>tfw the Flash has the third best rogues gallery in comics behind Spider-Man and Batman
>They'll never get the proper spotlight in movies because the DCEU is in shambles and rushing into "Flashpoint"
Feels bad, man.
>tfw the Flash has the third best rogues gallery in comics behind Spider-Man and Batman
>They'll never get the proper spotlight in movies because the DCEU is in shambles and rushing into "Flashpoint"
Feels bad, man.
Who's the guy with the dildo mask?
Official rogue rankings
Superman rouge gallery is barely even scratching top ten...
Grodd, Boomerang, Cold, and Reverse Flash / Zoom / Prof Zoom are the only good ones
The others need to team-up because they can’t fill the role of villain for more than an issue / episode / subplot
His best rogues don't even get proper representation on his TV show. It's a shame, too, because Barry has a unique relationship with his rogue's gallery that no other hero has.
superman has garbage villains. banshee? lmao. and a bunch of losers that shoot kryptonite.
Superman and X-men have better galleries. Fact.
>Death of Superman
>The Dark Knight Returns
Seriously, why is DC rushing into these big stories right off the line?
I want a grungy "always sunny-esque" Australian tv show about the adventures of Captain Boomerang.
Every episode is him trying to break out of the cycle of petty crime, poverty, and getting his ass kicked back to the housing estate by B-list heroes. Every episode he ends up right where he started.
Like a boomerang
I'll have what he's having
Fuck, I'd actually watch that.
I was thinking more of a Friends of Eddie Coyle type film but about flash's rogues
Nope. Objective ranking, consensus among all Sup Forumsmrades
Batman > Spider-Man > The Flash > Superman > X-Men > Fantastic Four > Everyone else
Weather Wizard and Mirror Master are powerful as fuck, they can carry a story easily.
But yeah, the Rogues work better as an unity.
>X-Men below Superman, whose rogues are Darkseid, Lex, Zod, Metallo and literally whos
Sheer quantity should carry the day for the muties. Magneto, Apocalypse, Sinister, Mystique, Sentinels, etc.
Lex is based tho
No plan.
This. The Rogues are great because they're basically a criminal co-op, they've got each other's backs. Plus Captain Cold is kinda like an old school gang boss. He's spent his whole career trying to kill superheroes but when Elongated Man's wife died he sent flowers to the funeral.
FF has Doom and shares Galactus.... Other than that it's... What, Silver surfer* and Namor*?
>Tom Hardy as Captain Cold.
>Joel Edgerton as Heatwave.
>Oscar Isaac as Weather Wizard.
>Dan Stevens as Mirror Master.
>Channing Tatum as The Trickster.
>Eddie Redmayne as Pied Piper.
>Mackenzie Davis as Golden Glider.
>Jake Gyllenhaal as The Top.
>Benedict Cumberbatch as Abra Kadabra.
>Colin Farrell as Doctor Alchemy.
>Michael Fassbender as Reverse Flash.
>Andy Serkis as Grodd.
The ridiculously overqualified cast that we deserve.
Holy shit is that really Flash's main baddies? They look like extras in Guardians of the Galaxy lol
That's part of the fun.
I'd watch that.
I've never read a Flash Comic, but how is someone like Capt. Boomerang a threat to a man who can move faster than the speed o light and with reflexes to match?
Side question: Why does Captain Cold or whatever he is exist when Mr. Freeze is already a thing? I never read DC comics/dont give a shit really
Mister Freeze has a gun that shoots ice and freezes things.
Captain Cold has a gun that slows molecules down to absolute zero, incidentally creating ice because of the absent of motion.
To be quite literally honest so did Marvel, they rushed into Infinity War, Civil War, and Age of Ultron(whom they killed in a single fucking movie)
Its because the corporate cucks are scared of the bubble bursting.
His name is fucking snart
edgy as shit holy fuck
I ain't paying to read this shite
Because they operate out of two different cities and have different motives.
Captain Cold is a classic themed criminal. He just wants to steal shit, live it up and fuck with the Flash.
Mr. Freeze is a gothic, tortured genius with a tragic back story and a drive to take his revenge upon the world that made him a monster.
If your name is Leonard Snart your only options are to become a hard motherfucker or die.
Captain Cold is a Johnny Cash song with a freeze ray.
Your loss.
Superman's Rogues Gallery is constantly used by other comic books. Because of this, retards like don't realize that many major DC villains started as Superman opponents.
Not really. Death of Superman should have at the very least been in Justice League, preferably after.
Civil War had 7 movies that star Cap or Iron Man building up to it. It was time.
Age of Ultron was also timed correctly, just excecuted poorly.
Infinity War is perfect in its timing. Just at the edge of peak capeshit popularity and they bring everyone together for one final hurrah before many of the actors hang it up. If there was EVER a 'one final hurrah' story in Marvel, it's Infinity War. The only rushing they did here was not getting Adam Warlock set up.
Such as?
They all look incredibly gay
How many more movies do you fucking want? It's been ten years since the MCU started, we already know all the characters, it was time.
>Handsome Boomer
That's his kid. Boomerang II, Electric Boogaloo.
>Michael Fassbender as Reverse Flash.
You know, I was watching the crossover today and thought exactly the same thing, Fassbender would be a great Eobard for a movie