> "Even today on a real cold night, we go to bed, my wife'll tell ya that first thing I'll say is “I'm glad I'm not in Bastogne."
Is this the single best ep of television ever made? What's your favorite ep of any series of all time Sup Forums?
> "Even today on a real cold night, we go to bed, my wife'll tell ya that first thing I'll say is “I'm glad I'm not in Bastogne."
Is this the single best ep of television ever made? What's your favorite ep of any series of all time Sup Forums?
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>implying I wanna watch a show where the bad guys win
Was speirs our guy?
By chance I saw that episode on TV and absolutely loved it. Really thought it was the best episode of TV I had ever seen. Bought the entire box-set of the series afterwards, but, while a good series overall, I didn't really get into it compared to that one episode. I guess it was a bad episode to start with.
They say to this day, there are fears by random Germans that he still stalks the woods of the Belgium/Germany border, indiscriminately swinging up his Thompson and killing krauts that think they have a right to surrender.
bastogne is the only good episode. the rest is just romanticized ww2 crap.
the pacific is a better series
Yes, best episode of the lot.
Who is that hottie
the whole show shoulda been about snafu
nice bait.
Eugene Roe. Played by Shane Taylor.
>the wall ends just a foot or two away
>he still struggles over the top
how did those people win
kek, i'm sure his wife is pretty sick of hearing that for 30+ years
so odd to think that wasn't real snow, it was never even cold on that set, but the portrayed it perfectly.
He's wearing almost 100 pounds of gear after running there and then running back.
Half of people who consider Bastogne their favorite episode really mean Breaking Point.
You fat nerds can barely control your motor functions when other humans talk to you, and he makes a slightly awkward manoeuvre (i.e. realistic) under 100lbs of gear, under fire, freezing cold and probably going to die
This is actually true.
You look like you could use a smoke, want one ?
You just reminded me to rewatch this again this christmas, thank you user
No, I mean Bastogne. Following Roe around is depressing as fuck. The guy's entire existence is to be a grim reaper that can't even shoot the enemy.
last episode of Generation Kill, with that closing montage really hit me hard
I agree, Sledge and Snafu make that series to show how war can tear you down
>That man and I mighta been good friends, we mighta had a lot in common, I mighta liked to fish and he mighta liked to hunt. You never know. Course they was doin what they was suppposed to do, and I was doin what I was supposed to do. But under different circumstances, we mighta been good friends
No, he's 200% right. BoB was romanticized as hell. Pacific was at least up front about the horror of war. Nothing in BoB compares to the scene of the Marines attacking the airfield. That horror, that desperation that despair is something we only got hints of in BoB.
>Ack Ack dies
>Skipper gets sniped
This is what I felt, BoB is more of a cohesive story but honestly, it felt like a lie or propaganda.
The Pacific is how I would imagine the truth of it. War is shitty.
that's also because the pacific theatre in general was so much more brutal than the more traditional attitude the germans had to warfare. japs are just so different in mentality.
if you liked the show might i recommend 'with the old breed' by eugene sledge, probably the best ww2 book i've ever read so far.
the pacific for me was a huge let down because i had built up so much hype for it, it is the opposite in style since we don't get to know the men by name in the boot camp, the men aren't as memorable as luz or gonorrea for example, so we end up not caring about them as much when they do die. even minor characters like joe toye had my sympathies in bob. i also thought the soundtrack was incredibly lackluster.
> BoB was romanticied as hell, Pacific was up front about the horror of war
Or maybe being a soldier in the Airborne on the western front in late 1944 was not as desperate a situation as jungle island fighting against a fanatic dug up enemy who would rather blow up than be treated by one of your medic.
Yes war is horrible but not all battles and situations are created equal in that regard. You want absolute horror on the western front, it's either the first hours on Omaha Beach, Bastogne or before that the Italian invasion (Anzio, Monte Cassino, etc.).
Not saying that it was a walk in the park, but the situation of the american troups after D-Day was way better in industrialised and densely populated Europe than in the Pacific, because infrastructures.
