starting with him
Actors hated by reddit & loved by Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
grandpa munster biopic when
Nicholas Cage.
Based Tom
No hates Keanu you faggot
this is now a husbando thread
Was that meant to make sense?
this is the guy photoshopping little hats on all the jewish actors
Reddit fucking loves Ryan you faggot
>loving a brainwashed faggot
Speak for yourself
Church of cruisology is a corrupt cult, kys shill
honestly how can anyone dislike tom cruise
> handsome and charismatic
> wants to fight aliens irl to save humanity
> does all his own stunts
> makes every movie fun and has made tons of classics
> makes people cry by telling them off
Vince Vaughn
Tom Hardy mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Aiden Gillan
of course all australians are phenomenal shitposters
Many people dislike Keanu for his completely inability to act.
His mouth looks like an anus.
the opposite, at least after he sold out to reddit this year.
Shills finally found the thread. Don't worry, the thetan will end you soon.
Goose and Keanu are universally liked.
Nick Cage unironically
Reddit likes him ironically as "le wacky over the top actor man in bad movies"
Because muh Scientology as if his insanity is relevant to his to enjoy his work
Is Sup Forums the real soy goy? Reddit loves Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Samuel Jackson, but Sup Forums won't shut up about Ryan Gosling and Jake Gyllenhaal.
he's too high t for them
Sup Forums gained popularity for attacking scientology, go back to bed xenu
people here are just as insane, I think that's why we like him
he's the chad user brought to life
Mel Gibson
Yeah we're insane, not idiots
>muh website rival
you are as bad as reddit faggets
+mission impossible 6 kills capeshit mustache
never forget 2:30
yep, he's our guy
Everyone loves them though. I've never heard a person who hates Arnold, Sly, or Samuel L. Jackson.
Never heard of anybody disliking Clint, besides him being made fun of a bit for talking to an empty chair.
I'm curious as to whether or not Reddit talks about Sup Forums nearly as much. This place is fucking obsessed with Reddit.
Considering there are whole subreddits dedicated to Sup Forums, I would say its more concentrated there. Not as widespread though.
He's like the embodiment of Sup Forums. Just a gigantic autist put in interesting situations.