Best Star Trek coming through.
Who was in the wrong here?
Best Star Trek coming through.
Who was in the wrong here?
"They call them KLING-GOTS"
>fucking dropped after I heard that
>worfs breaks his back
from some reason my dad hated this episode and I never understood why
Prob knew a fag son like you would never have the honor to help him end his miserable life if it came to it. Looks like he's wanted it since he found out how many dicks you've sucked.
why do Redditors only like star trek when it's meme-tastic and hate it when it's the most accurate and realistic version of the star trek universe?
Enterprise is objectively the best.
>>fucking dropped after I
why do millennials like you get instantly triggered by everything and instantly rage-quit things?
"They're not even supposed to be warp-capable yet REEEEEEE!"
You OP. You are in the wrong here for your incorrect opinion. Have a nice day
I am actually 100% correct, YOU have a nice day.
std is pretty good
>implying anyone here has watched ENT
There's no such thing as a biological or cybernetic lifeform. These categories are merely metaphors used by scientists practicing the interdisciplinary field of cybernetic biology. There's no intrinstic property of "biology" or "cybernetics" which makes a creature one or the other.
holier than thou
muh prophets!
racist against cardies
ugly noses (no jew jokes pls)
I don't even understand what you are talking about now. I am saying that Crusher shouldn't dwell on whether or not there is an official, formal war with the Borg to start destroying cubes and what not. The Borg aren't going to feel the same sentiment.
Read my previous post . I am all for saving some drones when it isn't a fool's errand, but you need to remember that the collective will more than likely fucking wreck you unless you are careful. With Hugh, Seven, and One, there were extenuating circumstances. I can't remember much about Hugh, but Seven and One were already on Voyager and disconnected from the collective. They were in a position to be rehabilitated.
Unimatrix Zero was a good example of how to give drones their individuality. They were already predisposed, they just needed help.
I've seen ENT, but I hated it. Too much fanservice with T'Pol.
>Too much fanservice with T'Pol.
more like pedoservice
did the borg return to being powerful in the novels? them being wrecked forever after voyager would be sad
His laugh was unmajestic.
wasn't there some novel where Janeway becomes the Borg Queen or some stupid shit like that? I guess that counts.
Discovery did nothing wrong
The death of a Borg Queen and destruction of a transwarp hub wouldn't really affect normal operations. They can deal without a Borg Queen for a while, and they have five other hubs.
Unimatrix Zero didn't really affect too much.
Name a more annoying race...
Give us stuff.
We can't do shit ourselves
Feed us
The writers based the Klingons off Trump supporters, they made a Vulcan a tranny, and they pander to bleeding heart idiots.
Humans built the Federation.
dafuq did the mog build?
fucking wrinkle-nosed space niggers. the fact that they managed to ensnare poor, innocent Dukat is the worst thing about them.
nuke them
black people
I cannot understand people who call First Contact "good".
For one thing it absolutely fucking RUINED the Borg forever.
Races that need to comeback
He looks modestly hung
>it's the "First Contact is bad and I'm going to ree about it" user episode
The Gorn make a massive comeback in STO.
STO is more or less canon.
well, the cameo was nice
>"guys we can't make a show after Voyager because everything is too advanced, they'd have to use it or ignore it exists, also there were universe-changing consequences"
>make a show set in TOS times
>use technology that's too advanced anyway that they'll have to sooner or later forget exists (such as the spore drive)
>also features universe-changing consequences
>except it's a prequel
a-are you a grill
pls be in London
She was wise and a wholesome black character with depth
*blocks ur path
>STO is more or less canon.
you can even give them the TOS head which pleases me greatly
Be nice.
Go home, Michelle
Apparently, resistance ... is indeed futile.
It is. Do some research. It is canon as canon gets with backing from one of the networks.
Wanting it this badly.
I just watched the available episodes of Discovery, and it's not that bad. It was quite enjoyable. Why did /trek/ lie to me when they said it's shit?
