren't the only virgins here.


Jasmine was 15 years old in the movie when 18 year old Aladdin came to her bedroom window in the middle of the night to take her on a magic carpet ride.

Jafar was in his late 50s when he forced her to wear a red slave outfit, asked her to marry her, knocked her to the ground, almost slapped the shit out of her, and asked the Genie to force her to fall desperately in love with him.


who the fuck climbs ladders with their knees?

Shes not. She stopped to show off her feet.

I don't believe you

I know elsa is OP

not that one

All the ones that had a sequel and had a kid aren't like Little Mermaid 2.

Drink some more soy, fuckface.

>Snow White

>Meg, aka best girl

Where does Nala fit in?


Don’t talk shit about Chel.

I ain't nigger

Truly /ourvillain/

>>why people don't take their shoes off in the Poltergeist movies
>Why is that, Sup Forums?
People wear shoes indoors for most movies and TV shoes for the same reason. It is dangerous to go barefoot on a film set or soundstage, and the floor they use is often too slippery for socks. Actors spend more time off camera than on camera on any given day so they just leave their shoes on. Some film sets have active construction going on so proper footwear is often required just to get to the craft services.

Virtually every sitcom on TV and in almost all films the characters wear shoes indoors unless they are specifically filming a barefoot or bedroom scene. This isn't an "Americans wear shoes indoors" thing, it is a film production thing.



What does god semen taste like?

I don't remember this scene at all in the film.

Furfags deserve the rope

>s-s-soyboy! Teehee!

Funny, just last night I was thinking how amazing it’d be to have a harem of all the Disney Princesses (Leading ladies included)
Off the top of my head theres
>Snow White
>Captain Amelia
>Mrs. Incredible
>The Mom from Iron Giant

Am i missing anyone?


let's just get this out of the way

>I'm OP
>I hate women
>Women are inferior to men in every single possible way
>Women are more likely to cheat, cause violence, do everything negative while nothing postive
>I am going to post everything I got off r9k when someone disagrees with me
>Also beta, cuck, never had a girlfriend, ect ect ect

there, thread done

No, it has long been established that disney duet scenes are metaphors for sexual intercourse.

Artist is a woman

>Disney Princesses
>Iron Giant

I've. ..never thought of it this way....does that mean Mulan got gang banged by the entire Chinese army?

Who hurt you?

>just last night I was thinking how amazing it’d be to have a harem of all the Disney Princesses

this is the most badly anyone has even needed to get laid ever

What did she do to you man

t. soyboy

Can someone please tell me if this is an edit or actually from the movie?

She made men out of them.

don't forget the most underrated disneygal (me on the left)

Being a girl is wanting to become rich and famous. Being a woman is wanting to find your own tarzan


yes, and?

>t. actual homo

And nothing was lost

If you look at their ages and their backstories, most of them probably are

As of the end of the original film they appeared in:

Snow White - Yes
Cinderella - No
Sleeping Beauty - Yes
Ariel - No
Jasmine - No
Mulan - Doubtful
Bell - No
Pocahontas - With that body and all those shirtless chads? No way
Esmeralda - LMAO, no fucking way
Megara - Huge cumslut
Tiana - Yes, too concerned with work to get a lay
Elsa - Yes, frozen vag
Moana - No


Yes, it's necessary.


Snow white was 14...? The queen was jealous of a 14 year old....wait the mirror said a 14 year old was the hottest chick around wtf disney

She's pure, fuck off

>Mulan mediocre
>Belle and Jane only good
This is the worst list of all time.

Imagine making this.

>He's a furry
Yup, discarded

thank you for your service, mr estronaut!

This is getting old.

>Most of the barefoot ones are in perfect tier
I'm okay with this

Reminds me of that Princess Trainer game where she gets impregnated by Jafar at the end in front of all of Agrabah.