hey is battlestar galactica actually any good? about to watch the miniseries but i heard it's gay bullshit so idk and i really don't trust fucking autists who care way too much which i obviously dont (hence the lower case and lack of punctuation) also i like girls feet
It's sad we won't get any nude photoshoots any more.
By the way it's not sci-fi angels and God were behind everything.
Jace Mitchell
it has some low points, and some of the low points last for a while... but overall it's definitely worth a watch.
the high points (and there are more high than low) are unforgettable
James Wright
case by case basis honestly. lots of asian chicks have really bland boring feet, but i guess they're probably nicer on average when you're looking at the huge range of white girl feet which includes some really fucking disgusting shit
>1st season awesome >2nd season pretty good >steep decline thereafter, completely ridiculous by last season >Great FX throughout >pretty obvious that the whole "they have a plan" didn't apply to the writers
Oliver Watson
>completely ridiculous by last season I hate when that happens. Can you elaborate on this without heavy spoilers? Would love to hear your opinion in more detail.
Logan Perez
Ethan Peterson
For the first season, season-and-a-half, the show was semi-hard military SF. By the final season, it was magical realism in space. Personally I loved the genre shift but others were not so enlightened.
Lucas Davis
Ryder Morris
yeah it's good, quit being a faggot and just watch the series. final season goes off the rails tho
William Howard
>magical realism in space what did he mean by this?
Daniel Perry
Miniseries, first season, and half of the second season were great. The last truly great arc was the Pegasus arc in season two, though that also had flaws, like making the Pegasus crew too one dimensionally morally bankrupt to contrast the Galactica crew.
The last half of season two gets really episodic and weak, but the finale is good. Season three opens strong in my opinion, but turns to pure shit after a few episodes. Too much personal drama about who is fucking who on the ship. Good finale though.
Final season is pretty weak outside of a few episodes. Razor movie is pretty good, but goes too much between flashbacks and the present for my liking. The Plan was shit.
The Cylons never had a plan.
Andrew Cook
The writing was very improvised (in the way that rdm didn't have a clear end in goal and kept shit mysterious in order to be able to go many directions) from the get go but by the end they had written themselves into a corner and couldn't find a coherent way to tie up the open ends. It worked really well for the first seaons but the final season is basically the last episode of dexter in WTF-leves.
Chase Gomez
>and i really don't trust fucking autists who care way too much Then why are you asking Sup Forums?
Camden Thomas
Overall it's good, I even loved it at the beginning, but a few episodes into season 3 I noticed I had to force myself to keep watching. Still I was somehow satisfied by the ending and I don't regret sticking with it.
William Long
also it was one of the last shows to do long seasons so if they do another space show it'll be little 10 episode cuck seasons.
Charles Bailey
>Pegasus crew too one dimensionally morally bankrupt >forced at gunpoint to dismantle the FTLdrive from his familys ship and leave them behind to be essentially a repair-slave on pegasus
Chase Sullivan
OP here, other scifi garbage I've really enjoyed: firefly stargate sg-1 atlantis i assume this is nothing like any of those
Bentley Walker
I get what they were going for, that having a harsh commander made the entire crew harsh as a result, but it just came off as really flat for me. I did enjoy Admiral Cain herself though.
And yeah, I felt bad for that guy.
Elijah Thomas
the only thing it's like is space above and beyond
Luis Howard
watch the miniseries and the pilot episode of the TV series, '33', OP
Kevin Morgan
forgot to mention: hated stargate universe, turned it off a few episodes in
Ian Baker
already added those three to kodi, thanks senpai
Kevin King
now get off Sup Forums and watch them and make up your own mind
Chase Nguyen
the weirder part is that the Pegasus' crew just falls into line after Garner dies. They stuck to the social fallout of New Caprica for like ten episodes afterwards, yet the Pegasus' crew just gives up?
That's part of a wider issue with the series, similar to the cast is a bit too small, and almost everything is explored or done by Lee or Kara. Both relatively dull characters
Michael Wright
no, my plan is to stay here talking about it without ever watching it pretty soon i will form strong opinions and even begin to believe my own bullshit, then defend them vehemently to other unemployed people
Nicholas Myers
that's the spirit
Ryan Perez
Mostly enjoyable, season 4 is a struggle to get through. Season 1+ 2 were god tier, season 3 was good for the most part.
