Merry Christmas to us
Fuck you OP
it told me 10.99. it was my brothers account and I Had no choice. I had to accept
they need more money for mass produced terribly written shit shows to throw at the wall until one of them sticks
no idea did they increase the price or decrease it?
>We need more money to fund our OC that you don't want anyway
>i can't read
Im cancelling on december 24. Fuck these Kids
>being in a position in life where an extra dollar a month is a big deal
thats 12 bucks a year. maybe its time to re-examine your life choices
No much for (((Net Neutrality))) keeping prices down.
yes I didn't bother to click the thumb
but thought I could enjoy others suffering
>inflation dont real
>gas is the same price it was 3 years ago
>when i was a kid you could get a comic book, a candy bar and still have change to see a movie for 10 cents
its almost like you guys are legit retarded
Is this the /poorfag/s general?
>inflation dont real
And there goes any credibility you had
Gas is actually cheaper, or at the very least the same price as it was 3 years ago, at least in my area
>i dont understand macroenomics
its no wonder an extra dollar a month is backbreaking, when you clearly work at mcdonalds
>inflation dont real
inflation this year is 2.7% and totally irrelevant to the increasing figure
I absolutely understand macroeconomics, but you don't understand basic english.
>Netflix microeconomics
>talks about inflation in macroeconomics
You've no idea what you're talking about, you're just typing words.
>tfw not bought a DVD or paid for any subscription service for 10 years
>hurr a guy on teh internet used dem words wrong
its ok chump, ill be rolling in netflix shows next year while you are renting from redbox since you wont be able to stream or torrent after your internet gets killed by the fcc
>go to watch netflix in bed last night
>can't because my brother and dad are watching too
can't watch on more than two devices unless i (((upgrade)))
>macroeconomics dont influence microeconomics
what community college did you drop out of?
what is inflammation?
>you will never be this badass
>What? It's only $2 more, no big deal
>What you can't pay that in exchange for nothing bu the exact same service we provided for less?
>Time to reexamine your life choices goy
>Go back to the mine and bring me that shekel
>I'm going to continue getting assfucked, and LIKE IT.
>Get Rid of Net Neutrality, it's only a bunch of equivalent corporations fighting a turf war!
>What? Netflix is raising its prices? I bet the Jews did this!
megapedes lmao
>all this mad over a dollar a month
i get it, you are NEETS, and this is going to eat into your totinos pizza fund
>Brings up inflation but ignores that an increase in price lowers consumer demand
>he's paying to watch TV flicks
really its vindication that NN was a subsidy for netflix at the cost of ISP
>paying for your own netflix
don't shoot the messenger
>wages still remain almost the same
>price for gas,food,tv,house go up once every 2-3 years.
Ah yes the poor ISP oligarchy, not being allowed to carve up the internet into lucrative bundle packs to squeeze even more money out of us.
Fucking corporate shill
Don't worry, that money isn't lost for everyone.
anti-Net Neutrality fags:
>I don't like getting assfucked by the government
>But I totally enjoy getting assfucked by private corporations!
You have to be a fool to think that repealing Net Neutrality isn't going to cause more censorship
With all these major networks pulling shows off Netflix while prices go up will people finally start bailing on Netflix for hulu and other superior services? Or will American consumers continue to pay for lesser quality because of a stronger brand
$13.99 for a whole year is a pretty good deal!
you can only have one person watch at a time with the $10.99 option
here in the last white country in EU (poland), UHD/HDR subscription costs 52 zł. 1$ = 3,55 zł so i have to pay ~14,5 $, so fuck you and stop whining.
>52.99% problems
Enjoy your 6-strike policy and p2p throttling, cucks
just be a good boy and pay it for the sake of the times you netflix'd and chill'd
damn yall niggas broke
sounds like you enjoy being ass gaped by government
The government can jail me if I refuse their assfucking, whereas I can refuse to be assfucked by corporations.
>keep on removing decent, old-ish TV
>expect me to pay more
Fuck that, I can't be arsed pirating House (again).
it's the lesser of two evils
Forced Diversity ain't free, goy!!
