that face when you get a second season
That face when you get a second season
we gon see cate blanchett tiddies boys i can feel it!
I wish should could psychologically explain why Im so sexually attracted to that character even though she doesnt really look that pretty
That face when holden trys to fagmount you in the office and keeps accidentally doing anal due to bad posture and Tench walked in on it and no longer considers his partner a man
>UNDERSTANDING KILLERS IN ORDER TO CATCH THEM BETTER!??!??! I'VE NEVER HEARD OF ANYTHING SO ABSURD WHY I - oh it turns out everybody in the world except me thinks that's a good idea
Tell me why the fbi director hasn't been fired already
What was your mother like?
>You're telling me you want to STUDY them?
emotional distant mommy gf
what you mean she has a big rack for her frame and nice legs whats not to like
not like her at all. typical small town southern mom. Think marge simpson+the mom from that 70s show
it was a different time
Read the book
Because it was crazy to fraternize with serial killer like Ed Kemper (picture related from one of the real interviews the series is based on) and it might look bad if the FBI entertained killers like that.
>yfw the major conflict in the series is BAD WORDS
I had to turn this off about ten minutes in when they go to the bar and start talking about how "crime is changing". The dialogue was so on the nose cringe that it disgusted me. Does it get better?
His neck is so fucking long.
Is Anna Torv turning into Gillian Anderson?
I think so. I only watched the first two episodes, but if you hated that you might not like the series
The first episode is the worst and is totally useless.
It does get better, but Holden is always a little bitch
Groff is a total bottom though
What a bumblebutt.
Needs big fat fake tits to make it work
Was there ever made a diagram which explains fagmount?
bureaucrats hate change
The virgin FBI profilers and the Chad serial killer
I think the original description is pretty self explanatory
Daily reminder that the author or mindhunter thinks that a stranger killed John Benet Ramsey, he didn't even mention the son in his analysis of it.
What a pleb.
up until the 70s, people though crazy people were just born fucked up in the brain and the idea that someone could be born normal, go through something horrible, and then that event fucking them up mentally was a crazy new idea
But none of the killers interviewed were "Born normal"
They were always fucked up and just needed the right tipping point to go murderer.
It's more like they were being proactive about it and marking all the ways someone can be crazy before they actually go out and do something really illegal
Most evidence does point to a stranger because of the evidence of how the perpetrator supposedly left. This is assuming it wasn't staged.
No it doesn't how did the perpetrator leave?
Is her body of work any good?
She has a perky disposition in most of her roles
That wasn't Cate Blanchett, it was Carrie Coon
First season of Fringe was pretty good. It's main storyline is worse than the worst of X-Files though.
Hopes for the second season:
>Removal of ALL of the residual, pointless "plot"
>Increased focus on killer interviews.
Will these hopes come to pass? Absolutely not, but one can hope.
I think the problem with the "pointless plots" of S1 is that it didn't have a good payoff.
We kept seeing Holden's boring gf because it showed us that he was bringing his work home and it was affecting him.
Like after the bitchboy murderer who killed his whore waifu, Holden asked her how many dicks she sucked in college. Despite Bill saying how none of it affected Holden, it did.
And the end had a whole bunch of stressor events affect Holden all at once. Dumped by gf. Trouble at work. Alienation from coworkers.
They were setting up for this big break for Holden and I don't think we got one that was satisfying enough.
There were a bunch of good ideas in this show but it felt loose and floppy bad, just loose.
This show is just boring unsexy Hannibal right?
No, they're not similar at all.
it's boring and unsexy, but nothing like hannibal
You are so wrong, they are gonna do it the other way around, shitlord.
relationship drama is for the housewives, who are most likely pay for the netflix
it's same for any tv show.
you will never get your wish. EVER. every tv show has pointless relationship dramas, just fucking accept it.
some people call it character development because most real people have been or are in relationships themselves
this is basically the gist of it, where the guy leaves enough separation for his butthole to be plowed
This is due to American Protestant (Puritan) values and entrenchted belief in predestination
Season 2 filming starts in April btw
Holden is better off without the twat gf
well mine was there to provide financial support, but emotionally he was out to lunch unless he was angry, which he frequently was
so, it would be useful in a threesome?
Worst character in the show. Saw posts about her possibly being a self-insert, died laughing at the thought. College dumbdumb whore who has like, the COOLEST taste in music. Definitely worth being an mc in a big series guys!
She's meant to be detestable though right? It's not intentional?
