Holy fucking shit why didn’t you losers tell me how good this was earlier
I’m on the fourth episode, shit is comfy as hell. Maddy a qt
Holy fucking shit why didn’t you losers tell me how good this was earlier
I’m on the fourth episode, shit is comfy as hell. Maddy a qt
There's like four Twin Peaks threads up at all times you retard. Also, enjoy your soap opera.
>tfw no american diners because not american
Just gimme a green card already
I searched the catalog and didn’t see any user, usually in that case it’s okay to make a thread
Usually those are discussing the new season
>Maddy a qt
Let me fix that for you user
Sheryl a qt
are you guys getting excited for 6 hours of bonus kino on december 5th?
>it's all just footage from 1990-2017 of Lynch balls deep in the actresses
ernie niles > maddy ;_;
>why didn’t you losers tell me how good this was earlier
it's one of the most heavily shilled shows in Sup Forums, please lurk more before poasting new friend
Eileen Hayward > ernie niles
but imagine if you were that pen
keep triggering em, professor.
Gotta knife?
American diners tend to range from the best food you’ve ever had in your life to the worst food you’ve ever had in your life. It’s really variable
Maddy is the best girl, I hope nothing bad happens to her.
We told you one million times leland is the killer but is actually possesed by BOB, an evil entity go fuck yourself
>dude Leland did nothing wrong it was all an evil spirit
t. Brainlet
Laura's dad is the killer btw OP
I never said that. At the same time Leland is just a small part of a larger dream so it doesn't matter by the end of S3
>plebs ITT actually blaming based Leland
You tell me that you wouldn’t bang your daughter if she was Sheryl Lee, girl was sexy as fuck
t. David Lynch
t. The Midget
Do you guys really think anyone isn’t aware of the twist by now? It’s like “Bruce Willis was dead the whole movie”-tier
Leland killed laura
Calm down you spergs, I already know Leland did it and Cooper gets possessed by the demon at the end, it’s still a good show
>tfw its just gonna be an extended cut of the show with 1 hour of cooper driving through a corn field backwards and another 5 hours of sweeping edited in
t. some electric tree
diners are incredibly overrated. cheap ones are trash and good ones are expensive, never really found anything in the middle.
make sure you leave a 50% tip or they literally chase after you with a shotgun
FWWM is a metaphor for Lynch fucking his daughter anyway
>tfw no Twin Peaks and chill with Lucy
>Maddy a qt
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.
This was cutekino
The ____ Squad has arrived!