Ask me anything

Ask me anything

What did you eat for lunch?

Will you play Marlon Brando in the biopic?

2d or 3d?

did u fuk that feminist cunt?

Do you have to shave your head for every Lex Luthor scene or do they do all of your scenes in the same time period before it grows back?

proof it's me

Dumplings at Nan Xiang Dumpling House, they were lovely

I legitimately believe it.

>Marlon Brando
I'd love to but that roll probably isn't for me



Stop giving your rolls to Jonah.

Why so hipster?

Are twinks soyboys?

Charlyne Yi and I never dated. I'm friends with her. She's going through a lot at the moment. She is best friends with Paul Rudd. One of my close friends was hanging out with him when the whole thing went down. We're all concerned.

She's also pretty good at the guitar, I've played with Charlyne and Paul Rust a few times, also did I say Paul Rudd? I meant to say Paul Rust. Both are a lot of fun to be around. Charlyne now tours with her husband I believe.

i wanna beat the shit out of you

Was having an unironic JUST cut part of your plan?

Of course

do you have any trepidation about the next financial quarter?

Nice, and checked.

What was it like growing up on the set of Fraggle Rock?

Nope, I'm pretty frugal myself and if anything happens here I'll just go back to my house in Toronto

Why do you yet live?

I live in New York at the moment, love it here. Kind of miss Toronto sometimes and I'll frequently fly down to Los Angeles for work but less so these days. I've been sharing a music rehearsal space near me and that's been a lot of fun.

That in no way answers my question.

where does your neck end and head begin?

When did you think of the name "moot" and why do you use it?

What was it like working with Ben Affleck in bvs?

Did you have to do any training for your role in the mk-ultra movie?

Was it hard to hide your boner when you were with Christina ricci in cursed?

have you ever been in South America or an exotic place like that?

How long did it take you to record true that?

Why aren't you answering our qrestions?

Tell me about Bane, why does he wear the mask?

It took about 6-8 months, it was a lot of fun recording that album

Haha, I remember the first banepost I saw like it happened yesterday. Was totally confused

Do you like Paul Dano?

he used to be a qt. wtf happened

Why are you a soyboy?

>Paul Dano
He was in Prisoners correct? I very much so

Why cant you point your toes outward and walk like a normal human being?
This single thing ruined Scott Pilgrim for me you knock kneed faggot.
I understand this was a soyboy flick, but you arent winning ANY fight with those spaghetti legs, please die.

True that is one of my favorite albums of all time...I know you are probably larping but still. If there’s any chance of you reading this, please know true that is a masterpiece. Ruth is insane

not him but yes they are

Thanks! I worked really hard on it. What's your favorite song on my album?

Answer my god damn question Cera, why cant you even pretend to walk right for the one "action" movie you will ever be in?

Of all your movie/TV roles, what's your personal favorite?

Because it's a stupid, rude question. bug off. Fiction.

They are all good in different ways. I had a great time working on scott pilgrim though

>this thread
The height of autism.

do you and Jonah Hill hang out?

Dude. You work in Hollywood. Just fix your walk, wtf. Its not rude, its your profession bro. Just being aware of this issue should be enough for you to fix it. Has noone seriously ever pointed this out to you? I like your movies, if i didnt i wouldnt care about this flaw. Im a fan, I want the best for you Cera, thats why im telling you to fix that shit. Its an easy fix, you just have to be aware of the problem. The fact people around you have hidden it from you means they dont really give a shit.
I just want to see you come back in Scott Pilgrim 2, with a solid horse stance, and seriously kick some ass.

I would like to know this too

Jonah Hills a great guy but I'm not hanging out with him like how I hang out with some of my friends from home, we'll see each other frome time to time. Usually at parties and gatherings.

Where is your chin?

Where are your knees?

under my lips? Haha

Dude, I get that you have no chin. I get that you dont like to lift weights, that doesnt mean you have to walk like a duck. Fix your god damn walk.

This fucking guy.

Hey I am who I am, If you don't like the way I look so be it. My doctor says I'm healthy and I'm fine the way I am.

Michael Cera asking you guys a question now. What brings you on Sup Forums tonight? I'm on here cause I got curious, never really been on Sup Forums by myself before, Ihad friends that go on here though. Any boards I should check out?

Sup Forums it's like internet crack for me.

DUDE... dude...
I love the way you look, you were perfect in Scott Pilgrim.
10/10 performance, but every shot of you from the waist down makes me cringe.
Its not a medical issue dude, its an aesthetic issue, something you can change with mind power, and maybe some basic stretching.
Holy shit you are a rich ass actor, just go get a yellow belt in karate, seriously, in that time span they will completely fix your walk.
No doctor is going to tell you, a millionaire actor, that he walks like a retard.
Thats why im here, outside your echo chamber, to help you, because i want the best for you.

