It truly is JUSTice league

it truly is JUSTice league

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Does this mean they'll finally stop trying?

The loss will be made up for in merchandise sales, streaming/Bluray sales, and as a advertisement for upcoming DC movies.

It's all about the long game.

Nope. Just go back to $100mil budget capeshit with a better director.

sure but it shouldn't have lost money in the first place. that's still $50-$100mil they have lost when should have made $100-$200mil profit.

>a [sic] advertisement for upcoming DC movies.
Typically the idea is to get people interested in your IP.

A studio's goal is never to just break even or make a small profit with an IP that's meant to be your cash cow for the next decade.

Saw it yesterday, and holy fuck you'd think the movie raped every critic's mother or something. It was enjoyable even after having shitposted about henry's weird cgi mouth. I legit cried during the first cornfield scene. JL definitely tried to "say" more than any Marvelshit movie, and the fact that it was slammed by critics lets you know it's just the Mouse killing the competition

>I liked a shitty movie so obviously it means there's a grand conspiracy where everyone is pretending to not like it

>tfw fags don't get that putting 300 million into something for more than a year to get like 50 million in return (being optimistic) when you could put the money on another project that would give you more money is bad for business

>with a better director
Zack Snyder on pills

t. disney shillster

honestly can't believe how horrid it's been doing. really thought the DCucks would eat it up

so they go back to pure snyderkino as it should have been in the first place

I really wanted to like it, but it was unbearable to finish watching and I don't think it's a conspiracy that many gave it negative reviews. To each their own tho. At least you got your money's worth.

Negative word of mouth spreads real fucking fast.

And The Flash actor didn't do the movie any favors by trying to push feminism and social justice in an interview.

I am a huge DC fan. Loved Man of Steel and BvS ultimate Cut.

Justice League was trash. But it was due to Whedon, not Snyder. Simple as that. Literal marvel faggot sabotaged it.

I kinda like DC being the more dark franchise. Whedon injecting the Marvel humor into it really makes it suck.

Just a reminder that Amazing Spider Man 2 was considered a failure that derailed the entire franchise even though that movie still pulled in 700,000,000. This actually lost money.

Make no mistake. The DCEU is being rebooted. They just have to figure out how to reboot it now.

Snyder is the one who fucked everything up in the first place. JL didn't fail because of a couple of reshoots and added quips by Whedon, it failed because the DCEU has become synonymous with shit tier movies thanks to MoS, BvS and Suicide Squad..

Why are you obsessed with disney?


MoS is the best capekino there is marvelshill

can't believe you cucks still defend Snyder.

reminder that JL is 95% Snyder.

The only shit movie you mentioned was Suicide Squad and that was the brainchild of a Latino high school drop out named David Ayer and a trailer production company named Trailer Park
Go play with pic related

The new DCEU needs to have its foundation with Batman / Gotham. They already planned the Batgirl movie and Gotham City Sirens, so might as well start the new DCEU from there. Then add a good Batman solo movie and they're golden.

Unfortunately because Wonder Woman did so well, they will feel obligated to continue with it, so they can't do a much needed hard reset.

>I legit cried during the first cornfield scene.

More like 100 to 150. BvS made 100m with an 870 gross.

So it broke even around 770.

Jl has a higher budget, therefore needs 800m+ and i doubt it makes more than 650.

Social justice shit is pushed on every Disney movie and they do well. Don't you think that's a pretty shitty excuse?

JLs horrendous failure at the box office is actually bad for Disney at this point, as it gives people the impression of superhero fatigue setting in. The DCEU was perfect "competition" for Disney. It wasn't real competition because the DCEU could never come even close to breaking the 1 billion mark, let alone make Avengers numbers, yet they were successful enough to give people the illusion that there is a healthy rivalry going on, creating brand loyalty and hype on both sides.

*Tips Fedora*

Good. Drop all these shitfaggots and get back to Batkino.

I liked the movie. Watched it twice. I hope they don't reboot.
I like marvel movies too.

Ads are supposed to interest people in your product, not put them off.

Justice league had nothing approaching a plot. You'd think that with their hundred million budget they could hire a creative 12 year old to come up with an original story but no, they decided to stick to a formula with no twists or character development or any sort of intelligence whatsoever.

Here'a the movie in a nutshell:
>All the main characters are completely 1-dimensional and stay this way for the entire film. Batman's sad about superman. Wonder woman's allegedly sad about some guy but you would never tell from the acting. Black guy just acts depressed all the time and muscle fish acts snarky all the time. And flash acts goofy all the time.
>Generic big dumb bad guy with an axe wants to collect all the plot coupons to destroy the world for vaguely-defined reasons
>collects plot coupons
>superman shows up and beats him up
>the end

I'm sure having a cast full of rapists didn't help their bottom line.

DC is the biggest failure since solar powered flashlights. I'd feel bad for their fans if they weren't all a bunch of cringey simps!

Critics hate CapeShit but they are in too deep for marvel to start bashing it now. So they take it out on DCEU

Sounds like every CapeShit movie

Saw it today, to be fair the cgi mustache removal didn't really that obvious until the post credit scene...Gadot is OK and Affleck is not as boring as everyone said, but cgi for cyborg & Steppenwolf really is bad. It's enjoyable with only one dumb moment (the time where everyone just forgot the mother box is left in the parkour)

Just make a Wonder Woman trilogy and then abandon the DCEU.

Yeah its an average movie, but definitely not a typical Snyder movie. Feel kinda strange/akward to consider this movie part of the MoS - BvS trilogy.

kek the delusion, Infinity War will probably be the highest grossing movies of all time, at the very least will get very close to TFA numbers, it's not about capeshit, it's about Marvel. People are simply not tired of Marvel yet, they are actually invested in the characters and can't wait to see Iron Man, Cap, Spiderman, Guardians, etc. again. Fucking Thor made more money than JL. It's not capeshit fatigue, it's DC/Snyder fatigue.
And regardless of what you think of his movies, Snyder has almost irreparably damages the Superman/Batman brand in the eyes of the masses almost on shcumacher levels. They need to take some time off from Superman and Batman flicks to make people interested again.

>Thor 3
Literally a movie for 6 years old. I was baffled after that movie...I really dont understand how managed to make all that money, i felt robbed. Probably because the first two were decent and people got dragged in it.
Its not even a "fantasy" movie about superheroes anymore...its like SM: Homecoming, they're comedies. They should hire comedians instead of least the jokes will be funny.

says who faggot?
Snyder left (aka got the boot willingly), Geoff Johns hires Whedon to Make DC Great Again, then fail when the movie literally tries to pander to an audience that had no interest in watching it to begin. You already had a niche audience and now you've alienated them for quips.