ITT: Women literally believe that Dothraki will behave because "Dany says so!"

Its like they're satirising themselves at this point. This is fucking Cologne syndrome gone nuts.

>"She’ll keep the Dothraki with her, those who are there in Westeros. She won’t send them off anywhere as needs them. It’s possible some will later fall in love with Westerosi women and either settle down or just go back to wherever, but they won’t leave Daenerys. She’s their queen."

>"I think that she will either keep them with her in Kings Landing, or she'll give them land, money and castles to live in and cultivate."

>"Let them do as they wish to do"

Its literal insanity and I can't understand how they could actually think this way.

>inb4 they are Thrones plebs

That's the modern adult female tho

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying anyone's gonna take the throne

Westeros is becoming a republic-esk country. No more kings, thats the point.

It’s what the show writers will do. Expect it.

You have too much faith in the writers of this show, OP

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with women?

If this was a consequent show they would probably understand that her army isn't called "horde" for nothing, but then again, the game of thrones I saw 6 years ago is dead and bury, so they might become civilized because the Almighty queen says so, god I'm mad, this is the only time I've said this, but normies actually ruined GoT

Yeah, its genuinely confusing how little they understand the male mindset considering how they are its primary victims, and its baffling how little work they think goes into socialising and civilising men to the point where they will uphold modern virtues ESPECIALLY when those men are coming from de-stabilised backgrounds and encountering naive foreign women in new lands.

I usually don't go in for the "hurr women are children, never should have given them the vote" talk, but this goes beyond mere liberalism, its like they have a DEATH wish (or rather a rape wish) and also simultaneously believe despite all evidence to the contrary that these men will be 'gentlemen'. I am properly astounded by this, and have found ZERO satisfying explanations of how they could be so at odds with reality.

its marvel/disney/harry potter ect gunk intended for millenial retards now, so I agree that they will pull some stupid bullshit like that. I wouldnt be surprised if they pulled some sort of we wuzian plot device out of their asses, and the dothraki are actually highly civilized the whole time

its weird how hard they try to make daenerys a likable character but her actions just make her come off as a tyrant

If this happens its genuinely socially irresponsible.

Two things need to happen in fiction to wake up millenials.

>Avatar 2 has to be made as an Apocalypse Now style psychological trip movie about hummanity's orbital genocide of the Na'vi.

>The Dothraki have to turn on Westeros so badly that the final season is nothing but a montage of Lannister soldiers catapulting wildfire jars onto vast plains full of reaving raping horselords and the Great Sept is rebuilt as an industrial volume abortion clinic for all the dothraki rape babies.

Without these two reality checks, I can't see much hope. Also Rey has to be told that she's not the fucking Chosen One because that person already existed and was named Anakin Skywalker. I don't watch Mouse Wars tho anyway so that one I can let slide...