Anyone else unable to sit through movies and TV shows anymore?
Everytime I start something, I turn it off half way through.
Anyone else unable to sit through movies and TV shows anymore?
have a one pause only rule.
use the pause near the half way life cinemas do.
makes it more enjoyable as well.
yes i am still able. i also read books.
i weep for the people on Sup Forums that have such fucked up brains they can't even sit through a movie.
I had the same problem. What helps for me is to watch something more simple like capeshit, micheal bay movies, pixar movies etc...
They're still good and enjoyable
>inb4 "just turn your brain off lmao"
It werks
you have outgrown the plebbit passive visual medium.
don't look back.
that's me but with video games, now i play the same 3 things and shun anything new even if it looks cool.
You're just depressed user.
I read books but 90% of films I'll just be on Sup Forums on the other monitor.
At least you start something
I just download stuff, categorize it, add more stuff to my watchlist, download, read reviews, download and repeat, I have tons of films and always end up browsing Sup Forums
>tfw 108 film backlog