Evolution of Marvel-movies

Do you think that the response from Marvel to their fans is appropriate?

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gee I wonder why sales were declining




thats great honey
uhh that was a long time ago
i never said you couldnt...
>*sucks air through teeth triumphantly*


The entire comic book industry is on the verge of total collapse. The only thing keeping it going at this point are the movies.

Marvel is also over saturating the market with horrible, low quality TV shows. They need to dial that stuff back for a few years.


So she study to be tony stark by a dare?
Thats sad
And lame

okay, you dont get to feel powerful young black girl, sorry you arent oppressed anymore


good fucking lord the cuckold who made this comic is desperate for a fat cock in his ass. little sissy fags like this show through their writings, fags begging for someone to dom him or the writer is a chick in which case you now realize fags and chicks operate on the same mental wavelengths which means the are both mentally ill

Sup Forums here. Just so you guys know, Marvel has been dropping in quality for at least five years. They just lost Bendis, their biggest writer. It's a mixture of Diversity and bad synergy that is destroying the sales in a pathetic attempt to bring in new readers. They copied DC's very successful Rebirth idea recently, and it failed horribly. No end in sight for shit stories at Marvel, thankfully DC has been doing great

>tell me i cant do something
you can do anything
>fuck you im now mad that you wont tell me i cant do something
nigger logic is amazing. they literally have no self actualization and need something to get mad at to function as a normal person

Jesus Christ Almighty
I bet that shit was also drawn by a white male

>somehow is "so smart guis" but needs the input of others to suceed
>stands awkwardly even after the conversation is over
>ill show u but boys r gross tee hee beards

help ive rolled my eyes into the back of my head

Is it true that manga outsells comics in America?

>a child was raped and set on fire by a group of rarities earlier today

>I'm Greek.

>they are small in number in comparison to the main population
>if only we had a word for this
>no not that one something like a pat on the back for existing

Yes. Not shonen jump magazines but collected editions? Most definitely. It pains me to say it, but the manga formula is simply much better than the comics formula. It doesn't help that Marvel shits on artists and refuses to keep one artist on one book

Writer is Brian Michael Bendis. For some reason he left Marvel like a month ago and signed exclusive deal with DC.



Because he's a DC fan. He purposely ruined Marvel for 17 years and now he's saved his good ideas for DC


4d chess

>i'm literally intrigued
>an adult was paid money to write this

it´s not even just that they now just push new separate diverse chracters but the fact that they had to take even the few comics that still feature their original white male heros and put those comics full of feminist and sjw crap as well is probably the mayor reason why nobody buys comics anymore.
Pics related is from Amazing Spider-Man. A comic where Spider-Man plays sidekick to a complete unknown female superhero who´s only character is that she is a tumblr feminist

its like they got a teenager with ESL to write this

>holy menstruation

yes, there is also a company called Paniny that releases DC and Marvel comics in Europe and they have been suffering from even bigger sell loses then DC and Marvel in America. So much so that they don´t even bother with translating mos of the long time running series. meanwhile you have no problem finding 90% of all mangas older then 2 years in a European store

im surprised they didnt use humxnitech

>that last panel

its like they got someone who was their a rabid ess jay dub or a writer who wrote what they thought people wanted to hear but came off as insane

You realize this is a fictional drawing

The problem is the medium itself. You have a medium that is represented largerly with one genre. Imagine if 90% of mainstream movies were westerns, imagine if 90% of books were pure romance. It would make no sense. Why the fuck is there so much capeshit, push something else into the mainstream. It has nothing to do with diversity the public simply doesn't give a shit about superhero comic books.

*who was either

No it isnt, i can see it right now

This is who wrote it.

please be joking fren

>It has nothing to do with diversity
yes it does. comics were selling fin when it was mostly just white dudes and big tited super models fighting bad guys.
You probably are a lefty and therefor don´t understand why white men don´t like it when feminists and blm actives come to their hobby call them racist, sexist and even worse and then continue to destroy the hobby.

what happened with that story about the universes colliding where Namor blew up an alternate universe to save theirs and all the cucks got mad at him for it?

