What are some TV shows that experienced a big jump in quality between seasons?

What are some TV shows that experienced a big jump in quality between seasons?

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Clone Wars desu

wow shes beautiful who is she?

is this normalization kino?

this stadium is empty

Obvious answer, from Season 2 to 3

Top Gear
they didn't hit their stride and develop chemistry until later, and the first season was surprisingly bad

Person of Interest

nu who series 4 to 5

Isabela Moner

Stargate SG-1 got a lot better in Season 2 and beyond. Moved away from being a Star Trek clone, got less cheap looking, and had more interesting plotlines.

>leaving the teabag in while you drink

Sopranos, Season 1 was not that great, it got better then it dropped a little again.

Season 3 of The Killing was a massive jump in qualify. It jettisoned the dragged out, convoluted plotline of the first two seasons entirely as well as the dull supporting cast and introduced a much more engaging new storyline with some great new side characters. It toned down the excessive red herrings that plagued the first two seasons as well.

Sabrina the Teenage Witch

The Drew Carey Show


from bad with potential to fucking trainwrecks


All episodes are shit and chock full of cock smokers.

Because the game hasn't started, you knob

What a very pretty girl.


look at this fucking pedo



which seasons

Princess Isabela

This fucking scene had me in tears

>fight like a girl? yeah I fight like a girl, don't you?

First season is 90s kino, 2nd season is shitty "mutant of the week" shit and the dog character has way too much presence

You fucking retard,OP asked for the exact opposite

Picrelated is 15 y-o, if you're attracted to her you're a pedo as well


What the fuck happened to women

Peaky Blinders


OP's chick is 16

Agents of Shield! Season 1 was meh but has grown even better each season. 3 was a big jump imo

Why Mexicans always look dirty and sweaty?

>Moner has stated that she considers herself more Peruvian than American.[17]

Probably because you just made that up in your mind to fit your preconceived conclusion.

Pretty much all shows decline because of the way they are created, that being only a handful of episodes/plots are written as it's not a sure thing the show even gets to air. Anything after that has to be with the time constraints and other pressures. I explained it pretty shit but it makes sense in my head.

Agents of SHIELD Season 1->2 and Season 3->4


hebephile, but let's stop this train of thought in it's tracks.

What if there's a hot cancer patient in a coma? Does it make you a rapist to be attracted to him or her? People can control their urges and if they can't they're criminals. We're splitting hairs about age - it's about consent. It's legal to date a 16 year old in some states, go to Japan and it's legal at 13. Doesn't mean it's not wrong but legalities is also besides the point.

Feeling feelings doesn't mean anything, I've seen paintings of long dead Victorian women I've been attracted to. What does that make me? Right and wrong is mindless navel gazing. What matters is what you're willing to vote into law. Would I make sexy pageants or fashion shows or any exploitation of girls under 18 illegal? Sure, I'd vote for that but I'm not going to make it my life's mission and I'm not going to feel guilty about 'feelings' nor am I going to feel sorry for some idiot chode who puts it in her pooper and gets caught. Throw away the key.

I think they double the budget every season. then again there was very little location work so maybe they just got clever with their budgets and it increase quality?

>search her name on google images
>tushy shots everywhere

>open image
>wew lad
>scroll down to look at her tootsies

Actually they slashed the budget to pieces with Blackadder season 2. The first season had a lot of location shooting and big sets that were absent from the subsequent seasons.

Luckily they had to put the writing front and centre with the reduced budget, leading to an improved show.

all this critical analytical thinking is why you aint getting laid.

Awesome. I kinda noticed it but the quality increase as a result. The popularity of the show must have been pretty bad for s1.

Unironically this
>first couple seasons really are kiddy shit
>some good standouts but most of it is about selling the new armored Jedi toys, OC Twilight ship, redone AotC lego sets, etc
>S3 onward sees a massive jump in model and animation quality, Jedi ditch the stupid armor, Twilight goes away, writing improves to the point where even Anakin and Jar Jar are likable characters.

Parks and Rec.....how has this not been mentioned ye?

Then you remember no matter how improved characters like Anakin are in the show, he will always go back to the poorly acted, poorly written blockhead of Episode 3

Into the Badlands

It looks almost like a entirely different series. Seriously, I have never seen a show improve so much visually in every aspect from sets and costume to overall design. Very odd considering it's AMC and their track record.

I dropped it after the first episode. Guess I should give it another try.

Spartacus. It improves over the course of the first season but it's really a huge jump season to season every time.

Nope. Dodger stadium is always like that. We don't have die hard fans. Most people only care about nigger ball here.



Spartacus comes off as the ultimate plebshit. Every time friends try to get me to watch it they show me some shitty fight scene with awful CG blood and speed ramping.

>Parks and Rec
Came here to say this. It's practically a brand new show between seasons 1 and 2.

Remove cock from ass and understand that the best part of the show is the dialogue, not the fight scenes.

>climax to everything the dialogue sets up will be the worst fight scenes ever made
Yeah no thanks, think I might watch something with production values instead.

>tfw no qt gf to take to baseball games

>with production values instead

>Poster asks you to look at the story and dialogue instead of action scenes



Holy Jesus

She's the sexiest little slut in Hollywood.


Hi Harvey.

its not fair

Why is she so gorgeous, lads?

Wait holy shit, some magic anons found out who that one grill that got spammed in /gif/ is? What's her name


Her name is Faith Schroder. The daughter of Ricky Schroder, the kid from The Champ. She's 16.


Jfc i want to kill off the rest of my white genes with her

Once they ditched Fish Mooney Gotham got better but then Fauxker came in and then it became absolutely based.

Why can't I for one day go to a fashion show and see 12/10 15 year olds. Fuck this.

This feels like it needs soft piano French music with a whispering vocalist and maybe a bit more too it like she throws a ball and the world gets all misty and she smiles and you just hold on her face and she gets embarrassed a little and looks askance then it shows her doing a cute little spin and she falls into the grass and then you fall with her and throw popcorn into her mouth.


>Spammed on /gif/

I've never seen her there and I'm on /gif/ a lot. What are you referring to? The webms of the chick with a perfect ass on her phone in sunglasses?

I think I might have confused her with some other random underage slut from voyeur threads

Goddam she's greasy as fuck

That's because you only browse the "gifs that make you want to suck a dick" threads.

No I only browse rekt, big tit, creepshot and creampie threads.

the jump from 1 to 2 was even bigger. season 1 is literally unwatchable.


I want to Griffin her up so bad

god fucking damnit


I like how you only have one "thing" you have to say so you just keep repeating it regardless of its applicability.

Of course she is

Would colonize


Daily reminder that she said that she once sat next to Chris Hemsworth on a plane, and she considered telling him she was 18.

I'm glad she didn't.
That would have turned him right off her and she wouldn't have gotten laid.

Fucking chads why do they always win bros? ;_;

should be fair game if they lie like that 2bh

He asked for a jump in quality. The jump was off a cliff.