Oooh briefcase


Fucking football friend


>Inbetweeners thread

Been waiting for this, Sup Forums

>what shall I write?
>spread em', I'll be there in af an hour


Jay is the lifeblood of that show.

It wouldn't exist without him

>Tara and Simon got married in real life
That makes me happy. Tara was best Inbetweeners girl

got my brother one of these for his birthday
God i miss these four

The first IB movie was actually surprisingly good. Second was complete shit

wtf is wrong with her eyes ayy lmao


In terms of funniness. Simon is just not that funny. He's basically the straight man (what Will would be if he wasn't so pathetically funny himself).

Wow he's actually handsome when his hair is not fucked.

Anybody watch White Gold? It stars him and Jay + Chuck Bass from gossip girl. Does it compare to Inbetweeners?

She looks like Daisy Riddly

>Simon is just not that funny
He's also a bit of a douche and a beta orbiter.



The Tara stuff was so cringe with Simon, but a lot of that late teen shit that you do with gf's and mates ends up like that so I guess that's why the show is so good, it's relatable in its chaos

Complete opposite mate. First one was alright for about half of it, then goes to shit when it divides the group up and then actually tried to be serious about it.

Second movie had them being twats to each other the whole way through with it still being funny. Is also more of a 'movie' than just an extended TV episode, which is the first movie.

... a man.

I always wanted to smash when I saw her in Kerching.


same, lad

It's good, Jay's pretty much the same character, and Simon's himself but less awkward and more normal
It's a good show but it's much more about Ed Hardwick who becomes an increasingly massive prick which makes it less enjoyable

>still being funny. Is also more of a 'movie' than just an extended TV episode, which is the first movie.
Speaking of complete opposites

Watched it. Thought it was terrible. Main character is an unlikable prick (that's the point, but he doesn't have the charm or comedic timing of someone like Leo from Wolf of Wall Street, which they were clearly going for)

On the other hand seeing Jay and Simon banter with each other was funny but there wasn't enough of it. Plus I think it's already going to get cancelled since the main character got a sexual abuse allegation

> implying it's not a White Gold thread

>wtf is wrong with her eyes
She's British

that makes me happy