When did you realize that JRE turn into an Alt Right Echo Chamber?
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He has people with varied oppinions on or not eben political. he mostly just plays along slightly to smooth over conversation
his views flip flop depending on the guest actually so i wouldnt call it an echo chamber.
We need a claudia cull.
He has SJWs on all the time.
His audience is majority alt-right though so when those lefty guests are on the comment section is a damn mad house
Joe " Obama was the best president we ever had" Rogan
>Why does pol invade this board all the time
Opposing child sex slavery makes you a right winger?
most of them are from the_donald, and this is the closest thing to reddit on this site outside Sup Forums
>everyone that doesn't cater to my views is alt right!
Retards like op summon politics ,i just wanna talk politics ,i frequent pol ,but when im here i dont want to talk politics ,just talk about movies or maybe even celeb drama.
>alt right
Yeah he's alt right now, just like cernovitch, southern, molyneux, and fucking matt forney.
there might be some weight behind the "joe rogan is a faggot" theory
Fuck need correction
i just dont wanna movies
yea this
he's getting woke, though
what you have to realize is, right-wingers are correct in terms of economics & government, while left-wingers are correct in terms of social issues. joe rogan became woke about this about a year ago. he didnt "become right", he got learnt
>left-wingers are correct in terms of social issues
well, USED TO be correct
now, they are the regressive who want to censor everything, and right-wingers seemingly hold the correct position about everything. this only happened very recently, and is very strange
>knowing genetics like this exist
>knowing my sperm and that egg will never fuse
What a terrible timeline this is. Truly the worst suffering.
> left-wingers are correct in terms of social issues.
are you actually retarded?
in theory, they are. the "new left" kinda ruined it
but yeah, the idea of individual liberty: legalize weed, prostitution, violent videogames, violent movies, etc. these are "leftist" values that right-wingers have traditionally opposed. in this case, leftists have held the "freedom"-position (less government interference on freedom), and have been in the right
but yeah im well aware that this dynamic is shifting completely
Where does he keep finding these loonies to talk to to?
half the guests
>gang stalked
>government helicopters
>dude I did weed and foresaw the future
>while left-wingers are correct in terms of social issues
Tax cuts don't create jobs in a consumer based economy.
Dude ignore all this alt right schtick ,but the lefts ideas about immigration and culture are borderline suicidal- I agree with gay marriage (transgenders are mentally ill tho) ,but if we lose the white supermajority in the usa the usa will devolve into south america tier country. There is a reason why mexico is poor and the reason is mexicans
youre confusing the extremists for every "leftist" ever. most of them arent that radical. theyre stupid about immigration and economic policies, but im obviously referring to the whole "legalize weed, prostititution, violent videogames" etc
yea i agree, and ive specified this in like 4 posts now so this shit is getting redundant, but what im referring to is how leftists are pro individual liberty in terms of civil rights. obviously, they are wrong about everything else
im basically advocating libertarianism, which, i mean, obviously
Joe is at best center-center-right, his audience however is a bunch of "I'm a morally superior super intellect woke libertarian" dingbats that are politically involved in the sense that they watch Sargon videos and bitch about SJW's online.
>be a newfag on Sup Forums
>turns out Sup Forums is not like reddit
>whine endlessly about a boogeyman because Sup Forums is not like reddit
lmao, erry time y'all niggas dumb
Libertarianism going to far creates monopolies and anti consumer policies. Do you really want to pay a bunch of fees for walking on a side walk toll? Libertarianism is retarded and is pure corporate feudalism
Literally the other way around. Right-wingers are right about social issues and left-wingers are right about economics.
ok stalin
read an economics book, my dude
not because i said so, but because you dont want to be wrong your entire life
Its like a complete reversal. I used to think being pc was a more right wing idea but now its the left that want to censor everything but still claim to be liberal.
Nice refute. You have any recommendations that isn’t Sowell Or Friedman garbage?
That Jaycobb Petersonn has too many brainwashed into these narrow definitions. He sees the world in this binary way, its sad that dinosaurs like himself lived long enough to watch the species evolve past his suit and tie 1970s ideals.
Raging against a chaotic universe, of which we are part, is beyond futile. Its pure ego, the materialist white man's cancer. It will kill him and we'll look back and laugh.
its 3AM and i cant be bothered
just read any economics book that isnt karl marx. coursework material is fine, too. or watch a lecture series. it can even be by a keynesian, it doesnt make a difference. like me (and most people like us), you will pretty quickly realize that pretty much everything you believe is wrong
You are insinuating that the “left” is all but SJWs which is not correct . The Koch’s want you to believe that everyone that’s remotely liberal is some hypersentivie feminist anti free speech college kid
yeah, used to be conservatives who wanted to ban books with sex & cursing (anne franks diary is still banned in some areas of the US), but now.... well, those fuckers aint got nothing on the PC-police
So national socialism?
But you don’t know what I believe in. Iam not a socialist. The USA can act like any market based economy that has reasonable social nets like universal healthcare while being pro capitalism m8
ok then you DO agree right-wingers are correct in terms of economic policy
that is, in theory. the politicians always front with "small government", but the moment they get elected, they do a complete 180
but at least what they preach is valid
Yea but I don’t agree to the extent that right wingers. Their version of capitalism is cronyism that promotes monopolies (see repealing NN) and anti consumer policies
They still do, the right is still the party of the theocratic evangelical Christian state where porn is illegal, movies and tv are heavily censored for violence and nudity, etc...
start paying attention about 20 minutes in
this guy gets it
yea i know, but, well, basically i think freedom of speech is "the most-most important" of the liberties. it is the foundation on which all other liberties are built. and somehow, right-wingers are currently in the position of defending this against leftists
how the fuck this complete 180 happened, i couldnt tell ya
Nah fuck Peter Schiff. I don’t want the US turning into fucking Somalia on steroids.
Dont get me wrong I know its not the case that everyone on the left is like this. I just find it strange that this subset has warped it as much as they have