Remake > Original
Remake > Original
Both sucked dick, but at least the original was funny
Both sucked dick, but at least the original was funny
Both sucked dick, but I didn't see the original
Not only that, but the remake is also the best horror movie ever made
>pic unrelated
>the remake is also the best horror movie ever made
weak bait
This but unironically.
1. IT
2. The Exorcist
3. The Shining
4. Alien
5. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
6. Psycho
7. Nosferatu
8. Halloween
9. The Blair Witch Project
10. The Thing
Problem with the original was that it was for tv for some stupid reason
The only good thing about the remake is this talented little actress
>wahhhhhrr im moving my head very quickly and screaming at the screen !!!!!!
>instant classic
what the fuck is wrong with today's moviegoers?
>waaaah I post on Sup Forums all day
>what is wrong with other people?
>was for tv for some stupid reason
"Oh well we could make this for theathers or for TV... let's make it for TV"
That's not how it works user
Not a remake. Both based on a book.
>thought she was a 20 year old playing a 13 year old
>it was a 13 year old playing a 13 year old
Holy shit nu Sup Forums was a mistake
How then?
>Original clown
>Normal looking clown
>Until he goes full evil
>New clown
>Constantly scary looking
>Going full evil mode now means nothing
Garbage > Trash
It doesn't really matter either way. The movie is overall better and closer to the book than the miniseries. Pennywise was never supposed to be subtle since it's the literal visual representation of a child's fear.
Id love to be a little girl and have georgie as my boyfriend
Beth sucked dick, at least in the book she was cummy.
>The movie is overall better and closer to the book than the miniseries.
That might be true, but they could have at least made him less evil looking in the scene where he tries to get the kid to stick his hand down the drain.
I got a nephew that age who'll fucking cry when I even show him a cartoon from my childhood.
so its kinda unbelievable that a kid that age would be talking to a FUCKING EVIL LOOKING CLOWN and then still stick his hand down the drain.
90s Pennywise at least tried to look friendly when he was luring him in.
Maybe your nephew is just a little bitch
>"I beat you because I wanted to FUCK you, Bevvie, that's all I wanted to do, I wanted to FUCK you, I wanted to EAT you, I wanted to eat your PUSSY, I wanted to SUCK your CLIT up between my teeth, YUM-YUM, Bevvie, oooohhhhh, YUMMY IN MY TUMMY, I wanted to put you in the cage... and get the oven hot... and feel your CUNT... your plump CUNT... and when it was plump enough to eat... to eat... EAT..."
So this is the power of King's writing...whoa
You can tell which parts he wrote after doing a line of coke.
He really is, cries after everything.
Which is great because I hate my sister so I take joy out of knowing she has to wake up every night to comfort him after he has a bad dream from watching an 80s episode of the Smurfs.
Remake has Witch minion and Zombie minion, so I agree.
>t. I can't think of a single reason this movie is good
boring old cynical no-life nostalgiafags incoming. It 2 was great and you can suck my cock.
>oooohhhhh, YUMMY IN MY TUMMY
for real stephen
most absolutely fucking retarded shit i've ever seen
also what's with this new "pointing your forehead at the ground and looking up/forward with your eyes is hardcore" thing? fucking retarded as well
they did it with that little girl in stranger things
this movie finally confirmed for me that horror is for children and brainlets
It's not hardcore, it's creepy. It makes your brow appear as if it is drooping over your eyes which gives an expression which is equal parts angry/seedy when coupled with a smile.
Absolutely toothless horror. Almost no blood, no gore, no distrubing imagery, music is forgettable, clown acts like a faggy Joker cosplayer, no attempts were made to give Derry any kind of visual character, all encounters with It were dumb and pointless. It's not even competently shot, the stupid steadycam gimmick on Pennywise was comedy gold.
>It's not hardcore, it's creepy. It makes your brow appear as if it is drooping over your eyes which gives an expression which is equal parts angry/seedy when coupled with a smile.
pretty sure it makes you look like a 13-year-old who shops at hot topic+walmart and watches naruto/dragon ball Z/pro wrestling
>1. IT
>3. The Shining
>10. The Thing
What do you expect? Stephen King is literally entry level horror, and shit-tier.
>The Thing isn't in the top 5
The Thing
The Blair Witch Project
rest are trash
fuck you
you also forgot The Fly
this place is nothing but plebs now
>The Thing that low
>Blair Witch
Porn Parody > Remake > Original
I thought boys stopped wearing ear pins in the 90's.
no it wasnt, it was 3 hours of GUYS ARE WE HAVING FUN AS FRIENDS OR WHAT x 5000 then WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING fucking boring shit, at least the remake is better paced with better child actors and effects.
That's because his strengths lie elsewhere, not in horror. See Dark Tower.
The Thing doesn't even deserve to be on there, it's awful in every way.