Michael Lewis
The miniseries and first two seasons are GOAT but the back half is two seasons of aimless sturm und drang. Then The Miracle finally shows up and puts us and the cast out of our shared misery. Should really have ended with the last episode of 4.0
Connor Thompson
Mid season 3 onward it's one lousy piece of shit. It's a soapy misery porn in space. That, and the ending made sure I'll never watch it a second time. I'd rather watch the worst episode of B5 50 times over.
Connor Hughes
Best to experience it for yourself, but...
Ongoing BORING soap opera with multiple characters Pretty much all characters become caricatures of the people that were established in earlier seasons Absolute stupidity and magic around a character that really doesn't pass sniff tests and is ultimately unfulfilling and unbelievable Mysticism that is never explained and is poorly conceived for both humans and Cylons Goofy finale
Moore could learn a thing or two from The Wire, Breaking Bad, GOT -- sometimes you gotta kill a popular character off in the interests of storytelling. Missed this opportunity on at least 3 occasions, and the one they tried, they pussied out with some reincarnation magic (not Cylon, or maybe it is....to this day it's unclear).
Thomas Edwards
>Should really have ended with the last episode of 4.0
Is this the Cylon Earth? if so, that would've been great. Just end the series and never explain
Jayden Evans
season 3 had the most low points, too much whining and space Iraq bullshit that they thought would get emmys, but even that picks up when they get to baltar's trial. I don't get the season 4 hate either, every episode is kino.
Levi Martinez
>You know, I know about farming
Joshua Rivera
I want the Asian's feet on me.
Josiah Flores
If it's obvious that people liked, first and foremost, the actual Battlestar + space combat and the military setting, why did Moore make Caprica? Should he have just not tried, at least immediately, to fit everything cleanly together and just focused on the inter-Colonial Conflict that would eventually turn into the Cylon war?
Carter White
Expanse has better
Ian Foster
Lee was really dull. Kara could actually be interesting to me sometimes, but she also suffered from the problem of being too good at everything. Kara is the best pilot! She's a great strategist! She's the best shot!
Plus her relationship with Lee was pure cancer when they were romantically involved.
Ian Murphy
I agree that he could learn a thing or two from The Wire. The Wire was planned out really well. Each season had a theme, and they built upon it in a cohesive way. Their only misstep was maybe the serial killer arc.
Meanwhile, BSG was very obviously "let's throw shit at a wall and see what sticks". To be fair, a lot of shows just make up shit after a while with no set plan, but it was extremely noticeable in BSG.
Eli Stewart
Henry Williams
They tried that with Blood and Chrome after Caprica flopped. But it flopped even harder, only the pilot got made. It was never picked up. It had it's own flaws too though.
Wyatt Brown
OP here, what order should I watch things in?
Miniseries -> 2004 Series -> then what?
And should any specials punctuate the 2004 series?
Brandon Murphy
>is battlestar galactica actually any good? its trash. i watched the first ~5 episodes and it was shit
Easton Wood
it barely has any, you retard. BSG is full of them.
Dominic Phillips
Logan Phillips
I used to crank it to these 2 on the reg
Adrian Jackson
are you downloading torrents user? there's a torrent on PB with all seasons + tv movies in order with subtitles
Christopher Thomas
Blood and Chrome was a CG and lensflare mess. Caprica was kino desu
Joshua Walker
Does it have all the webisodes as well?
Adrian Ramirez
otherwise, its: miniseries season 1 season 2 the resistance webisodes season 3 razor (tv movie) season 4 ep 1-11 face of the enemy webisodes season 4 ep 12-21 the plan (tv movie) blood and chrome (tv movie) (prequel)
Isaiah Evans
miniseries season 1 season 2 the resistance webisodes season 3 razor (tv movie) season 4 ep 1-11 face of the enemy webisodes season 4 ep 12-21 the plan (tv movie) caprica blood and chrome (tv movie) (prequel)
Joseph Brown
yeah boiiiiii
Ryan Evans
Aaron Lopez
>her relationship with Lee was pure cancer when they were romantically involved. Agreed, they were better off as friends/colleagues not that I actually cared about any of the bsg "romances" except for Adama/Roslin
Blake Baker
Who the hell cares about the citizens of Caprica? I WANT MILITARY IN SPACE GODDAMIT
Joseph Fisher
My fucking nigger. Adama/Roslin is pure kino.