And of course because the german army in late 1944 was morally on the breaking point, which meant surrender of young untrained troups more often than resistance to the last, while the moral break down of the japanese army meant going back to suicide charges.
So no, as a movie that strictly follows the actions of the 2nd company of the 2nd battlion of the 506th infantry regiment, it's not romanticized.
If it was, no Speirs executing prisoners, no looting, no shooting of civilians, no Dyke, no Bastogne/Breaking Point/Last Patrol.
> we only got hints of despair in BoB
fuck you
>Or maybe being a soldier in the Airborne on the western front in late 1944 was not as desperate a situation
You're an idiot who doesn't understand total war. it was hell all around especially for Airborne. Your missions were to drop out of planes far behind lines without support. Shut the fuck up.
pacific apologists btfo
We never got the feeling of the despair Sledge, Leckie and Snapfu faced. Did you see what a jibbering mess they turned into by the last episodes? We only had Dyke, Malarkey and Buck do it but it wasnt emphasized as much. Especially when Muck and Pen get hit
> your missions were to drop out of planes far behind enemy lines.
And you are an idiot who doesn't understand the concept of paratroopers.
They are not far behind the lines, they are at a day march maximum of the troops they support, otherwise how the fuck are they supposed to assist them you fuckwit ? The concept of paratroopers in large numbers is to neutralize artillery and lightly defended positions and to link up with the main invasion force.
The 101st airborne made literally two jumps in the entire war, D-Day and Market Garden, and they weren't even really behind enemy lines at Market garden. 99% of the time paratroopers are used as regular infantry.
By the way, how many paratroopers jumped into Vietnam or Korea ? Almost none, and yet there were still a shit ton of airborne divisions deployed in combat there.
Shut the fuck up.
If you need violins and long shots to feel emotions I can't do anything about that.
And Leckie was actually way better in the last episodes than in the middle ones. I'm not saying that the Pacific is bad, on the contrary I like it a lot, but I'm tired of the argument that a good war movie can only be about absolute despair and nothing else.
The Pacific is about men being pushed to their utmost limits and facing their challenges almost alone, as their comrades die or are wounded or evacuated for sickness much more often than in the airborne on the western front. BoB is about one of the finest trained units of the US army overcoming difficult situations together, and finding the strenght in their 2 years training together to not break up mentally.
And on a side note, no, we also had Lipton, Guarnere, Nixon, Winters himself, Webster, Roe, that wimp Blythe, even Welsh or Toye or Liebgott, reducing it to Malarkey and Buck is beyond retarded.
>99% of the time paratroopers are used as regular infantry
You almost had me here.
Jumping over any obstacle higher than your knee with all your military gear is pretty hard user. You are basically a dude carrying dozens of kilos of crap all over your body.
t. draftee
>100 pounds of gear
sure matey
> t. I dont know shit about WW2 but still have an opinion about it
How many times did german paratrooper divisions jump during the war ? How many times did american paratroopers jump during the war ?
And now how many times were they engaged as regular infantry ? Thanks in advance for your answer
It's really 100 pounds? If I tried to lift half that my arms would snap into bits.
No, 100 pound is the weight of their complete equipment before jumping into normandy (including rations, etc. which they don't carry in battle in this scene)
Generation Kill is the thinking man's war show.
>Boo hoo war was hard
I hope Americans realize that German soldiers spent 6 winters in the war while they only spent one.
its a small thing but i also disliked how inaccurate the pacific was sometimes
like the canadian commando guy blowing his brains out when in real life he died from a bullet fragment fired from an MG during a battle
Brits spent 6 as well, Japanese spent 8, get real kraut
How in hell did he survive that?
>Buck Compton’s face when he sees his friends
Every time
I've watched that episode so many times
Best part for me in Band of Brothers is when Webster is yelling at the Germans.
>interrupting our lives, taking us half wayt aroudn the world and for what? you ignorant servile sum. What the fuck are we doing here?
