>"There was one time my brother transformed himself into a snake because he knows how much I like snakes, and so I picked the snake up to admire it, but then he turned back and went 'AAHH! It's me!' And then he stabbed me!"
I laughed hard at this. Like, embarrassingly hard.
"There was one time my brother transformed himself into a snake because he knows how much I like snakes...
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personally thought the funniest part of the film was the rock being who didn't particularly have quips.
funny that..
The only joke i enjoyed the whole movie
I really didnt find this funny at all. Not sure why people did.
Pretty much this.
I laughed too. Also when he throws Loki at some goons.
You don't have high standards when it comes to humour, don't you?
the willy wonka scene in the chair with "YOU ARE ABOUT TO MEET THE GRANDMASTER" was really funny. reminded me of Venture Bros
piss off ghost!
Get help! Get help!
the willa wonka scene reminded me of willy wonka.
I wish they showed loki getting fully penetrated in his horse form.
>don't you.
They did "Get help" in Venture Bros too.
good one reddit!
Wow. Zero laughs.
You're probably a Rick and Morty fan aren't you?
>do not you.
There was a few good keks in there, this scene included
The get help joke was the most reddit scene. Not only did I not laugh but it made me annoyed as well. Loki is a God of trickery and creates illusions so it made no sense from a narrative standpoint for them to resort to that besides getting laughs out of the brainlets.
Of course the plan was dumb and simple. It was Thor's plan, not Loki's.
>Bruce leaps off the ship to Hulk out and fight Fenris
>dull thunk as he hits the ground
>There was one time my brother transformed himself into a mare in heat and slept with the stallion named Svaðilfari, and then Loki ended up giving birth to an eight-legged horse who my father uses as his personal steed now.
>Neo Nazis actually worship these guys
I thought he was dead for real. How come he didn't just go unconscious? Tony was able to knock him out with a punch. Surely that was much worse
Hulk can keep Banner alive through pretty much anything that Hulk himself wouldn't die from, like the one cut scene where Banner tried to blow his own brains out, only for him to Hulk out mid-shot and just spit the bullet out.
The punch thing was a bit different, mostly because Hulk got suckerpunched by a machine specifically designed to go toe to toe with him, while he was distracted after having an entire skyscraper dropped on him. Chalking it up to just "a punch" is a little misleading.
I'm guessing you haven't seen the movie. It's the timing that sells it.
Loki smiling to himself afterward makes it even better
Oh god we've been through this, the Hulkbuster punch only worked because Banner/Hulk saw all the destruction and "let" himself be beat.
I wonder if Loki ever turned into Hela and made sexual advances towards Thor, just as a joke, hahaha
Movie needed more based Goldblum
He's friggin' gone
>didn't have quips
His entire purpose in the film was to burst in with a completely needless quip when things threatened to get a tiny bit emotionally heavy.
Right after Thor/Loki's speech and right after Asgard gets blown up and everyone else is staring in horror.
"the hammer pulls you off? " did make me lol though
His “assguard” line was so great. It’s seems like such an obvious and dumb joke to try and pull, but the way he delivered it was so awkward and perfect.
I think he said "Assberg" first, which I'm sure Sup Forums as a whole must've loved.
He doesn't actually shoot himself in that deleted scene. He turns into the Hulk before he gets the chance to.
What kind of mentally retarded human being do you have to be to laugh at anything shown in this movie? There was not a single moment in this film that would have even made me smile.
I'm sure you are an enjoyable person with lots of friends
After watching this movie my ten year old sister suggested Loki was gay
a lot of the jokes in this felt like nice little impov bits than some scripted one liner. I think it helped
It's big brother kino. As a guy who has a little brother, I laughed pretty hard.
I wonder if hela ever tricked them into licking her feet, as a joke haha
>What kind of mentally retarded human being do you have to be
Judging by Thor's general popularity, I suppose a very average and sociable mentally retarded human being?
Goldblum was flirting with Loki every time then talked on screen.
t. Autist
I wonder if Loki participated in the orgies
>classic comedic inversion and embelishment
>angry DCuck reeeeees in the distance.
You're being overly harsh but I agree. The """""""humour""""""" was reddit-tier cringe
This doesn't sound like it's funny at all and I didn't enjoy GOTG either. Should I watch this guys? Favourite Marvel flicks are Ant Man, Iron Man, Incredible Hulk and yeah that's sadly it.
Not even for the visuals?
I did enjoy Thor 1 and like the Loki character but oh well, then I'll just wait until it's out on Netflix.
The visuals are nice. It's basically a kid friendly version of Metal Hurlant. Easily the best looking Marvel movie in terms of production design if that's what you're interested in.
The ending sequence of the opening scene, and the flashback scene are spectacular
Reading it, yeah, it actually sounds unfunny as fuck. Something about the manic, desperate delivery Hemsworth gave it made it hilarious though. I guess you need context because the joke is more about his reaction to what's happening than what he actually says.
I hated GOTG but enjoyed this one as much as the best of the MCU. My favorite is Avengers. Yeah, it's fucking Avengers. Fight me.
This movie is unironically very pleasing on the eyes. If you think cinematography is just nice shots that look like epic desktop backgrounds, then Thor 3 rivals Blade Runner.
