Jesus Christ
>makes back it's budget with a nice 182.9 million profit
Am I missing something here?
>Am I missing something here?
Yes, the marketing costs and the screening partners' cut of the box office.
I told you guys it wasn't as bad as the media said, 57% drop during a movie with the exact audience in Mexicans and the like is not bad and me and my brother are seeing it again this weekend. 800 easily doable and with Snyder Cut DVD should see a tidy profit.
Obvious bait.
It needs to make another 120 million dollars in order for Warner Bros to not lose money kek
*deeply inhales*
>Snyder Cut DVD should see a tidy profit.
Probably never gonna happen and even if it did more money would need to spent on it to finish the special effects.
>A paltry $25M max from disc sales is a "tidy profit"