Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
Time to hop on this estronaut meme. Someone fill me in.
fag = flick
cuck = movie
soyboy = film
estronaut = kino
Get BR2049 the FUCK out of there, i'm warning you fucking soyboy
Required too much thinking. Stick with Soyboy. Simple and highly effective. Blade Runner has absolutely no place here, either.
Pixar for nu-males?
You take that back monsters inc was childhood kino.
Incel Runner 2049 stays
Confirmed for angry DCpajeet
>blade runner
Fucking what? More than half of the negative reviews are either
>movie too white
>movie too mysogonistic
Seriously my nigger?
whats up with that chubby child in the lower left?
There's nothing "soyboy" about Baby Driver either, the main character is tall and masculine for his age, all the other robbers are masculine, and the romance is straight out of a 50s movie
It's bleeding edge. I'm pretty sure it was created today. I am half confident I was the first guy to steal it
That's Wil Wheaton, the biggest soyboy around
Can't wait until 10,000 more things are added to this just to piss everyone off lmao
Just throw mde in there for 400+ replies.
Actually, the virginal male feminist I know has been “boycotting” Game of Thrones since Sansa was raped. There was a big thinkpiece about it on MarySue and a lot of soyboys dutifully followed suit
Other than that and 2049, seems pretty accurate. Throw in Spring Breakers and ST:D too
Incels and soyboys/nu-males are radically different, to the point where they are polar opposites in some respects.
Yeah why is studio that makes family films on here? the others I get
That’s not will wheaten ya mong
This post is proof that it belongs there besides the director caving too
Haha, the soyestboys. That movie was just a mass market pissing of a long finished movie. They took what was barely respectable and totally re-aimed it at the shut-in and waifu crowds, stripping the shreds of dignity it barely had to start with.
Destiny, a special brand of manlet
>2049 soyboys already in defense mode
so this is the power of estrogen
>no star wars
Confirmed soyest of goys
The main character in Baby Driver looks like a teenage Mexican girl. Fuck off
....what? Do you have vision problems?
>cant grow a 5 o clock shadow
?????? What on earth do you mean
grab them while they're hot, right off the presses
noticed a bit of an artifact, cleared up version
I'm into like a 1/3rd of this. What do?
start lifting, my little estronaut
Post a more soy webm, I fucking dare you
fucking kek
If you're in your 20s, you really need to do yearly blood work to see if you're doing alright. Not just t-levels, but your micronutrients as well. (((The media))) wants to spin that you don't need to see a doctor regularly until you're in your 40s, but by then you might be already fucked.
And start working out. Not just cardio, but cardio and lifting. Hit up /fit/ and the sticky.
Aren't most of the doctors jews anyway? Are they some breakaway faction?
>movie about coping with loss
>about a compensating recent divorcee
>who is alienated by an increasingly modernized society
>and takes comfort in an artifical relationship
>which ultimately fails but teaches him to move past his arrested development
>thus letting him find a new potential girlfriend IRL
>somehow this story is "soyboy" since /ourguy/ phoenix looks like a numale.
These things are always retarded. Just vaccuous memes. If anything Her is critical of manchildren and artifical relationships / modernity. These are precisely the things that the "fuckyeah science" / sexbot r/incels crowd think
what the fuck is this
no that guy is just gay with awkward hair.
what did he mean by this
You cant possibly be so fucking stupid that you thought Joi was a "good" character that was supposed to be empathetic right?
Most doctors are definitely not jews. Too few jews for that.
I don't even know what the fuck I watched, as I New Yorker tho I'm extremely triggered.
Most doctors are pajeets that want to shill meds at you. You're really only going in to see your stats more than anything else.
The FUCKYEAH SCIENCE BITCH types are the estronauts, you soy enriched belly bitch.
I'm really glad I got to see this stupid meme take off.
None of you are off the hook by the way, my little estronauts.
>Most doctors are pajeets
not unless you're rajesh. Doctors tend to be Mostly from the local host population wherever you go. Jews and similar populations are overrepresented, but not nearly as much as in other fields. Simply not enough shekels.
The fall
mad max fury road
star wars
got / hbo in general
baby driver
get out
just to name a few
estronaut sounds worse than soyboy, too obscure and not as catchy. soyboy is far more condescendign and irritating
Office, BR2049, Nightmare Before Christmas, Swiss Army Man, Bobs Burgers Her, and most of Pixar is unironically good
>gay robot eats pizza for the first time
Yes...? Thats what i wrote you mongaloid.
Her is a critique of modernity and alienation causes by technology.
>Rick Wilson
Nice image, might get some people.
>t. estronaut
it's ok to be white my """man"""
>haha those fucking soyboy numales, the alt right meanwhile is a bastion of masculini.....
i have that same jacket
Last week it was soyboy. Do we really need a new one every week?
What does estronaut even mean?
Now that's uncalled for
Estrogen-astronaut I'd wager. It's a tad bit smarter than soyboy. Still just a dumb meme but what we got is what we got.
>being this dumb
estrogen is known to hinder cognitive abilites
try harder, ivan
Baby Driver was bad and you should feel bad for defending it
estronauts go where no man has gone before. You're a fucking brainlet
needs star trek and star wars
R8 mine
Hi Ansel!
Pretty good. Estronauts often come from the best of the bugmen
Yeah but the imagery of an astronaut is someone who is
>military background, usually chairforce
>selected from the cream of the crop after vigorous physical examination
so it detracts from the effeminate and pathetic image that soyboy conjures
most of that is on there
>wanting to explore space is know considered a soyboy thing
no this ends here
fuck you faggot
>he's not a femperor
but it's not an astronaut, it's an estronaut
going where no man has gone before, but in a more biological sense
>when he puts the latex glove on
"bend over please teehee"
"prepare the long rubber glove"
most of the kids wearing this shit are a-political nerds that play their 3DS/Switch in public
>california english
Please be fake
Why is it that people never have any substantial arguments against Destiny and always resort to ad hominem attacks and short jokes?
The next term meant to be an insult but is actually just projecting.
Calm down, destiny. No need to have a short temper. It's fine, Prince was 5'2 and drowned in pussy.
What's the deal with Sup Forums and Rick and Morty? Did it offend someone?
Wasnt this the tentacle porn guy
don't play any more league steven, it's terrible. thanks.