The flashback scene with Hela and Valkyrie was really nice, but way too short
This movie was pretty funny. I wish they had taken it to another level entirely by just making the whole thing a comedy. Like, don't have Thor or Hulk showing any tension whatsoever.
>Hela shows up
>literally nobody takes her seriously because they all know she's going to be defeated at the end
Also, have her stay alive at the end of the movie because she's hot as fuck.
I wonder if big sis Hela ever bullied her little bros by sitting on their face as punishment, haha, that would be so funny, lol
Do you guys think Odin and Hela ever fucked? I mean, you don't see any pictures of Odin standing next to his wife. Besides, aren't vikings and other barbaric cultures fond of mating with the most powerful people?
Dem synthol triceps
I would feel sorry for her tbhh. He fucked her up by making her incompatible with his new world order so it wouldn't be a stretch if he fucked her literally either
Best part was Loki grinning to himself like "Ah, those were good times"
>dull thunk as he hits the ground
>mfw i burst into a roaring laughter in a otherwise quiet theater
Why does Thor admire snake?
Didn't Odin (in IRL Norse Code) literally fuck snakes and then fuck his own goat-daugter and all sorts of fucked up shit like that?
>he thinks she's dead
>he is that guy
In the comic world no, but in actual mythology Hel is not Odyns daughter, not that that would stop him anyways. All mythology is full of beastiality and incest.
It's a joke. Thor was supposed to fight a giant serpent named jormungandyr in the mythological ragnarok
I thought the comedy was the best so far. It wasn't the edgy cynical shit in GotG which is mildly entertaining but really grating after two hours, and it wasn't the spiderman shit where they force quips into the mouths of supposedly socially awkward teens every 30 seconds.
It was just kinda goofy humour. I'm ok with that. These films are fucking stupid and allowing the jokes to be stupid works.
So you like the reddit flicks. You don't belong here.
No, people that are dead inside like you should just skip this whole genre altogether.
>In the comic world no
You know in the comic world she is Loki's daughter right?
Yea but not odyns. I think in mythology loki is her son so the comics didn't change much.
>Thor: Ragnarok isn't a rehash of Moa-
>shapeshifting mythic guy and a female companion form a reluctant team to try to stop the destruction of the homeworld of one or more of the team by a powerful evil mythical woman in addition to a visit to a place where a battle with a giant beast occurs in addition to a male member of the team having a weapon closely associated with him breaking and learning that he didn't need said weapon
Can't Disney even wait a couple of years before rehashing a movie?
They at least are putting a greater amount of tie between Big Hero 6 and A Wrinkle in Time.
>I really didnt find this funny at all. Not sure why people did.
Definitely because of your autism user.
seems like a constant with mythic father-gods
>here was not a single moment in this film that would have even made me smile.
You need a fucking hug or something you sound legit depressed
I'd slash your throat open before you put your fucking hands anywhere near me.
Haha woah Loki calm down ;)
You wouldn't see it coming
>standing right behind you
Get Help was a good joke, with clear set-up, punchline, and follow through. My favourite is the dialogue after the bit, with Loki saying how humiliating it is, and Thor responding how it isn't for him, because it's so very in-character that that's what'd they say, and noting what kind of relationship dynamic they have.
Iirc loki is the bastard child of odins wife and an ice giant
>implying Loki hasn't slain millions
He literally, unironically has the "devilishly handsome" look.
Bookworms, girls who are brainy or think they're brainy, theatre-types, they're all super into Hiddleston.
Yep. Movie could have done without rock guy, who looked strangely rubbery for a non rubber suit effect.
I had grown kinda numb to superhero movies, didn't care for Dr. Strange and skipped Guardians 2, but I really liked this one. Lots of flaws and guilty of playing it safe in some areas, but I thought it as imaginative, genuínely funny (though some jokes missed the mark), and I really liked the action. Valkyrie lady was kinda lame. Hela was a little plain but Blanchett hammed it up enough for me to enjoy it, and I also wanted to impregnate her. I don't watch popcorn movies often anymore but I really liked this one.
based Venture Bros. poster
Is she? Isn't that from mythology?
Don't know shit about mythology, not a fucking nerd.
But yes, she is Loki's daughter in the comics.
T. bismuth
reminds me of this:
>knowing comic mythos over actual mythology
Haha fucking faggot
>reminded me of Venture Bros
A lot of the humor reminded me of the Venture Bros. It was pretty great seeing that kind of humor in a mainstream superhero movie.
>his “assguard” line
bernstein effect in full effect - i bet you can even summon up a vivid audio memory of goldblum saying "assguard" in his voice, but he actually only says 'assplace' and 'assburg' in the movie
great scene tho haha
>a sperg
I didn't even notice!
I appreciated that they at least did that with the giant lava monster, though. He was supposed to be this incredibly dangerous threat that would destroy Asgard, and he constantly talks about it, but everyone ignored his threats, and no one took him seriously. That made his final rampage was hilarious.
Hel(a) in Norse mythology is Loki's daughter with the Ice Giantess Angrboda. Loki himself is Odin's blood brother, not his son. And yes, he's an adopted Ice Giant.
I'm pretty sure there's another scene where he purposely stresses the "As"-part in Asgard to make it sound like that.