This movie is gonna BREAK RECORDS
This movie is gonna BREAK RECORDS
>They won't call this dude his comic book name because it's 'racist'
look at the size of his lips! *exhale*
it's also gonna break a lot of white hymens
Whats his comic book name?
What name?
BLACK Panther
Reminder blacks are uncivilized subhumans.
You just know this flick is gonna win academy awards
more like break into record stores
Every movie with a black lead should just start off with:
"70% of black children don't have fathers because their men abandon their children. Daily reminder not to pretend they are like you."
The Human Nigger
Could it be, dare I say, the KING of the box office? :^)
What am I seeing here?
What is this? What am i looking at
How is making fun of blacks crying? Did you call everyone who made fun of you in high school crybabies?
The Man-Ape costume is pretty cool. Gonna be A-1 kino, at least as far as costumes and set design go.
What's his dick size haha.
you have to go back.
> beating deadpool
Hope so
Black Panther is a GOAT super hero. Literally one of few Marvel heroes that aren't complete trash.
see, there's no way you can read that without it sounding like the plaintive cry of a triggered snowflake demanding the return of his safe space. I know, I know, you probably intended for it to be authoritative, but it just comes across as pained bleating
Remember, my fellow kekistani's, to BOYCOTT this movie. It's LITERALLY white genocide
This ass-blasted beta.
You don't need to make a commitment to a woman when you measure your dick in forearms.
Keep raisin' my kids tho, lil' man.
This. And I'm a sucker for the type of heroes whose titles are actually official positions in an established military/government/monarchy and not just a cover for vigilante activities. Like the Lanterns, Capt. Marvel and BP of course
You're the one being upset about a thread on Sup Forums
reddit is the place for you.
It won't break any records, unless you make up new categories for it to break. Deadpool will retain all february records. BP is not opening for over 120m. I could see it grossing over 800m, but I kinda doubt it will.
I'm just telling you how the tone of your post came across, I don't really care that you don't care for black people.
He tells you to go back and then you sperg the fuck out calling him triggered. What level of cognitive dissonance are you on senpai?
Yearly murder counts
It literally says it on the cover
The fact that he needs to bleat "go back" in response to a post calling Sup Forumslacks out for being soft-shelled bitches proves the far right craves safe spaces as much as the far left does.
I thought that was supposed to be the villain?
The fact that a bunch of people making fun of this movie makes you butthurt enough to post that alt right shit means you are much MUCH more thinskinned than him and would not have lasted a fucking day on Sup Forums before little bitch faggots like you showed up. Its amazing that someone can project their insecurities onto others that hard desu
* this movie is gonna trigger poltards HARD
It already is
i really hope the movie skips over niggeramerican culture as quickly as possible and actually uses AFRICAN themes and visual aspects instead of us just getting watered down cgi kangz super space-africa and kanye west dubstep hashes blaring in every fight scene
the whole of africa as one amalgamation has a plethora of design they could take from for sets, costumes, weapons, etc, but i'm worried and quite assured this movie is just gonna end up being racebait
if i had it my way this shit world would gloss over that shit and we would just have movies with white heroes and black heroes and white villains and black villains
I feel like if I also just called someone triggered Every time they made fun of me I would feel much better about myself. How is it working?
Not as much as more popular movies CRACKED RECORDS.
I know it sounds crazy but it's the premise of his powers.
I cant wait for this movie to be decent, shit on the latest DC bowel movement and Sup Forums losing their collective shit
Same the trailers look good too im HYPED
why would you be hyped for capeshit
oh yeah you're a dumb shitposter and bad at it. try again
You sound very upset someone would DARE imply the far right is triggered by anything. Also, making a lot of assumptions there bud, I've been here since 2013 and frequently post on Sup Forums.
>hahaha niggers sure are dumb
Is much different than
>waaahhh! This movie is the death of the white race!
Literally nobody has said the latter in this thread so it's pretty clear what you are trying to do soyfaggot
Hoping it bombs so the sjw crowd chimp out at the racyst whites who never watched it.
King Wewuz
>praise themselves if if does well
>blame whitey if it doesn't
Fuck this.
no it wont-
SJW MSM will all call us racists for not seeing it when it flops.
Other than black americans and mentally ill MCU fans who else is going to watch this movie?
>February release
Yeah, no
Well they aren't wrong, are they?
Japan alone averages 139 700 murders a year, so I don't understand what the issue is with that
Records? nah, maybe windows.
Man-Ape, pretty much just your standard big dumb guy.
Radioactive human bit a nigger.
So Human-Nigger
I unironically think this movie will be enjoyable.
Also whos that guy? Did they change the actor for Black Panther?
>another white boy crying about Black Panther thread
why are you so mad?
You know the faggots here are just going to call you guys white cucks right?
damn he's like the black drumpf. will this be in the movie
People hardly surprise me anymore. I won't flinch if it's the highest grossing Marvel movie.
Wanna know we know you're not white? Because black people don't actually talk like that, fucking cracker
I'm going for the scene where a white blonde Norse girl plays a black African goddess.
Doubt, as Marvel would never dare have any meaningful ideas in their cape-flicks. Which is a shamen, because the conflict between protecting Wakanda and helping the rest of Africa is pretty much the most interesting thing about Black Panther.
>Dr Doom wants to expand his kingdom for mankind's best and he is evil
>King Negro closes his doors and he is in the Avengers
>the conflict between protecting Wakanda and helping the rest of Africa is pretty much the most interesting thing about Black Panther.
Protecting Wakanda from what? This sounds like a major asspull to explain mass hunger and a sprawling wealthy city being in the same continent. There is no need for such nonsense. T'Challa rules Wakanda, not all of Africa.
It's gonna break records for how triggered it's gonna make pol/tv/. This boards gonna be unbearable when it releases
Do you have one of these for the Caribbean?
Nigger Cat
And by "how triggered it's gonna make pol/tv/" you mean how triggered Sup Forums is going to make you when they mock and ridicule the movie.
>This movie is gonna BREAK RECORDS
Is New Jack City the world record holder for most nigger violence during a box office run ?
Do you even like Black Panther or do you just want to trigger a bunch of anons here?
lmao why the fuck is serbia included in this
is it really seen as that savage
based black panther