What the hell did he do that was SOOOO DEEP?

What the hell did he do that was SOOOO DEEP?

He seemed like an complete autist to me.

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Imagine being meta before the internet.
It took a ton of planning and trolling to pull off what he did.

He pretty much created the standard for character based IRL comedy and comedy that fucked with the expectations of the audience.

better comedians think he is funny

Why are you bringing Lynch into this?

Lynch is art.
Kaufman was not.

He inspired two good R.E.M. songs

Stop overthinking. it's comedy. If you laugh at his autism you're still laughing

he never broke out of character

He was the first shitposter. It’s not deep or anything, it’s just funny.

He was basically a real life troll before the internet even existed

He never broke character, thats why people were so confused about him.
There's a german guy doing the same thing, called helge schneider. But since kaufmann died he didnt really change anything about the formula, because he ran out of things to steal from kaufmann.

autism wasn't as widespread back then, it seemed novel

He was a terrible comedian and a dumbass that died in a stupid way.

what's the other one?

professional autism was new then

>getting cancer is stupid


It's just pretending to be retarded without an apparent safety net. He didn't really do anything that could've earned him a lifelong ban from television or something. It was mildly edgy, right for its time.

Fucking 'Round With Andy

He wasn't a comedian.

>He seemed like an complete autist to me.
He's a Sup Forumstard that went back in time, so yeah.

I dont know what to think about his comedy.
I "get it" but on the other hand it seems really mild and normal compared to the amount of freaks we have everywhere now.

He was a song and dance man.

He was a IRL troll. If he were alive today, he would have been shitposting on Sup Forums daily. His Comedy isn't meant to make YOU laugh, but it's just suppose to be funny for him and his buddy.

It wasn't even comedy dude, he is legitimately the gender neutral wrestling champion of the world.


he was a genius

He stole that line from Bob Dylan

It's another "let's call out the original because so many people have done it" episode.

He wasn't a comedian and never consider himself one, he didn't even really like stand-up comedy or sitcoms or any of that and kind of resented those things. He was just sort of humorous guy looking to amuse himself and others and accidentally stumbled into a "comedy career". He was actually more interested in the professional wrestling industry.

Thing is would this guys gimmick work in this world today? I feel like for me and maybe most people its very easy to see if something is orchestrated to get reactions out of people, that and it gets exposed for being fake to the public pretty quickly.

he was a boundary pusher; it only goes without saying that what he did was pretty mild compared to people who took it further. it's like how extreme music from 30 years ago isn't comparatively extreme anymore

>*autistic screeching *
what did he mean by this?

He opened up, breaking character somewhat in the Orson interview.

What did John Cusack do, OP?

I watched that doc recently about Jim Carrey doing man on the moon and how he stayed in character while on set. I actually had to choke back tears when Jim was being Andy when Andy's real family was on set and they looked and treated him like he was actually Andy

What the hell did they do that was SOOOO FUNNY?

It seemed like a generic sitcom to me.

Ok. Now someone post Nirvana.


>asks someone to post nirvana instead of posting nirvana


I actually think it was fucked up how Jim treated Jerry Lawler. Andy and Lawler were actually friends behind the curtains and planned all the performances together, wonder if Jim didn't know that? He even called Jerry not long after the they were all done making the movie and Jim was out of character and invited Jerry to eat at some fancy restaurant and Jim stood him up.

how Lynchian

Yea, saw it too. But I’m still not sure if jim is a satanic preist.

What's a preist? Some kind of electric car?


this guy gets it

Jerry was clearly in on it man. C'mon. They were hamming it up for the camera. It's what Andy would have wanted.

He's just a whacky guy who's bought into all the psychic palm reading and Oprah sponsored self-help books.

His was talking about Jim playing Andy, not Andy himself.



That doc was really interesting. I couldn't imagine being on set while Jim/Andy was around.

Agreed, I think that's the one part he screwed up on. Didn't make much sense to me considering their history; just made Jim seem like an asshole.

I know but Lawler knew what he was doing. And he played along. It's a classic Andy joke.

Dude. He did Foreign Man and Elvis and the audience loved him for it. In the same show he became the wrestler and they hated him for beating up women. This guy they loved ten minutes ago. Then a strongman from the audience beats Andy up until he reaches for spinach and turns the tables on the bully and the audience cheered for him. He was a fucking genius.

>What the hell did he do that was SOOOO DEEP?
be a subversive jew gas lighting western traditions, hence the push

That phrase wasn’t from Dylan.

Lawler is keeping kayfabe.

His female boxing shit is pretty hilarious

Notice how Amerimutts generalize "western tradition" as a monolithic concept. It simultaneously confirms that they no next to nothing about their precious precious heritage, and that their lack culture and self-projection causes them to assume all continents as having their kike-driven melting pot model.

notice how you generalize 300 people based on one shitpost that was probably made by an australian

He was the original troll, ruseman and a master baiter. No seriously, of course it seems very tame by todays standards but in a pre-internet world it took a lot more to be successful at this kind of thing.

Chris Chan of the 70s.

300 mil*

well he did risk alienating his friends and coworkers IRL, it didn't just end on screen

not that he was 24/7 but he did push the envelope socially, not just artistically


People here keep saying his antics are tame for today's standards but name one 'comedian' or irl troll who has the balls to legit wrestle women and humiliate them by pinning them, not only that but in front of huge crowds.

If someone even attempted that today they would be instantly shammed and condemned.

Nothing. He's just funny.

I think Gavin McInnes is sort of the closest thing we have to Andy Kaufman today. Even though he does believe most of what he says, he clearly enjoys getting reactions from saying shocking things. And he likes to make edgy racist jokes because he knows people will read too deeply into them.

I think if Kaufman were still alive today, he'd be going on every talk show talking about how Trump is a great man who is making America great again.

He also likes sticking dildos in his ass on camera and eating piss cereal for no reason.

These people aren't supreme gentlemen of comedy anymore than the "artists" who shove colour balls up their vaginas and squat them out on a canvas.

"I'm being retarded on purpose" is already perfected as an art by Sup Forums so I don't see how a single person on here could be impressed by this.

>"western tradition" as a monolithic concept
good commie

The closest thing to Andy Kaufman today is Tim Heidecker rather you like it or not.

Which is essentially what Tim Heidecker does with his On Cinema/Decker character.



Trump might actually be what Andy Kaufman would be if he ran and were elected president.

you think Kaufman was a genius at ironic humor
get on my level
did kaufman ever donate 5000 dollars to the KKK?
Did Andy Kaufman ever sabotage his career on television just so that he could bully his coworkers?
Did Andy Kaufman ever do all the aforementioned things and then live in his car?
Did Andy Kaufman know who the real people the blame was for all his personal issues (the Jews!!!)?
yeah I didn't think so
bow down to the real king of ironic humor, bitch.

>it seems really mild and normal compared to the amount of freaks we have everywhere now
he was the first

So he created anticomedy cancer like Tim and Eric and most youtube channels? Sounds like a real asshole

not getting the joke

But user, Youre thinking of the golden era of youtube. Most modern youtube "humor" is Le quirky randumb epic gamer nerd oriented.
Take it from these quirky fellows.


So? Who cares? I hope that's not your entire argument.


Made me think. Upvote!

heh probably. not sure