Are these all real or is this just an elaborate Sup Forums meme?

holy fuck, no wonder nobody buys this shit. children who read comics don't want to be lectured to like that.

Do writers never actually own a phone? You can have a male voice Siri, Alexa etc. it’s one of the first options when you turn on the device.
I know a girl who has an Australian Male Siri.

is that captain somalia?

they're real

Manga actually tells a coherent story without the need for 50 crossover and 10 different franchises spin off. Go to a comic book store right now and imagine you are beginner. What the fuck do you even read? Xmen has like 20 different versions that all are canon. Let's say im a women and i wanna read some comic book romance, wait you cant because its all capeshit. You are some chad dude that wants a soccer story, shit out of luck, all capeshit. It's like Marvel is physically unable to think outside of capeshit and stupid long complicated spin offs. That chick i mentioned, well she can read any of hundreds of manga love stories actually aimes at women. The chad can read any sport story his heart desires. They juat pick up manga 1 and keep going from there. No need to read capeshit that doesn't even have a clear beginning.

i wish they were joking

Is she trying to start the sexbot apocalypse?Based.

that is not even the worst offender I have seen so far. The Whore run (female thor) has some of the most unbelievable lines you will ever see. it make parodies of feminism seem normal

>Chad dude
>wants a soccer story

lol fuck off eurocuck

>New and original character/ideas
Replacing known characters with ultra feminist or black gender swaps isn't new or original it's just annoying.

>your target audience are white soyboys who want to be fucking vikings or badass warrior
>trying to sell them the super hero shaniqa who need no man to be a successful super hero who fighst racism and sexism with the power of critical thinking and slam poetry

The absolute state of marvelcucks

>>Sup Forums

>marvel has cooler everything
>but now they're cucked as fuck

why couldn't it have happened to DC

>captain marvel in the middle

Here is your sales problem, faggots.

>Manga actually tells a coherent story without the need for 50 crossover and 10 different franchises spin off. Go to a comic book store right now and imagine you are beginner.

Was going to say that. I tried 2 years ago to go into comics but the fact that I needed to buy issue from others heros to get the full story of the ones I wanted to read put me off.
Now I stop trying to read Marvel and DC and only go with 2000ad.

They were not selling fine, you are deluding yourself. Marvel was on the verge on bankruptcy before the movies took off in a big way. Marvel comics sell like shit not because of diversity but because superhero comics are simply almost alway shit. That's why manga sells better. I don't need to know 50 yeara of random nerd trivia to pick up a manga. If every SJW left the comic book industry they would still sell like shiy because the problem is the obsession the medium of comics has with the stupid superhero genre.

my perp

>>marvel has cooler everything

Multiverse was destroyed then Reed became God and restored it all and also brought everyone back who died

k we get it, you are autistic for manga.


One contuinity with everythings being canon help a lot easing reader into the universe. You can start anywhere and still get enough background information to know what is happening.

This is what I call trolling of the highest level

except a chad and most women won't pick up those manga because they look "gay" or "weird"

same could be said for capeshit but in most cases a chad or woman would at least be more likely to accept capeshit comics because of all the capeshit flicks they've probably watched

not that it matters because variety is still a plus regardless of whether or not it matters to retards

DC isn´t much better. White male heroes aren´t allowed to save the day in those comics as well. The reason why comic book numbers are in the toilet during the same time as Mangas are breaking records is because mangas are still free of sjw shit and actually allow male characters that boys can identify with to act cool, competent and heroic. A american comic book hero nowadays is written as a comic relief idiot or incompetent fool just so that newly introduced "diverse" and "feminist" character can look good and "badass" in comparison.
Mangas also still offer some fanservice in from of romance and sexy female side characters while comic books nowadays lecture the readers about toxic masculinity and female superiority
comic were up 50% before the diversity shit happened. check the sell numbers of each year on one of those comic book sell number charts if you don´t believe me.
even relatively weak years like 2007 look fantastic compared to pre diverse sell numbers of 2014, 15 or 16