>that one spineless, duplicitous rat cunt who almost sabotaged the entire operation by anonymously sending the inquirers/investigators the tape FOR LITERALLY NO REASON AT ALL
I hope he somehow gets raped to death by Big Ed
He was a Christcuck
That pissed me off but Holden should have stood by his work instead of being a pussy too. Either destroy it right away or stand by it, don't be a fag and ask people to lie for you.
There's always going to be both. Deep down people want to see personal relationships and drama unfold because then they can relate to it thus making the show and it's characters more relatable.
I definitely know I started crying when Holden walked in on his girl at the school
And that's exactly why I don't care for it
I just wish they'd have normal looking girlfriends instead of models
Half way through s1 I was starting to hope Holden would slowly become a serial killer himself but then I read a bit what the series is based on :C
Oh and did anyone understand how or why HODLen accepted his grill back after finding out she was cheating on him?
she's a lesbo, lesbos are hot, 2+2 is 5
That's what he learned during his inquisition
>The only mistake I made was doubting myself
Punished Holden next season?
>Half way through s1 I was starting to hope Holden would slowly become a serial killer himself
But he "did" in a way.
Holden's story in S1 is that he was put through a lot of the same stressors that the killers go through.
He had his breakdown in episode 10, but instead of going off and murdering people, he has an anxiety attack
>Half way through s1 I was starting to hope Holden would slowly become a serial killer himself but then I read a bit what the series is based on
I still consider it a possibility. They don't have to stick exactly to the source material and have already taken liberties.
I just want more Ed
Giv giant killer bf
What they should have done at the end of S1 is when Ed shows off his scar, Holden should have prodded him to finish the job right there. Tear out the stitches.
Ed already says that there's no security. There's no one around.
What a bitch.
The season ended so abruptly. It was jarring how little closer there was.
Why would he mention the son when it was obviously one of the father's friends.
I think Holden's freakout was a good place to end it.
The entire season was him dodging any sort of emotional responsibility.
I don't see a difference
How is this type of woman called? Hard to explain but you know when you see one
Ed was /ourguy/
Those men over there aren't niggers, they are actually Albert Einsteins!
I like the basis of this show but the social commentary and dumb white people are not necessary. I'll show myself out to pol
I like the way Holden enunciated each word carefully every time he said it.
Eight. Ripe. Cunts.
Was he supposed to be imitating the way Ed talks?
I was trying to figure out what was so off about the main character and why I absolutely despised his screen presence. It wasnt until after i finished the show that I learned he a faggot
yeah he specifically talks like Ed in that interview.
he even says "you gotta get with that young pussy before it turns into mom" with that kind of husky rasp that kemper talks in
Will we finally see the cat? Nothing ever happens.
it's so fucking funny that all the people who can't over that Holden's actor is gay are actually just in the closest and get upset at being attracted to a man. it's literally perfect homophobia, they see a beautiful gay guy and get angry and confused lmfao
cat's dead senpai
Wasn't the cat just a metaphor for Wendy's search for elusive pussy?
I hope they have more solving creepy murder cases in small towns because that's what I enjoyed most about season 1.
The whole plot about Holden and Bill changing the FBI forever is nice, but ultimately pretty boring since, no shit, they ultimately win over the bureaucracy
One thing that really bothered me was how Holden's character changed so fast during the last few episodes. He went from curious and optimistic about the project to a complete idiot who wanted to sabotage everything they made. It felt jarring and a bit rushed. Also I hated everything about that new guy they hired.
as long as this is coupled with more interviews with sequential murder persons, i am okay with it
What was up with the ending? Had he finally become Mindhunter?
>to a complete idiot who wanted to sabotage everything they made
I don't think that's what happened. Holden started using the techniques they've been developing.
He was always gungho about the project. It was inline for his character to start applying some of it.
Interested to see what they do with Dennis desu
He wasn't caught till 2006 so I would guess we are either in for a time jump at some point or he'll be the foil to the team. The one that got away, until he trusted the police like a fucking idiot.
Does Holden remind anyone else of Lou Bloom? What is this condition?
>my covenant is with your children, not with you
I enjoy the faux Blanchett's body of work.
I don't mean when he was interrogating suspects. I meant when he was yapping about the project to the public. When he implied Bill was jealous that he was getting all the fame. And when he didn't help Wendy with the Georgia judge.
>I meant when he was yapping about the project to the public
But he did that since episode 1. They went out for beers with local cops all the time.
I watched the first episode of the first season recently. It's genuinely the worst TV episode I've seen this year, absolutely atrocious.
Great show.
There better be more of Ed Kemper
Episode 1 is utter shit. I don't know what they were thinking