>backing from one of the networks
this has nothing to do with whether a thing is canon
That B cup chest.
>Star Trek literally has an alien species whose whole gimmick is that they are cuckolds
Riker is called to Picard's readyroom.
-Nr 1, the replicator bills for your room are quite worrisome.
-Yes, captain. it's because i have replicated so much cake.
you should have expected memeing, nothing is as shit as Sup Forums makes it to be.
Still it's not exactly good either.
what race/show?
is it /our race/?
i used to play STO, space combat was pretty good. i stopped around when they found the giant dyson sphere, some cool stuff in the game.
show me hos sex is done lol
I can't remember the race off the top of my head. It was in Enterprise though. Basically the alien wants trip to fuck his wife and then says it's part of their culture.
>Data doesn't age.
sadly the new campaigns are not very good. The latest Lukari one is abysmal. Scan this, scan that, ooh, some enemies, defeated? So scan some more shit and you're done.
Which is a damn shame as few of the old ones - like the Fed one with Q and comet, or that KDF one with the barge of the dead were pretty close to
>muh single-player rpg experience but with other people around
Denobulans. Dr. Phlox
so envious of ur style
He's not enjoing himself anymore.
The ENT version was worse than the TOS version
the actor playing quark is jewish. poor fella
objectively THE worst ST.
That's it. That's who it was.
Would have wrecked Dr.Phlox's wife if the chance. She looked like a real freak in the crew quarters. If ya know wad im sayin.
nope. that's voyager.
thanks for playing, tho
these guys were cool
wrong. Try watching TOS sometime, it's pretty good.
That said, season 3 is garbage aside from a few episodes.
Use your name again, I need to filter you.
>being a cuckold is part of our culture
So.. Swedes?
DUDE i LOVE your work they always make me laugh so loud HAHA! please give yourself a tripcode so I can be sure to see ALL of your posts :)
It's that culture of instant gratification. There's so much media out there that if something doesn't immediately grab you within the first 5 minutes, they drop it, bitch on Twitter with all the other loser millennial children repeating the same tired jokes x10,000, and move on to the next piece of trash.
Oftentimes they don't even watch the movie, rather they read a review on Yahoo! or whatever and just become an echo of whatever the reviewer said. See: comic book movies in general
Common pleb signals:
>the song is cringe
>the Xindi arc is good
>Archer is such a bad captain tho
>Wtf I hate Vulcans now!
>DAE not like Trip?
>Phlox is the best doctor lol!
>Lol what series finale?
I would gladly cuck anyone. especially if they wife looks like this
i got bullied when i used a name so i stopped
3 wives for each husband, 3 husbands for each wife.
Sounds like a pain in the ass desu
I would gladly cuck anyone. especially if their wife looks like this
wives should never have more than 1 husband. but husbands can easily have more than 1 wife.
He always hated it more
Trip should have tapped that damn it!
Phlox likes to watch :) and so would i
>There's so much media out there that if something doesn't immediately grab you within the first 5 minutes, they drop it, bitch on Twitter with all the other loser millennial children repeating the same tired jokes x10,000, and move on to the next piece of trash.
I now realize that I literally described Sup Forums. Social media was a mistake.
I used to think it wasn't that good but I tried watching it as an adult and now I'm convinced that anyone who doesn't think it's at least better than VOY/ENT is a contrarian child who's never seen it.
There's officially sanctioned canon, and then there's default canon. It seems they are bound a determined never to make anything set post-nemesis. So the only continuation of the stories is the novels, comics, and game. Si the most Nemesis EU (nothing from before that with a few exceptions) might as well be because it's all we'll ever get. That said, it's not great quality so if they did make something the future and Disney-zap the EU (like what they did with SW EU) to make new shows, I'd be ok with that.
>objectively THE worst ST.
I used ti think it was good because everyone said so, and then I watched as an adult and holy fucking shit what a pile of garbage
more like EnterBRRRRRAAAAAAPPPPP am I right?