>get married to smoking hot woman
>she stops actressing and turns in to a pretentious UN human rights garbage
>she decides to adopt a tribe of third worlders you must pay towards
>she cuts her tits off
>she accuses you of attacking one of the 3rd worlders

I feel sorry for him.

I wonder how their actual biological children are gonna react to this news


>tells crazy wife to cut it out
>becomes alcoholic and leaves family
>gets back with even hotter ex
>can get any woman he wants

I don't feel bad for him at all.

You should google Angelina Jolie... Time hasn't been kind to her. See pic

>tfw she said she laments Brad leaving her every day
poor goop

you forgot
>has sex with black third worlder
>only kid that actually belongs to him she hates and is putting on HRT so she grows up to be a freak
Brad should kill all these fucks and then disappear forever.

he has shitty taste in women. you dont have to marry a celeb, retard.