Draw a movie scene with paint and other anons guess the movie.
I'll go first.
Draw a movie scene with paint and other anons guess the movie.
I'll go first.
Death to Smoochy
Correct. Here's another until other people post theirs.
That has to be Tom Cruise. Risky Business.
True Lies.
Creature From the Black Lagoon?
I watched a film like this one, it was hot.
Back to the Future.
is there a time limit?
Time limit? I guess until the thread dies.
I mean for drawing the pictures. like you have to draw the scene in 1 minute or less
No. Spend an hour drawing. Did you see mine? It took me like twenty minutes to draw this.
Way of the Gun
kek you didn't draw that.
bullshit faggot
niggas always steal my OC
Your hands look way better than mine, I suck at drawing hands for some reason.
Either Tommy Boy or Black Sheep.
They're so similar I forget which scene belongs to which.
thank u my nigga
Tommy Boy.
That nigga up there has four fucking fingers
I just give up honestly, you can see in the ones I post my hands look fucking retarded.
Crackers don’t fly
Yeah. I didn't know if it would be too hard to get and thought about adding a basketball in the background.
Mad Max 2
Scuffle in New York
Yeah. It was just a minor disagreement desu.
I can't imagine what that's from.
The game
romeo v julliet?
lol yeah.
The Goodfella
Yup. I'm running out of pics and will have to draw more.
Conan the Barbarian
I forgot what a 90's shit-show that movie was.
>I'm gonna whip you silly and I'm gonna fuck you stupid. You wanna do the man dance?
lol after I finished drawing it I looked at the picture and kek'd for like five minutes.
I think this is my last one.
that's a really good Jackie Chan dude
les miserables
animal house
>A zit! Get it?
from a documentary
This is a kino thread
Louis scientology movie
My names is paz
Paz, yes
This is a drawing of the basketball diaries
Got it! I'll have to draw more then. There's still this one:
im really bad at drawing
The Dark Knight Rises
both drawings from plane scene
That's right, poster here
No, it was TDKR plane scene
That’s Bruce Lee
Sixteen candles?
No, it's another Bratpack movie.
The Mummy, staring Center-Tooth McGoof
same diff
thats right my setepai
I want to say John Carter.
also The Mummy
The master.
Too easy.
Fuck if I know. The Network?
House of cards.
When he pushes the fat blonde lady down the stairs.
No one remembers Broken Arrow!!! Oh come ON!
there was an attempt
Princess Mononoke
National Lampoon Christmas Vacation?
these are pretty good
Grandma's Boy.
>OH NNN--!
What'd he mean by this?
hey OP are you the guy from the Big Brother general last summer?
i don't know how you got that but yeah
it's probably the one scene i remember the most from that movie desu. other than the roller coaster scene :D Based wahlberg. POW!
I got it, the breakfast club
And i think you drawing is pretty good
I don't even think I saw it, I just remember the scene from the trailer, not sure why
it's a recommend from me. this was basically during his Marky Mark days when people didnt know what to expect from him. He killed it