>58 seconds of logos
>58 seconds of logos
>that wouldn’t happen in real life, ding!
>protagonist is a straight white male *ding*
>A channel which sole reason for popularity stems from the fact it's predominately visited by people looking for a free abridged version of a movie they watched once, *ding*!
>3 minutes or less
Anything under 3 hours is overlooking a lot of problems.
>scene doesn't contain a lap dance *ding*
>This scene does not contain a lap dance DING!
can't stand a single second of that annoying voice, unbelievable how people can watch them
>Reddit meme, so I'll subtract a sin cuz lulz, *gnid*!
>This scene contains a hivemind *ding*
>Scene didn't turn out how I wanted it to turn out, *ding*!
>Movie title after ending, *ding*!
Fuck this channel.
>that’s racist
if you don't like it don'y watch it
>That was so awesome that I'm removing a sin.
>That's sexist!
How do you know you don't like it without watching it?
you watch one video and if you don't like, you watch something else instead of wasting time complaining about a youtube channel you don't watch
EWW please leave
>I'm gonna add a gorillion sins for that *ddddddiiiiiiiiinnnngggg*
I could say the same to Jeremy.
>thaaaat's racist *ding*
>this thread doesn't contain a Prometheus School of Running Away from Things *DING*
i saw one video years ago, realized it was pure distilled autism, and havent watched one since
>I recognise this trope, ding!
but this is his job. It's like saying " i don't like pushing pencils, so I'll just stop showing up to work"
itt: future King Kong directors
Didn't you read the sign that said "no retards in this thread"?
soygoy with nothing of substance to say
>watching cinemasins
I don't think there's a worse clickbait out there
If you like movies people keep recommending it in Facebook and other places.
“Omg, look how many mistakes are in Ghostbusters etc.
they faggots that run the channel are literal SEO guys, it's visual clickbait
if you don't like Facebook don't use it
If you don’t like this thread you know what to do
>something reminds me of something else
I wish I was exaggerating.
>replying to namefags
Lap dances are so epic and funny guys XD
>just because that would happen in real life doesn't mean I want to see it in a movie, ding!
>Blade Runner looks both shabby AND futuristic *ding*
Garbage content.
>ah the old "man walking in a room cliche" - ex machina
just use krager's trip instead
opening this guys channel completely ruined these entertaining videos for me
Same here. Good.
but he's right most of the time, you're just buttmad a popular YT channel is pointing out how terrible your precious childshit is. you're focusing on irrelevant sins to distract from the fact he ALSO points out massive plot holes and character assassinations in your precious manchild garbage.
oh, and blade runner does suck, he's correct with that one.
>muh future porn
>make 3-4 minute videos cataloging continuity errors and mistakes in popular movies
>make 20 minutes odysseys in which you simply do exactly what Nostalgia Critic does by making jokes over an abridged version of the movie, the only difference being that you don't show your face
Why does this happen to every channel?
Have cinema sins responded to this video
>not watching cinemawins instead
It's like you guys hunt for the angst.
ad money. Longer videos = more income
You have to realize that cinemasins isn't a couple dudes just having fun in their basement. They're soulless golem who specifically calibrate and fine tune literally everything they do for (You)s. They set out from the very beginning just to make easy clickbait videos.
the reason the videos went from being 3-4 minutes to being 20 minutes each is because Youtube's metrics changed how they measured views, so it became more advantageous to start making longer videos rather than a bunch of short ones.
>that was awesome i'll remove a sin for that
>immediately adds 3 more
This is like the third thread this week. OP stop shilling you fegget
I've never watched one of their videos because I dislike the idea of ruining a movie I enjoyed. I don't know why that appeals to anyone, really.
It's like cinemasins but for soyboys.
Based Shaun.
Jordan Vogt-Roberts said everything I wanted to say about Cinemasins, only better.
Makes me legit angry that a lot of people call his tweets a "rant" or "meltdown". He was 100% correct in every point.
I fucking love that someone finally called them out on their hypocrisy.
>main character is a black bull
>-100 sins *reverse ding*
>this scene does not include a lapdance
what's worse screenjunkies or cinemasins
>This "cheap laugh" got no reaction prior to the election. It gets a reaction because the black mirror of the 70's we're living in.
Oh no, it's retarded...
Don't you have a sexual harassment lawsuit to fight?
no contest
>played by idris elba
what a weird thing to mention
Cinemsins. Without question.
You might not like Honest Trailers or whatever, but they rarely go beyond 3-5 minutes.
They also don't try to play the bullshit satire card.
Same, I actually liked his vids until I saw the first version of this.
>but he's right most of the time
I love cinema sins but I wish they didn't just do blockbusters and capeshit nowadays
Cinemasins is far worse. Honest trailers can at least be mildly entertaining, and the videos are short. Both are clickbait, but at least one puts some effort into it
I could tolerate these guys much more if it wasn't 5 minutes of dings. It's headache inducing.
>Hermione is not old enough to be hot yet
ie: justice league ring theory
>hmm, who are these people who so autistically hate cinemasi-
>literal capeshitters
B'awwwww, upset that people are watching youtube synopses instead of buying tickets to your quipkinos?
Why are you pretending to have just found that vid when you knew about it and wanna meme?
>watching a review that is as long or longer than the movies themselves
>removed 50 sins for Get Out.
>white people are racist
>I'm just going to go ahead and remove 10 sins for that!
It was seriously annoying. Why are we such cucks? No race on earth aims to please like caucasians
Perfect corss-section of high empathy and mid-level IQ, falling testosterone.
>high empathy and mid-level IQ
This is really it. People are smart enough to realize that not everyone gets the same hand in life. But not smart enough to realize that it isn't strictly by skin color. And also there are more skin colors to care about besides "brown".
Oh and also the number of morons who think Muslim and Arab are the same thing can get fucked.
I didn't actually, I just noticed it in a "recommended for u" list and it seemed pertinent to the conversation
This channel is so fucking awful it actually gets me pissed that.
This breaks it down nicely.
There is nothing wrong with CinemaSins per se except people taking it seriously.
If they don't want to be taken seriously, and instead more as a comedic form, they should at least try to make their "jokes" come close to resembling humor.
A complete lack of creative/funny humor is definitely something wrong with CinemaSins, especially if they shouldn't be taken as anything other than humor.
Hey man, Stoklasa's Prequel reviews were entertaining enough. The second and third ones even made some good points!
Yeah, nearly enough to be worth considering the production of!
You've got it all backwards.
It's a hugbox version of cinemasins. How is that not for soyboys?
>Channel that mostly shills Star Wars an capeshit>Channel that trolls movies
This is beyond Reddit, this is Tumblr country.
>Channel that trolls movies
"I was just pretending to be retarded" doesn't work. They've tried to pretend that they're just trolling or using satire but it's obvious that they're serious most of the time.
>Sup Forums watches EWW expecting well thought out and concise criticism
Still hard to believe.
>that one time the Kong director got anallyravaged over cinemasins
Anyone who takes cinemasins as legit criticism is the ultimate brainlet
Honest Trailers at least tries to construct jokes. How It Should Have Ended is the best of this kind of shit though.
>use to enjoy HISHE
>now every video just ties into the cafe or villains club
Many people in third world countries bow to Westerners. Many of them want to be Westerners and even name their children after Westerners or make surgeries to have a similar body.
kind of shows how capeshits have taken over the blockbuster industry.
Still better than Stuckmann.