>i'm old and brainwashed by outdated conventions
I'm old and brainwashed by outdated conventions
She's absolutely right.
Angela Lansbury is unironically /ourgranny/
Did you get mugged? Well, it's your fault for not looking poor.
Are you contradicting Ms. Fletcher? Don't you know how many muders she's solved?
Based granny
Well,you can get mugged just because you flaunted your wealth just like some girls get raped because they flaunt their bodies so your comparison isn't that sound.
as opposed to
>I will soon be old and am brainwashed by conventions that will soon be outdated
Is the one that much better than the other?
>a murder just happens to be commited wherever she goes, and then she "solves" it
Wait she is still alive???
Based! Roasties and radfems probably didn't bother reading the full interview transcript and just read one out of context quote and are getting their free-bleeding panties twisted up lel.
No, that’s what makes this latest story so mysterious
All the more reason to never disagree with her.
you're an idiot
FBI probably had a file on her as thick as a phonebook.
>See rare Angela Lansbury thread on Sup Forums of all places
>Think she must be dead because shes over 90s
>Get scared
I love this old woman so much. She also hated the idea of Emma Watsons new feminist fueled Beauty and the Beast live action remake. She was the only original cast member to speak out against it.
She's right though. Bless her, I'm happy she's still kicking.
...... Yeah. Did you get robbed? It's your fault for leaving the windows open.
Based Paul Mccartney
Im honestly amazed she's still alive. I assumed she was dead 10 years ago.
It's still the robber's fault
smart cookie
>Be Angela
>Mention how women might have focused too much on the way they look instead of how to behave.
>gets massively attacked on twitter for "victim shaming"
This world can not be saved.
She was GOAT in Manchurian Canidate
It's all or nothing with people today. You can't agree with some part of a left leaning or right leaning philosophy,you must agree with every part otherwise you are the enemy.
It's nice to see at least one celeb speaking out against Disney pushing for these shitty live action remakes of classic animated films.
>“I was a bit taken aback, naturally. I thought, ‘Why? Why are we doing this over again?’” she told Entertainment Weekly when asked about the remake.
>“I don’t know why they’re doing it. But they are
>I can’t understand what they’re going to do with it that will be better than what we’ve already done.”
if brits care so much about rape why do they keep ignoring the paki rape gangs?
>be Hollywood actress
>try to look as sexy as possible
>"mmm yeah, I look good"
>weird Jew producer makes a pass on you
Fuck off retard.
they are not in the position of power so it can't be rape
It's pretty sad how these days "sexual assault" = someone unattractive hitting on you. I guarantee if the roasties who reported Louis C.K. for wanting to masturbate in front of them had been asked by say Ryan Gosling, they would've not only obliged, but also swallowed his cummies afterwards.
This. No woman would give a fuck if someone younger and attractive was going at himself in front of them
As opposed to being brainwashed by new conventions
This. It's merely an expression of their discomfiture with the uneven balance of which people of their race are treated in British society. It's all 100% symbolic.t heir penises represent the social more's that keep them oppressed and the rape-ee's snatch represents the desire for equitable treatment . You racists need to open your eyes and think.
>feminist fueled Beauty and the Beast live action remake
It's not really any more or less feminist than the original.
what old hag is still alive?
I love how most of these harassment confessions go
>yo, Harvey asked you to come to his private room, wear something nice
>hmmmmm surely he just wants to talk business about the role
>I still want the role though, I'll just do it and complain 15 years later
I've never been mugged because I don't put myself in situations in which I am either and easy target or likely to get mugged.
Women will literally fuck anybody they can to get ahead or to even get out of work.
t. Used to be in leaf military
I'm also pretty sure you can't get drunk, take someone home, spot them a 20, and then claim it's a mugging cause you were drunk
I agree with Ms. Lansbury. And so here is the male solution to this 21st century conumdrum.
When a woman dresses like a slut call her out on it.
Invariably the response: "But you're impinging on muh freedom of expression!"
The male retort: "Have you ever heard of a thing called self constraint? Or how about self control?"
In a world that's forgotten manners, morals and character, I think Ms. Lansbury does not reflect outdated morals as the social media pundits are touting. She is reflecting the morals of an enlightened future.
you got the picture wrong, buddy
I remember as a kid watching bedknobs and broomsticks, from the 1970s, and even back then she looked older than my grandma
There's blame enough for two.