>Thinks that Netflix is price elastic at all
Clearly it is, as multiple people in this thread have demonstrated.
is it? governments have killed way more people in history than businesses
it's just a dollar increase.
This is Sup Forums. Thinking that people here are a good sample of the population is ludicrous
It's over a 5% increase it's pretty big.
every time. You fucktards are going to argue you way up to being more than cable again.
>supporting sorosflix
the real issue is how shit their library is.
So you want whatever legal censorship plus corporate greed to control the internet? Thanks, now I understand you bootlickers. You can go back to sucking CEO dick.
And thinking that Netflix is perfectly inelastic is fairly ludicrous as well.
Just wait until they work in loot boxes...
>paying for something you'll never tangibly own and can be taken away at a moments notice
Good goys netflix and chill am I right XD
the censorship has already been here for years you've just been blind to it because you didn't hear about it until now
>Internet is censored by governments
>I know! Let's have it censored by corporations as well
>hurr we're already censored so more censorship based off corporate greed is ok
>fuck internet censorship, free and open internet for all!
>yeah Amazon, Google, Facebook, NSA censor those evil right wingers I disagree with and spy on everybody!
>buy a $4.99 loot crate for a chance to win a Netflix Gold subscription!
You do realize you're supporting more corporate censorship by being a retarded anti-NN faggot right?
I want the turd that is the web 2.0 to die as soon as possible. You normies ruined it.
Besides ratchet free streaming sites, and torrent, what do you recommend apart from this movie and show removing shitheap?
antenna tv. you would probably like popcorn time
Thanks to your favorite president (Trump).
>thanks for fighting for Net Neutrality
>increases your Goyflix subscription
What kind of moron would be against net neutrality?
"Google just wants Internet freedom, you dummy"
people that know power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely. Ajit Pai is basically throwing the ring into mordor because he knows no one should have all that power.
You people are unbelievable.
telecom companies are basically getting cucked by Google/Youtube, Facebook, and netflix, who rape their bandwidth and don't pay a dime. because of this, they aren't going to upgrade infrastructure only to get it all eaten up immediately by companies (not people) who don't pay for it. once net neutrality ends, internet speeds will get way faster and for the same internet speed you have now you will pay less for.
also, no one is going to censor anything, the second an ISP censors things, they will be dead in the water and people will switch over to other ISPs.
>paying for downloads
Stop being a fucking pleb. Stop giving the kikes your money.
>trying to use logic with Sup Forumstards
Who is the fool now?
The ones that actually read the proposals and didn't just get their opinions directly from reddit/late night television
I mean you're literally sitting there, calling people morons for opposing something you have no idea what the implications of are
Also, websites are already getting banned from the internet for merely having the wrong opinion. See: Daily Stormer
Good goy
Inflation is a good thing dumb ass
This. And It's hilarious how google, facebook, etc have successfully run propaganda campaigns and tricked people into fighting for NN because "muh free and open internet!" when THESE SAME COMPANIES ARE THE BIGGEST PERPETRATORS OF INTERNET CENSORSHIP IN EXISTENCE. They don't give a single goddamn fuck about a free and open internet. This is all just song and dance to hide the real fact of the matter, which is that these dot-coms want to keep making everyone else pay for their fast-lane bandwidth, used for datamining.
Inflation has been at nearly zero for years now. So much of the American economy is driven by oil and/or the price of hydrocarbons that the crash in the cost of a barrel made prices stagnant.
are you this dumb? low inflation > high inflation > no inflation.
>ill be rolling in netflix shows
WHOA ur so cool
Love how at the very bottom in small text, that if you don't wanna pay more, cancel your service with them.
Almost taunting you "fucking do it! We dare you!".
So I did, no regarts. Y'all should too.
whats bad about no inflation? low liquidity and stagnate market or something?
>mfw it was 10.99 like 2 weeks ago
Do they really assume they can just jew people that hard??
>"hey our company isn't doing good and we actually have less shows then when you first signed up but pay us more okay!!"