>it's a Sup Forums pretends to hate family guy episode
It's a Sup Forums pretends to hate family guy episode
Are you here to feel something for a talking dog and a baby or are you here to laugh?
i prefer American Dad
I'm not exactly sure why, but this most recent season of Family Guy was actually been really good. Relative to previous seasons at least.
Family guy has been playing catch up with American Dad for quite some time now and I reckon its time to do a farewell episode where everybody dies
Oh the episodes with 4 minutes of Peter fighting the chicken... that'z my favourites
Pre cancellation seasons are pretty good tbqh.
I still like it, but I wish there were more Stewie episodes.
I enjoyed it before all the characters were flandarized
>that episode where Quagmire btfo Brian
So satisfying
>do yourself a favor anons, don't get married
Seth is just producing and doing the voices now, he's leaving the writing to young staffers and telling them to go crazy
season premiere was one of the best episodes in years
>it's a Sup Forums has the same thread again episode
I swear this fucking board has threads on syndication these days
>hey uhhh peter deeed you know my penis doesn’t work
Don't tell me sad stuff like that
>That episode where Brian btfo Quagmire.
>"Hey..... I fucked your dad."
Hey beter
Is Bryan a rapist?
>fucking a guy
>btfoing some one
Yeah sorry homo
What did Seth mean by this?
Seasons 1-3 are classic, Seasons 4-8 are pretty good but hit and miss, everything beyond that is horrible but occasionally there'll still be a funny joke or two.
Overall I like Family Guy, but it should have ended a long time ago.
Pure Kino.
You realize brian is a personification of Seth right?
>Brian being proud of fucking an unpassable tranny
Honestly, I like Family Guy. It's not a perfect show but whenever I watch it it makes me laugh.
>season 1
great argument faggot.
Reminder to use Normans instead of normies. I repeat. Normans is the new vernacular.
family guy died a long time ago
Brian is a dog to whoever talks louder, Seth's ingenuity is making people believe Brian represents his own voice. The dog is actually a criticism of pseudo intellectuals, which think themselves so above everyone else but are in reality just as mediocre as the average joe.
So do the family actually understand Stewie or what?
Everyone outside the family apparently
I watched the latest 6 episodes the other night and I laughed once at the end of the "Three Directors" episode. Apart from that it was awful.
Tbh it's been awful since around this happened
Peter, Lois, and Meg don't. Brian and Chris do.
I think they hear him but just choose to ignore him
Yes and no depending on whatever the writers want
Seth abandoned Brian as his self insert for quagmire. I guess he wanted the character that has lots of sex to be his self-insert, What a guy.
>it's not a perfect show but it makes me laugh
This, haven't watched it in a long time but they did a book episode where Peter was Huckleberry Finn. In the joke him and Cleavland fall off a waterfall and in the next scene they're ok. Cleavland asks Peter if that just happens and Peter says "I don't know it's all just jokes" they know exactly what the show is and that makes it bettter.
sometimes i think he's just a satire of dickheads who think they're smarter than everyone else but then i remember to not put it past seth macdaddyfarlane to self-insert his shit-tier political beliefs
they couldn't even figure this shit out during the golden age of family guy. it depends on whether or not they use him as a plot device for that episode.
Is it weird I like Seth's voice but I hate his face? I can't watch Orville because he just has one of those faces and I just can't stand him.
>implying that's worse than the libtard
Best episode was the y2k episode
I can't look at him ever since that gif of him and Dillion was made
Wrong, the best episodes are PTV and the first two Road to... episodes.
The first two seasons were absolutely kino, everything after is infinitely worse. What changed? It's like he only wrote two seasons and didn't expect it to be continued but fox kept it on because it was so popular and everything since then has been quickly written crapola
Brian has been highlighted as a pseudointellectual turd numerous times in recent seasons. He was honestly insufferable (and constantly, CONSTANTLY in the wrong) up until Season 8 or 9, but there's an entire sequence where Quagmire calls him out for being a pretty nasty character and from that point on Quagmire is basically the voice of reason that Brian was.
Not as if Family Guy is so rich in its themes that it needs to be analyzed but there's two great examples of this involving Meg. When Brian chaperones Meg to a school dance he intimidates a teenage girl (meg's bully), gets drunk and then makes out with Meg. This is not viewed as sound decision making by the rest of the cast.
In a later season/episode, Quagmire volunteers to help Meg feel better about herself and they play it up as if he's going to do the same as Brian, and then he delivers a pretty sound speech on self esteem and self worth.
Again, Family Guy is essentially a joke machine but it has its neat moments
this episode is top-tier. original chicken fight and actually funny gags (cleveland and quagmire conjoined twins, squid stewies, randy newman) all around comfy episode.
Nah, that's a meme. I tried it and they weren't good. Apparently, you have to be very picky because only 1 season was good and only half of them. Apparently.
Such a good episode. Perfectly portrayed outrage and shaming culture.
That's called autism.
I'm not going to deny it but the guy is just too smug.
>create hit after hit
>own fox network
>have the voice of Frank Sinatra
Why shouldn't he be smug?
Because he just shouldn't and it's because of him KoTH ended.