I didn't mind Karl/Athena too bad. But the rest were shit.
Justin Morris
Adama should have blown Roslin out of the airlock in season 2. would have been a better show desu
Why was Boomer in love with Chief, but Athena was in love with Karl? How did that work on a day-to-day basis?
Gabriel Hernandez
I guess because Boomer fell in love with Chief before she knew she was a toaster. Athena never meant to fall in love with Karl from what I remember, it just happened.
James Wright
Chief was a literal cuck >HOTDOGGED
Adrian Martinez
I thought she looked more carefree with Sam
Charles Williams
Caprica was a clusterfuck We were supposed to see the invention of the Cylons, their mass-production and integration into every facet of every life in the Colonies followed by their attaining sentience and the subsequent rebellion which lead to the first Cylon War Instead what we got was teenage angst, family drama and some gangster bullshit. It was weak. I would have given it a second season but I would have laid down the law for Ron >Stop writing fucking theological existential drama and start building Cylons!
Jordan Martin
Pegasus is my shipfu!
Austin Morris
Thanks for the heads up. What's PB? I have an IPT and a PTP account but I've never heard of PB.
Josiah Mitchell
Jason Campbell
>Intentionally reversing the order
Josiah Nelson
Kill, Fuck, Marry
Cameron Gray
I agree with the first two, first is a one, second is a three, but the asian chick is at least a six!
Christian Myers
Actually, I think you'll find it's >1 > 6 > 8
Nolan Rivera
The Expanse(Miller) has nothing to do with space battles. A handful of space interactions do not approach anything in BSG
the tiny tits on the one on the right are goat though 3=2>1 IMO
Jacob Cooper
Valkyrie is the superior shipfu
Kayden Scott
>liking tiny tits Child molester confirmed
Jackson Hill
I wanna make boom-boom in Boomer's bum!
Luis Martinez
user, I...
Jaxon Cook
Caprica finally started to get good within the last literally ten minutes of the finale. But yeah, it was a clusterfuck. I can't really blame Sci-Fi for canning it, I probably would have too.
Mason Evans
She gets ugly in a hurry without makeup / photoshop
Brody James
BSG is full 100% plebeian oats. Original BSG is at least comfy camp show. The remake takes itself so seriously but has intellectual capacity of 90's emo kid.
Watch B5 instead.
Adrian Gonzalez
>sacrificing the more advanced battlestar with ecm, more guns, and a viper factory What did fat Lee mean by that?
Luis Williams
I see what you did there you cheeky sod
Nolan Green
The original BSG is a Star Trek knock off
Brody Foster
I still haven't forgiven him for that
Grayson Brown
Eh, it was more Star Wars-y with the dogfights in the Vipers
Michael Butler
>those arches
Josiah Lee
>I'm getting my men I'm getting my men
Jason Garcia
Cain did nothing wrong
Aaron Turner
>not liking best romance
Andrew Edwards
>tfw the park sisters are your sci fi waifus
Logan Cox
I thought she wasn't related to Linda Park?
Tyler Wright
>mid/late s3 I liked the Algae planet. Adama arming the nuclear strike was based. I legit believe he would have done it. Baltar's trial was pretty good, but fuck man WE AM CYLONS was full retard.
Charles Brooks
fucking stupid fatso, his plan to give the cylons space aids was fantastic though
Joseph Rogers
Yeah there was some good stuff in season three, I can be harsh on that season. I think the stuff after they get back on the Galactica, and all of the Lee/Kara fucking around type drama just gives me a negative impression of that season overall. The stuff with Baltar on the Cylon ship wasn't that good either. His trial was good though. One of Lee's better moments too.