I'm A Celeb
Try and stop me
Will Kez do anything this episode though?
Mas que nada
>tfw Watford fan
>tfw an hour ago I was worried that I would have to miss some I'm a Celeb with the lads to watch the match
Into the trash Ashley Young goes.
Come on Iain
What sinful pleasures would you partake on Toff's bum?
eating a pot noodle lads
based Toff's bum poster
>Public hate Iain
Rude cunt who hates Brexit.
Had 2 (two) kievs
I want Vardy to slap me around for snoring too much
give it a quick peck
>hates Brexit
>Becky will never fuck off
Beckyfags are degenerate.
Vardy is so much worse. Going to finally download the app and vote for her
Rebekah moaning again
Ant the drug addict.
>Kez literally the embodiment of Labour
i want Becky to degrade and verbally abuse me
Alright lads, did Iain neck himself yet?
Kez is such a fucking politician telling everyone to do shit. She wasn't even there from the beginning.
>he doesn't lock himself in chastity for Becky
Preggo Becky lads
>Kez finally gets screentime
>Uses it to do the strong womyn shit
Christ I hope he gets no stars again, fucking bellend
Rebekah is a c*nt
Is it me or has toff lost weight?
Good taste lad
Where's the Toffs bum post lads
Ahahaha Stanley was so happy it was Iain
Hope he gets all the stars to shut Amir and Becky up
maybe iain should leave leave alone
Amir's a cunt
If Iain fails again will we finally see a jungle suicide?
Do him a favor ITV, make the trial that he has to eat 11 raw onions.
kek when Iain cried
Campmates poking fun about it behind his fat back
>I can't swim and I hate heights
What a fucking faggot
apparently theres already psychological help on standby
>Becky will never annihilate you with her strap-on
Why even live lads
>can I get a signed photo for my mum?
Sorry, i'm a bit late lads.
Iain is not going to do this one, he'll give up and everyone will hate him
>There are people ITT who are younger than I'm a celeb
Fingers crossed
Iain's going to fail yet again.
Nah he's playing up his fear of heights, he wont risk ostracism
>ALL of these IAIN haters
>This is a 10/10 in /celeb/
Pretty sure the camp is now officially under siege due to Iain's failures
Well peng,lad
extremely attracted to kez for some reason
not proud of myself
Oh there were definitely stars in that bag lads
Maybe Iain won't be a complete failure for once in his miserable life
>it's a Martin tampers with the harness the night before episode
sort it out mate
I want her to slide that cigarette right up my arse
You should join me and the other user worshiping Goddess Becky
I was attracted to Nadine Dorries. Had a few regrettable wanks to that picture of her sunbathing
Eating some of those mini caramel slices from Sainsburys, damn boy, they're nice
Are you a middle aged lesbian
Kebab or pizza for my Celeb takeaway lads?
Eat rationed rice for the authentic experience
>that fucking cancer advert
Pizza lad
>He isn't getting a pizza with donner kebab meat on it
Pizza with garlic bread and a cold can of coke
You okay, bro?
>he's scared of smoke
What a soyboy desu
Found the thread poof
Pizza and an ice cold Irn Bru (jokes on you lads I'm not even Scottish)
Just so everyone knows, /fit/ has figured out a natural way to improve your testosterone, all you have to do is eat a raw onion a day.
Don't thank me lads, I'm just spreading the good word.
tbf i do get rock hard when she acts like a bullying bitch
NEED to see her dominating and humiliating soygirl shappi
Not him and I don't post as much but I like Becky too lad she's the only jungle girl I've had a wank over this season twice
>Cancer is buying adspace these days
Whats the world coming to
Toff is for cuddle
Becky is for struggle
honestly can't think of anything less attractive than smoking. How can people who've grown up knowing what it does to you even fall for the Tobacco Jews tricks?
>pizza with donner kebab meat on it
Iain is killing himself tonight, and these dubs prove it
Just in lads what have I missed
so i can fap as much i like?
Cancer charities are a scam. Cancer cannot be properly 'cured'.
Revised wish list for next year's I'm A Celeb
>Nigel Farage
>Rachel Riley
>Kate McCann
>Roy Keane
>Louis Theroux
>Aiden Gillen
>Holly Willoughby
>Nigela Lawson
>Bradley Walsh
>Kay Burley
Late arrivals
>Ross Kemp
>Diane Abbott
>Star Wars soundtrack
Iain lives another day
its top notch
Nah I want Vanessa to become her foot slave
Too many actual famous people lol
We /Duel of the Fates/ now
>Iain having a wank in the rocket cockpit
Duel of the Fates