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jesus christ i couldn't even finish it
yeah fuck you
What must it be like to go out of your way to find these Youtubers?
>tfw they featured me
Feels good man
Holy fucking cringe
Never go full 56%
I was excited to see a recap of all the MCU trailers, but then they put these Youtubers in it.
please for god sake stop going to see this shit in the theaters pls
The internet was a mistake.
Is this a decease?
>those 56% faces
Waiting for MCUExchange to do that
Can I get a quick rundown on the 56% meme?
There's already a thread for the avengers, Pajeet, next time check the catalog.
That it's actually 52%
mfw marvel announces another movie.
Sup Forums got bored of calling everybody a cuck.
>that top rated comment saying "DC, THIS is how you make a cinematic universe"
America is 56% "white"
People above are considered white
are we suposed to know what these means?
>Their faces are 56% dude xD
lurk more faggot
So, in their excitement for a teaser they were orgasmic over trailer footage from the previous movies?
it's a stupid Sup Forums meme that is used to make fun of americans.
Just SoyBoy my shit up senpai
Lol that number isn't even close to right tho.
Reminds me of this
"America is 56% non-hispanic white" so they made a grotesque parody of a human that's only 56% white.
I think it's pretty funny. It's like our version of a fucking leaf.
For years I have been shaking my head, laughing at those stupid "muh jews, muh racemixing, muh forced diversity" Sup Forums tards. Up until this very moment.
I think watching this trailer redpilled me. is that how you say it?
Basically. US Government did an Officially Census on race a few years ago. It came up as something like 72% white. The problem is, the USA officially categorises 'whites' as anybody from ethnic groups of Europe... The Middle East and North America. So the actual amount was a lot lower. Fast forward a few years and PewResearch did a 'self-defined' racial census, to see what people identified as racially. It came up with 56% white. Since that's the last 'evidence' of racial % in the USA, people use it as a meme to shitpost about. This is of course dropping all the time, apparently.
tl;dr Sup Forums makes memes about countries because #banter and picking on Sweden or France is rather irrelevant as they're rather minor % wise on Sup Forums. The two main groups worth picking on for pure % of being able to shitpost about and get responses are USA and UK. Maybe other Anglo countries. In reality, 47% of the nationalities on Sup Forums is American so, that's why. UK is like 14% or something.
it's just the meme that shareblue latched onto since they can't make their own.
>oh no no no
What do OPs mean by this low effort thread openers?
There was a photo series done of Americans in rural America that used some basic camera tricks involving the distance between the lenses as well as distance of the subject from the camera to help make them all look like mutants.
After that people used the non-Hispanic white percentage of America stat to say white people in America are just part white while spamming images of the mutt that represents the mixed race freakshows.
you're supposed to reply with
implying that it's not a meme, you're getting sloppy, I want you in the brig for some special training
Which of them are you
Sup Forums the trailer
all memes are inherently stupid
>being this anal about people poking fun at your country
I'm a 56er and proud
Australia accounts for at least 40% of shitposting
Yeah the USA is much less white than that.
None of these people look like le 56% though.... All their races seemed pretty well defined.....
Also do people really react this way to fucking movie trailers?
>that's what Sup Forums told me
-£Also do people really react this way to fucking movie trailers?
No, almost all of these people are Youtube personalities playing it up for views.
No one does
It's a meme
So this is the mcu audience, powerful
When I was growing up as a europoor I was sure blacks have to be at least a third or more of the population considering the amount of complaining you see.
Sup Forums got too confy on Sup Forums and Sup Forums got mad and utterly destroyed Sup Forums.
I'm a europoor as well familia, the only blacks I see are on tv. Arabs are running wild though.
What should I do? I used to enjoy in pop culture and browsing web but nowadays it's all this or the other extreme. I don't understand the world,now everyone wants to be famous for being famous and everyone thinks that they are special,everyone is a content creator with their own channel. How the fuck did I lose touch this bad? I am gonna be that sad old man that hates everything and everyone...
>2 white guys with asian gfs
>2 asian guys alone
again it's like poetry, so that they rhyme
only unskilled narcissists, oh sorry 'YouTube personalities' do this shit
There's a portion of Sup Forums that likes going out of their way to find youtubers or tweets that they want to get mad about, so... I guess you need to think about what is life like for you typical Sup Forums poster
not a bad video for a meme one
Reminder that the DShitEU and it's fans will never have this.
pretty much this
You're not the only one.
Well, that's just sad.
So THIS is the power of diversity.
anyone got the image of le 56% man laughing at all the memes about other countries then raging at le 56% meme?
I seen it in another thread but forgot to save it
Is she in a hospital? Is that a tube going through her nose?
>everyone trying to make money on YouTube is a narcissist
There is a market for it, and they make bank. That's called a free market, user.
Me in the red Hawaiian shirt
Sup Forums hates that meme though, it's an Sup Forums meme.
Remember that Sup Forums = pro-american, Sup Forums = firmly in the death to America camp
How much soy was consumed in the production of this video?
Here you go cutie.
You're not incorrect. They're still shitty unskilled narcissists. We just tend to reward that behavior more often now.
ta la
Some of them do indeed have a talent, you don't have to be buttmad about it.
>meme against racemixing and miscegenation
>Sup Forums hates it
Wrong sweetie
Honestly these are the sort of people who I imagine inhabit Sup Forums now, particularly the generals and e-celeb threads and go around crying about Sup Forums
>the miscegenation is a real thing meme
Right, because Sup Forums never cries.
what idiot thought this was a good method of advertising
the idiot who created the only long-running cinematic universe
the vast majority of Sup Forums is seppo cunts who flooded the board during the yank election and are genetically incapable of handling the banter
go post a 56% meme in response to some yank calling someone ahmed and see the salty "not even mad bro but-" type replies you get
pretty inaccurate desu
I cried tears of joy on election night, not sure what that has got to do with the comment you were responding to though
Sup Forums literally gets btfo by almost every board.
>pro america
m8 Sup Forums is against everything muh murica stands for.
>I cried tears of joy on election night
Then you are equally autistic.
Receding jaw. Kinda looks like FAS.
lol at all the butthurt Sup Forums children trying to start a war with Sup Forums when you're nigger-apologist teenagers who turned what was a pretty good board into reddit 2.0
Yes, that's why this site is Reddit...sure...
>who turned what was a pretty good board into reddit 2.0
when did that happen honey, was it when the bullies started posting le 56% memes?
race-mixing should be illegal
>r/the_donald dindu nuffin
pure soykino
when Sup Forums became nothing but a board full of the most banal and stale generals on the site (a bit like Sup Forums desu), before then it used to actually be a pretty good companion board to Sup Forums. Now it's functionality and userbase reflects reddit more than the rest of Sup Forums
>everything is rebbit! Wahhh wahhh! Abloo Abloo!
this little story is even more forced upon the 'chinz than le 56% face. it's a literally fucking who why would anyone care about her and her fucking baby
>that cuboid head
she was never going to produce attractive offspring anyway 2bh