>“I really do think that. Although it’s awful to say we can’t make ourselves look as attractive as possible without being knocked down and raped.”
Yea don't flatter yourself, angela lansbury
If you walk through the worst part of town looking like you've got money, where people who look like you get mugged all the time, yea it's kinda your fault if you get mugged.
We know certain kinds of men are just rapists. Athletes, movies stars, rich old dudes; people with presumed social authority. If you don't want to get raped, don't hang out around a rapist.
Does this absolve the rapist of guilt? Not at all. Did you still have a part to play? Of course you fucking did.
If you want nothing bad to happen to you, never leave your house. For when you do, the justice system exists.
Post a pic of yourself in 67 years.
You know, that's a really good analogy. When I used to go out drinking a lot I had a tendency to be extra generous with my money once I got loaded enough. After the second time I blew 200 bucks in one night though, I had enough sense to realize it was my fault and got it through my head to stop having more than 50 bucks if I was gonna get that drunk. Still though, there was one time when I knew my brother had just took a hundred off of me while I was passed out and I can honestly say that shit is a pretty fucked up feeling.
>when I knew my brother had just took a hundred off of me
Well yeah that's an actual crime, as is raping a girl who is passed out
Kinda looks like Ariel Winter
Why is this so complicated for this retarded society?
Men should never rape or assault sexually. Dressing sexily makes you a target for perverted criminal rapists. People should never murder. Standing around in a dark parking lot in the projects makes you a target for murderous criminals.
You should be able to feel safe. That's not the world we live in. These fucking fools are trying to talk and argue their way into feeling invincible in any situation, as if criminals won't exist because you told them not to commit crimes. That's what criminals do, that's what rapists and murderers do, they listen to people telling them to stop. Also I would love it to be illegal to quote Twitter posts in news articles, because holy fuck what a bunch of absolute dopes.
"Officer you arn't listening to me................"
>"yeah yeah lady, i know all about you. You write those mystery books, fancy yourself a bit of a detective. Well this po-lice department don't need no help from amateurs, we know exactly who the killer of western civilization was. It was our own hubris and I've got ironclad proof so thats an end to it!"
"no no no you've got it all wrong. Please just listen to me...... the real killer of western civilization was subversive jews and i can prove it"
>"that the biggest heap o' baloney i ever heard miss, now if you-"
"fine i'll bring them to justice myself. You'll see"
I didn't get the relevance of this scene when i first watched this show. Lansbury's turbo based
She is too old to care, so she can say the raw truth. Good for her!
it's extreme individualism coupled with selfishness.
there are literally people (of both sexes) who spend 15+ hours a day posting and re-tweeting on twitter who genuinely believe they are making a difference and changing the world. fucking snowflakes. they should always be ignored of course, but delving into that world is often depressing, what a clusterfuck of identity politics and people of low social hierarchy / status fighting with each other over nothing.
don't they understand they are just one individual out of 7 billion and the universe doesn't give a shit about who they are?
holy fucking based
>These fucking fools are trying to talk and argue their way into feeling invincible in any situation, as if criminals won't exist because you told them not to commit crimes.
I love this line. People are just stubborn and refuse a compromise and they will wait until the other side completely vanishes rather than do what they can from their end. It's like hating winter and wearing shorts outside because fuck you winter,I'll dress how I feel like!
If you strap a bunch of bloody meat to yourself then jump into a giant pool filled with sharks, can you really blame the sharks if they attack you?
i believe people should have the right to wear bloody meat. why aren't we teaching sharks not to eat bloody meat?
>no archive link
>no click
buy an ad viral marketers
This movie is Britbong-kino... there's nothing like using reanimated suits of armor to fight German saboteurs invading the countryside from a submarine. The musical numbers were great, too.
If I walked through the hood fanning myself with a wad of bills, it would be my fault if I got robbed, yes.
t. soyboy feminist "ally" so desperate for pussy he will drink their kool-aid, only to watch those brave strong feminist womyn take chad's dick
It's still the mugger's fault, but one ought to avoid known dangerous places and people. So a drunk girl should avoid niggers and muslims if she wants to avoid the danger of being raped.
Liberals say "tell men to stop raping". Well, I say "stop letting niggers and muslims in".