Do people like crossovers? I could never into comics because they are "everyone does everything", there no specific path for a character, they can die and resurrect or live a thousand different lives through alternative dimensions and without any limits there is no humanity to the story.

i mean on paper and not necessarily any time recently either

in general better heroes/event concepts/inter connectivity between comics and generally felt more like different stories were taking place in the same universe as opposed to DC, in my experience

The first Iron Man and the first Hulk movie were good. Every other Marvel movie has been shit.

its like he speaking of the unspeakable while playing coy

Notice how they equal usa with world, as of there are not hundreds of nations in wich whites are less than 1%


You underestimate the power of series like Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia having mainstream appeal. Normies are closet anime and manga consumers

I can't tell what it is

it's quite soft around the eyes so I'm going to say female but it's like a 55% sure kind of deal

Is that a fucking chivas guadalajara shirt?

thats what i loved about dredd because even crossovers from other comics made sense and left a print in the plot rather than "oh its an alternate universe",also their villains really dont hold back on doing terrible things nor do heros like when dredd nuked the sov's in retaliation. for a earlier story.

i dont think they could write the good guy nuking a city and still consider him "good" now if it was say Marvel

Stop trying to make holy menstruation happen!

Lesbians LOVE soccer.

Current marvel comics make me want to be dead

>Okay! You'll never be... white.
>You'll never be comfortable with your natural hair, it will be a life long obsession.

>their villains really dont hold back on doing terrible things nor do heros like when dredd nuked the sov's in retaliation. for a earlier story.

It's because Judge aren't heros, at the end of the day they still serve a totalitarian regime that don't hesitate to manipulate and frame peoples.

Reminds me of the NFL in away
The owners thought they could insult the audience because they would always stick around no matter what even after years of garbage
But the kneeling thing really pissed people off enough to finally drop it and not come back
People realized they stuck around because of inertia
Marvel was pumping out crap since the 90s but it always out sold D.C. and had """"critics"""" (wizard magazines) ridding their jock
Finally fans got sick of their shit and realized they don't need to keep on picking up trash

i get its satire but i still finding myself rooting for judge dredd

they are also the ones responsible for saving the city multiple times but i never claimed they were perfect hence using the term "good"

>the first Hulk movie were good


Arriba las chivas

nice try marvelcuck, Invincible Iron Man #8.


>myself rooting for judge dredd
Me too, it's why I find the writers to be realy good, because even when Dredd does something awful you still have a hard time not being behind him.

People actually hate change. They think and say that they want change but when it happens, it sucks and they wish everything would go back to how it was.
This is basically the same thing. "Some" people want change, these stupid fucks make these changes and for 99% it sucks and now your sales dropped. Well, get fucked for being stupid shits.

What's the point of a digital assistant that calls you a cunt all day?

The jews have obtained such an unchalenged monopoly that they use it to push propaganda without of fear from losing audience
Too big to fall basically

>Dc isn't much better.

Opinion discarded.

Is this Disney's doing?

Do they regret buying Marvel and now want it gone?

>Marvel has entertaining movies and godawful comics
>DC has entertaining comics and godawful movies
I suppose you can't win at everything.

Mouse doesn't care about comics, all they want is to use them for money making movies. Fuck Disney desu senpai.


Protip: don't read the big two's main imprints. They're always shit.

At least look at what's in Vertigo and Image's calaogues, also read independent comics. IDW do a lot of nostalgiafag stuff like Transformers if that's yourthing.

Marvel comics are fucking themselves up, it's got nothing to do with Disney

DC Rebirth is good user, i know they can fuck up anytime but enjoy while it is good.

Lmfao look at this faggot projecting his homo erotic fantasies onto some writer...just look at the language you use, you poor closeted boy

what if they give the Super family to Bendis