I imagine that's how I would've felt had I been there
>Buck in general
They should have just stuck to Sledge's book. That book is amazing.
my grandpops used to tell me he was glad he got his leg blown up so he didn't have to go on to bastogne
Better a leg then a brain
Breaking Point is better.
what nation besides syria has an active ongoing draft?
greece, finland, turkey and some other eastern euro countries I suppose
greece here
Sup Forumstards aside, I thought that guy who went to Harvard and kept yelling at the German soldiers was dick, Fuck hm.
haha, truly hilarious!
god this scene is so retarded, none of that ever happened
>Germans start war
>leave families to deal with the Huns
>Spend 3-4 years away from home
>Get shot at and friends blown up
Gee golly, you'd think he'd have at least give them a handjob or something to show sympathy
>How many times did german paratrooper divisions jump during the war ?
How much of the war did they still have air superiority?
>have comfy life with comfy wife and comfy job
>get your ass dragged across the ocean, get blown up, watch all your friends die and freeze your balls off
>suffer from ptsd, basically stop sleeping till you die, legless, unemployed and poor
>all just because
he had every right
>implying they also wanted war
Nice Harvard education he received.
>ywn share the battlefield with Doc Roe
>Every German soldier is as responsible for the war as fucking Hitler
He's right though you fucking buffoon
I wouldn't want to share the battlefield with anyone, thanks.
Nah dude, that guy got a ton of shit for skipping all of that and acting like a war hero.
jew, no doubt.
Airborne weren't draftees though
germans truly are the white dindu nuffins
If I ever went to war I'd either be a heavy drug user or just go completely crazy pretty fast considering I already have panic disorder. I like watching shows about war though.
When you create a WebM with a high resolution and a low bitrate, the visual fidelity is actually just as bad or worse than a lower-resolution version with a higher bitrate. I'd tell you to use the -vf scale option on FFmpeg, but who am I kidding? We're on Sup Forums and you used some retarded little utility from someone's GitHub to create the WebM because you can't do it yourself. Nevertheless, you should look for an option to reduce the resolution so your next WebM doesn't look like hot ass.
curb your autism, nerd.
Sorry, but do you think a WebM like the one I've attached could be created by some dumb schmuck at 1080p?
>they start disappearing
filthy yid.
Post Privates
>When he's throwing pebbles into the dead man's open head cavity and you see it splash
Jesus fuck
what a pussy
Air superiority has little do do with the German use of Paratroopers. During the invasion of Crete the German paratroopers took extremely high casualties and Hitler himself was reluctant to use them again and for the rest of the war they were used as normal infantry units.
It was similar yet different fro the American paratroopers. All you have to do is watch the series to understand. They have two combat drops but once on the ground they link up with regular ground troops and fight as an infantry division. What do you think they were doing at bastone? They were an acting as infantry stationed there.
better than yurotrash that hid in basements waiting for real men to come
I didn't create it, you fucking autist. I saved it so I could post it in a thread about Band of Brothers. I'm not gonna make a webm of this scene when I can just go on 4plebs and get it quickly from someone else.
>real men to come
Fuck Trombley
anyone but cowardly yurotrash
He does nothing wrong.
Agreed, doesn't make him not an annoying fag
Damn nigga are you me? I just started watching BoB like last week and I have two episodes to go.
I think this next episode is about the 60 gorillion, I hope it's kino.
>its an all of malarky's friends are killed or seriously wounded in the span of a week episode
Did he play the spic who got sent to solitary in oz
>When he rips up the head cloth of the woman
damn he finally died 2 months ago. I didn't even see any thread about it.
>US joining the war ´44 when it´s already pretty much decided in europe
>forgetting about the British keep fighting on even after bombing raids and ceasefire offerings from Hitler
>forgetting about all the resistance fighters dying for their country
>forgetting about the thousands of russians charging at machine guns simply to drain the enemy of ammunition
>forgetting that the amount of US soldiers dying in combat is pretty much forgettable compared to the other allied forces
You only recall what Hollywood wants you to recall about the war
I liked this moment
if resistance means the women giving up their pussies to the Nazis
So what do hope for the next mini series bomber crews or commonwealth troops (tankers) in north africa