ITT Box Office Bombs that you watched at the cinema
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Fuck you. I loved it. That must trigger you huh bitch?
the nice guys
blade runner 2049
i guess goosling doesnt do to well
Mad Max: Fury Road
Pacific Rim
Went with my little nephew. Was extremely hungover. Actually left and just took a shit for 15 minutes right in the middle of the movie. It was awful, the shit and the movie.
OP never said that he disliked or liked it.
Anyway yeah, recently JL and BR2049
>implying it won't be a cult film a decade from now
Lmao, you seem pretty triggered that it's a failure
I knew it was over when that terrible White Stripes song started playing on the trailer
Mad Max Fury Road
Pacific Rim
Blade Runner 2049
Articulate how Justice League bombed.
Did it bomb like Wonder Woman?
>Movie with shit pacing, characters, acting, awful villain, generic score, and effects that looked dated in 2009 will become a cult film
>going to cinema
Holy shit you marvelcucks are pathetic
No, it bombed like no other modern capeshit movie has bombed before.
It hasn't even broken 200 mil domestic, which is pathetic for any capeshit flick, not even mentioning flagship team-up titles.
It broke over 400 what are you even talking about.
>Made $172 million domestic in two weekends, with the Thanksgiving weekend - $300m budget
>Wonder Woman made $205m on a $149m budget
>BvS made $260m on a $250m budget
Justice League's a failure
Yes, it bombed. Warner Bros is going to lose money, what's your point?
No it's not but I'm glad the movie bothers you all the same.
Sure, in Chinkland, where they'll keep more than half of the BO.
Domestically it hasn't even come reasonably close to 200 million, which is god fucking awful for the most expensive DCEU flick yet.
Explain how.
Not him, but I'm too busy celebrating the DCEU's demise to be bothered.
>it takes him 15 minutes to take a shit
Jesus eat a fucking vegetable, you disgusting fatass
it hasnt broke over 400 fuckhead, it's net income is around 200 like user said because of theur 300 mil budget
That's worldwide numbnuts, it's still doing bad.
>Justice League's 11 day total (two weekends) - $481 million
>BvS' 3 day total - $424 million
Why are you trying so hard? What does it gain you?
Fucking loser.
Why are you so retarded?
Don't forget that that 200 is already blown on their ad campaign, theatrical distribution, and foreign profit cuts. Paul Feig already proved to the world that a studio needs to make much more than the posted budget just to break even.
I watched Judge Dredd in 3D. I loved it, and the 3D was fantastic.
And just wait, he will reply with retarded mental gymnastics that probably not even he believes
The point was that the movie was so bad I sat on my phone looking at shit alone hovering above my own waste rather than go back an watch it.
I didn't realize copy/pasting hard box office data counted as "trying hard", but then I'm not a DCEU fan.
Because triggering soyboys that feel cool over shitting on superhero movies gives me a fucking hard on. Next question?
I heard it gave 3D a reason to exist, and I regret not seeing it in the theater to this day.
That's because the older kids on Sup Forums told you to go to the movie with the intention of hating it.
keep on fighting the good fight brother!
No lol. It was legit a trainwreck of a film. It couldn't decide what it wanted to be, and everything was rushed. Aquaman didnt even get to use his water.
You sound like a triggered cuck.
>feel cool over shitting
It's always shitting with you people.
Are you describing The Room?
>Gets btfo
>You're just a loser!
The Room is a movie with decent pacing, great characters, mixed-bag acting, a realistic villain, an above average score, and has no special effects apart from the occasional greenscreen.
I unironically liked Wolfman.
Hopkins fucking with Del Toro's head in particular was some great shit.
No I'm describing Justice League
I can actually feel the asshurt irradiating from the DCuck behind his monitor