What are some movies about hard knock life?

What are some movies about hard knock life?

>the average trump voter



Do you think those rednecks will accept me?

I never lived in a trailer park myself but hung around people who did and it has a sort of comfy appeal. I would rather live in a trailer than apartment personally.

God, why white people are so ugly? Nordicucks, anglos and germans... Meds and iberians looks fine, even slavs look ok... but the rest...


Average american family reunion

I can only imagine what's going through her mind at that moment.

Nuke Burgers.

I fucking hate amerimutts.

Shut up you ugly pajeet


Centuries of inbreeding will do that to you.

Stfu wh*Toid cuck.

wow i totally forgot about that brand

truly the master race

Are there any good movies about what it's like to be a very handsome man? I need someone to identify with.

kill everything

>Sup Forums is ruining Sup Forums not us!

where do you think murkan whites came from, a lot of germanic, scandinavian, english places

me in the middle


yo hol me back nigga

>become professional whore
>expect life to be good
Pick 1

*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation

They aren't "white" you can research european facial structures throughout the centuries, you won't find anyone as ugly looking as americans, they are deformed ugly mutants.


>it's a living


Hey cool it with the r*cism

>The absolute state of white "people".

>masturbating in front the mirror
I do that too.

>you won't find anyone as ugly looking as americans,
Except the yuropoors they came from.

>this is a 10/10 in Britbongistan

Just as bad niggers

I love white trash girls
There should be a lot more trailer trash porn

reported for racism

Picking on an easy target, there are a lot of ugly people there because of all the incest going on, I can't really blame them, what do you do when your sister is a cheeky blond qt with huge boobs?

This. Bong women are fucking terrible. Literal slag retards

Libcucks lost, Republicans won. Trump won, Hillary lost.

Our favorite goyim

reported for antisemitism

Nordic women are the best looking women on earth lets not kid ourselves. It helps that nords actually tan very well unlike disgusting deformed Anglos

Do me, do me.

recommend me some of your most erotic horror movies