Why didn't Frodo just listen to The Eagles on his Spotify?
Why didn't Frodo just listen to The Eagles on his Spotify?
I love House of the Rising Sun
Sam hated his casette collection and didn't tell him about Spotify
Spotify was only available in Númenor at that point due to outstanding legal disputes over Middle Earth artist royalties.
I don't even really know what spotify is. The last music site I used was pandora, until they changed it to limit how many songs you can skip.
Spotify is like Pandora but you can make your own playlists, they still limit the number of times you can skip and I actually think it's way worse than Pandora because user made playlists are fucking dogshit and their algorithm always tries to play a bands newest stuff first so you'll buy their CDs or some shit
Buy premium or stop complaining about skipping, you little shits
good goyim
Because Don Henley is a drug addict and a pedophile who is about to be exposed in 2018?
>Paying for music
>Paying for a subscription service for music
Try again sweetie, next you'll say I should have bought pornhub premium during the BLACKED Friday sale
I just download albums I like. I've kind of missed out on anything good that might have come out in the last 10 years though. Sup Forums was occasionally helpful the last time I browsed there
He fucking hated The Eagles.
I'd gladly support the artists I like if I believe they can keep making music I'll enjoy. You guys are so fucking disillusioned about paying for services you genuinely enjoy
>Genuinely enjoy
I enjoy Spotify a single notch over just listening to the radio which is just one notch above not having the radio on at all
So why bother consuming music at all?
Because it kills the dead air when I'm driving. That's all
Do you hate radio because you hate the music they play? Do you even like a certain genre or artist? Because if you really just want background noise id understand not paying for it but if you like a lot of songs, why not listen to the ones you'd actually enjoy while driving?
Dude the Eagles weren't a band during the Spanish Inquisition( the one frame LOTR is based on)
The ring can change its size, right? Why wouldn´t it shrink down on the finger of the hobbit making him suffer imensible ammounts of pain, forcing him to reveal himself to nazguls or making him surrender to sauron to remove the ring?
frodo carried it as a necklace.
I think he means when frodo would wear it as a ring. Why didn't the ring just make itself huge and unable to carry til the ring wraiths found it?
Yes, at some point. But he used it a few times. When he puts it on, the ring gets some degree of control over him then why it would let him go and take it off? Force the hobbit suffer, he wouldn't be able to take it off or harm himself in its state, going mad, loosing control, attracting Sauron.
Im actually listening to them right now
i don't think the ring has a will of it's own in that way, it merely adapts to its owner. it's not consciously choosing to change sizes
why not make itself as large as a mountain so it could be spotted from afar though
How old are you?
Because that's stupid
>make itself as large as a mountain
thats just retarded
>spotify money goes to the artists
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
>at that point
You're a fucking retard
Each stream pays the artist. Not substantial but at a certain number, it's equivalent to an actual sale of a song/album. If their label sees an artist getting streams/sales, then the label is more likely to support the artist's future work.
>a full album in 320kbps is a few MB's and downloads in mere seconds/minutes
>buy your music like a cuckold
You're retarded
Because that’s not it’s strategy, it’s an object that thinks long term.
Sauron wants you to use the ring, gain immense power and influence, and then challenge him on the battlefield where he will proceed to take the ring back just like he planned. He thought Aragorn had the ring and was using it to challenge him, allowing Frodo and Sam to sneak by.
For $10 a month you get access to literal thousands of music even those from decades that predated you. Your library is easily sorted out and you support the artists you like. You're a fucking idiot.
>He thought Aragorn had the ring
thats retarded. Sauron is not a fool.
He is a fool in that he can't conceive of anyone wanting to destroy the Ring instead of possessing it
He thought Aragorn would try to use it to win against Sauron (similar to what Denethor wanted to do)
Every time someone gets the ring they get a vision of conquering Mordor and defeating Sauron, it’s not a coincidence. He wants you to try that.
>at that point
Númenor was underwater and unreachable to mortals at that point.
Why didn't they just make a bigger ring?
wow where did you come up with that bullshit?
Is that why so many Gondorian off-shore companies were based there?
The text in the book, Gandalf tells Frodo how the ring works when he gets back from Minas Tirith.
>paying to stream music in shit quality
I hate the fuckin eagles man
Take it easy, take it easy.
no king crimson tho
Does anyone have any idea where I can buy this coat or one like it?
Never heard that one before, tell us more user? Sounds like Atlantis: Middle Earth edition.
I read the LOTR book and The Hobbit, but there's so much lore it's impossible to get it all in one read. Took me 9 months or so to finish lotr, I didn't rush it like a pleb. Even then I got headaches trying to follow along, the only book I've read where this happened.
>Sauron is finally defeated, you've finally reached the end of the book (thank god!)
>realise there's another 100 or so pages left, then the index's.
>Took me 9 months or so to finish lotr, I didn't rush it like a pleb. Even then I got headaches trying to follow along, the only book I've read where this happened.
I hope this is fucking bait.
Old Scottish women make them for their husbands in their sleep, they cannot be bought or consciously made, user. Like a frost in the morning. Only the true highlanders can receive them user, if you're lucky and true of heart an old man will give you one, but be warned, it will start to fray and and eventually fall apart if not worn by one that is worthy.
>Denethor uses the palantír
>Hotel California plays
why didn't frodo just jack off to trannies?
why didn't frodo just STAB HIS FUCKING EYES