Sup Forums

Sup Forums

fucking kill yourself retard. Go back to whatever zombie pit you come from

Literally unironically to pretend to be Michael Cera. I do it on 3 different boards at semi-regular intervals.

Have you ever met Jesse Heinsenberg?

canadians are the scourge of Sup Forums. All leaf faggots need to be shot on sight

Is it pronounced sea rah or Sarah? If it's the latter why do you have such a girly ass last name lmao?


You'd be surprised. Doctors are doctors at the end of the day and they'll tell you if something is wrong with your health. Have you looked at Seth and Jonah Hill recently? I just have a slim body, I also don't eat like crazy amounts of sugary food, in fact I don't put much food into me because of my busy schedule. I used to be a bit hefty before I really got big into acting, look at me on season one of arrested development. If I weren't around many people and had the freetime and stuff I'd be like a miniature homer Simpson.

i would still be attracted to you if only you did sit-ups ;_;

Did you bang Alia?

You! Where the fuck is your chin?

Not interested in relationship at the moment sorry about that haha

>every shot of you from the waist down makes me cringe

this. i loved you so much but the potbelly is a massive turnoff. please do sit-ups. i want to love you again and dream about you and ... stuff.

Under your girlfriends panties

What brings you to Sup Forums?
Best experience filming a movie?
Worst experience filming a movie?

>What brings you on Sup Forums tonight?

Like every other night, I come to talk about young and handsome celebs. That's also how I discovered Sup Forums. I googled a young and handsome actor and one of the results was to a Sup Forums thread.

Fuck you
I dropped my wattmetter and its screen broke.
Fuck you

i know i'll never have an irl or even online relationship with you. it's for my faptasy relationship with you.


what's going on here?

1. I was just curious, got some friends who go on here from time to time and have gone on with them before. Clark Duke likes to go on here but he mostly lurks
2. Answered this question earlier, actually answered the above question earlier too. but It's a tough one, It might have to be either Scott Pilgirm or Magic Magic/magic cactus. I had a ton of fun working on This is the end, Arrested Development was also fun but I was younger and I would feel homesick/miss some of my friends from home. David Cross was kind of like another father to me back when I was working on that show, it's ashamed about what he said to Charlyne Yi though. shame.
3. Never really had a bad time filming something, although sometimes you feel really down after a shoot because you feel like you didn't perform as good as you could have.

actually you know what I did have a great experience with? Bill Murray Christmas special from Netflix, I've been a huge Bill Murray fan ever since I could remember. He kinda inspired me to act so it was a lot of fun being able to work with him.


who's that?

Fuck this guy
Dude its got nothing to do with your body type or fitness level, im 6'4 i used to be skinny as fuck, its why i identified with your character in SP so much. Its the reason I can identify a guy who should change his walk. If you had an actual bone deformity, causing you to be knock kneed, your doctor would have pointed that out. Its not a physical issue, its a mental issue. You can change the way you carry yourself, I have, you are a famous actor, you surely can too.
Just practice kicking a guy in the kneecap, work this motion until it feels very natural, then apply this motion to walking, every step is essentially a kick.
Its such an easy fix, just do it.

What is your take on the Kevin Spacey/Weinstein fiasco

Ever had sex on set? Any celeb diddle you?

What's MEW like, MC?

>Fuck this guy

sorry, i'm a top not a bottom.

Youre a faggot, dont quote my posts for your gay shit when im genuinely trying to help a guy out.

What are your thoughts on how the Youth in Revolt adaptation ultimately turned out?

(I'm a huge fan of the novel and was originally turned onto it by an interview you gave a couple years before the film was produced.)

>90 posts
>43 IPs

Hmm... something's fishy about this thread.

Awful awful situation. I know it's really common these days to be wary of what women say and you know what? Even I have fallen victim to that logic in the past too. I had a great discussion about this topic during the shooting of the new season of Arrested Development. A wonderful women told me about her experience in the past with sexual harassment and It almost left me in tears.

and don't even get me started on Jeffrey Tambor and David Cross

What do you think of Neon Genesis Evangelion?

Never watched it but I know Clark Duke has, should I start it once I have the time? Duke told me to watch it but that was a long long time ago ahah

This thread is weird. If you're a LARPer you're really good at acting like a newfriend and answering Michael Cera trivia.

If not, I appreciate you being candid. Also, Superbad is one of my favorite movies ever, and your performance cinches it.

Mr. Cera, Mr. Cera
How would you say youve evolved as both a musician and a person between the time you released True That, and the death of Gord Downie a few months ago?

I was very happy with how it turned out, it was a nice, funny, strange comedy. It had a long going for it. Also Portia Doubleday was a great actor to work with, I heard she's been working on that show Mr. Robot. Never watched that show but I have watched some episodes os Black Mirror and that freaked me the hell out.

Is Mr. Robot any good?