ITT: Post your favorite movie and others will guess your age and personality
ITT: Post your favorite movie and others will guess your age and personality
snowflake personality
that's so broad though, people of all sorts like Blade Runner because it's one of the most-liked films of all time
mine is The Act Of Killing
Neither are correct
Valerie and her week of wonders
Vanilla christian, watches FOX
23, doesn’t own an iPhone
23, not a fan of alcohol
Early to mid 20s
Watches whatever is popular on Sup Forums, thinks Refn is the greatest filmmaker of all time
unironically agrees with many of Sup Forums's viewpoints but can't articulate any of them and just parrots
browsed his letterboxd profile to find the most obscure choice he could find. to post in this thread
15 at MOST
>Blade Runner is so broad
>The act of killing is not
youre right about age, but Im a history sutdent and found the desert fathers very interesting, especially the stylites. I am going to be a catholic monk because of them
>late 20's - early 30's
>probably chink who likes to secretly listen to peeing underage girls.
is this any good, or is it just good if you watch the rlm guys a lot. or is it not even cool then?
>introverted and raped several times by your father
thinks that world cinema is 'just more sophisticated' than American
Damn, off by a year
of course you are
was you the iphone guy? cause I dont have an Iphone
played STALKER a few times and then watched the movie
>tfw already placed my vocation
>tfw going for interview
>tfw should have my vocation ready for next summer
The sensitive type, has ideals about romance that he is too shy to tell anyone. Also technologically illiterate based on that screenshot
You read me like an open book, user.
I don't watch movies or flicks, but film, and I don't have a favorite film.
22, spewing pleb who watched a select few film classics but too scared to move on and watch more film. Constantly references the same old titles he can count on 5 fingers
20 year old NEET. Loves RPGs, both vidya and tabletop.
14 year old homosexual.
didn't realize mainstream hollywood movies from the 80's/90's could be 'good' until he saw this. Hasn't seen a lot of films. Watch Thief
Horror fan with misguided reference as to how he should explore cinema. Start with the TSPDT top 1000. Also watch Vampyr
18 or 24 but not between
good taste but limited film knowledge. Watch The Great Silence
Watched his first Tarkovsky and is now a patrician cineasta despite not being familiar with Dreyer or Bresson to whom Tark owes great cinematic debt. Watch Au Hasard Balthazaar
Wes Anderson's Best movie but still not very good. You browse /fa/
My favoite movie is Aliens.
Return of the jedi
thinks he's cool for watching the most derivative "art" film of all time
too broad. age could be anything.
You're not the type of person to hold strong convictions, original viewpoints, and are quite uncreative. Sorry.
You tend to hold popularly held 'unpopular opinions'. You don't like fast food
kind of a faggot, but also trolling so it's hard to tell what you're actually like. You've seen about 20 more films than and you think that means you've 'completed' cinema.
A fun guy in their 20s
>quotes everyone the the thread
Shit flick, turns into a slasher in the last act. The director's father, also a director, has made better films than this spew.
Completely unoriginal and hasn't achieved much in his life. Browses Sup Forums often
I wish Joanna Newsom narrated more films
I wish she made more albums.
26, boring life so he likes scifi, action and cute little girls
Lies to himself about his atraction to then
Pretends is paternal instinct when he just finds them hot and would fuck them if they were legal
Probably missed teen love and now believes the worlds owes him a loli
17, projects his artistic and intellectual insecurities onto other people.
I'm sorry to hear that, user
You unironically enjoy some capeshit and Christopher Nolan. You don't watch foreign movies
youre a cool dude, a patrician beyond your years
This hit home damn
22. Got kicked out of the theater because you kept screaming "muh childhood!" during the midnight screening of Jurassic World
I actually had a teen love but I blew it. You're close to the age but not on the mark, I hate kids though.
Likes chili and sea bass
23. Annoying and boisterous wop. Good heart though.
The most patrician film in this thread
was hoping someone like me would compliment him on his taste and validate him ITT
Why don't you just kill yourself instead?
20, substance abuser, should be looking for a job but is instead content with being a burden to his parents
Wrong on both
Someone's mad I hit the nail on the head. boo hoo
Yeah you hate kids, you hate male kids or ugly female kids
Can you just delete this post please? I fucking hate posts that link every fucking other post in the thread
unironically identifies with Travis Bickle (missing the point of the film) and thinks he will kill himself at the same age Travis was in TD (27)
19, in college. Pretends to like older films, even though you do genuinely like Spartacus, to impress other people at university
No, you were wrong on all counts. Don't enter threads to project, kid.
I have this poster on my wall
You're 25 and probably cool (like me)
Masturbates to furry porn
has seen two sources claiming Evil Dead is the best horror ever made and now stands by that claim 100%
A History of Violence
Way too vague