Name a franchise as powerful as the MCU
The trilogy is complete
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lord of the rings
Literally can't be done, 17+ movies in ten years, with an empire that expands to multiple tv stations and Hulu and Netflix. The mouse has won
The Ice Age series. But then again Ice Age made me feel things so that might be better.
There will be four of them tho.
>4 movies planned
what did you mean by this
Infinity War and Avengers 4 are two parts of the same story, even if they're not longer titled as such
What's next for Marvel? Its own theme park?
Last I checked, they're planning one for Disneyland
Literally happening as we post. After that? I expect a full Marvel Comics takeover, to fix the substantial drop of quality in the past five years
Will they ever fix marvel comics ?
Guardians already has a ride.
Marvel Channel
Marvel Motors
Marvel Space
The Marvel can literally have their own tv channel at this point.
>half our MCU news recap
>air 17+ movies of the MCU hear and there
>air AoS, Runaways, Netflix shows transferred over so DD, Punisher, JJ, Luke Cage, Ironfist, Defenders
>Cloak and Dagger
>whatever new shows they can give to obscure characters
>random MCU content with actors and interviews
>Kids block with cartoons from marvel Avengers Assemble, Agents of Smash, Spiderman and other cartoons they have and can come up with
Why the fuck havent they done this yet???
Ironically they'd have to copy the DC method to do so
They tried (Marvel Legacy copying DC Rebirth), and it flopped even worse
There's a disney streaming service in the works. Marvel PLUS Star Wars
I know, only thing I'm reading as of now is Black Bolt and Scarlet Spider
Why are childrens movies constantly the subject of discussion on an 18+ website.
Dont you think it comes across a bit creepy?
>being this fucking stupid
this place is filled with underage morons
Still not a trilogy. Still four movies.
Looks sexy.
Uh gee, maybe it's because it's the most successful franchise out there?Seventeen films in one decade, plus like a dozen tv shows, plus 20 movies planned out. And every current film has been a success. It's gonna beat the bond, and you know it
You're forgetting all the other Disney movies. Kids love that shit.
If the rocks have less mass than Legolas this is plausible. And Legolas has magic elf shoes that let him walk on top of snow. I'm pretty sure this is fine you cuck.
I mean MORE mass than Legolas. If the rocks have more mass. Fug
There is nothing fine or plausible about that retard
This but unironically
That Orc has no weigh at all. Look at 0:17, he looks like he is floating while climbing.
What the fuck happened to Peter Jackson between LotR and this shit?
>Assemble 2012
>Assemble 2015
>Infinity May4
Reeeeeeee, that is killing my goddamn autism.
I actually feel bad for DC.
Nothing they ever do can compete with Marvel. Not only that, but they stocked their tentpole film with rapists, drunks, and a transvestite. And don't get me started on Blunder Woman, that bitch can't act her way out of Harvey's bed!
Marvel fucking killed DC. And now they're just pissing on their grave with this Infinity War bullshit. It's not right.
Disney is a cancer that has done more damage to film, television and pop culture in general than any other media conglomerate