Will you watch the new Jumanji movie?
Will you watch the new Jumanji movie?
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only if it promises to be 'piss your pants' funny
Goddamn. Pebbledude really wants to be in everywhere.
>inb4 someone follows his order and makes the puddle in front of him yellow
heeeeell no
Every male in that pic is shorter than the female
not a chance.
Only if they CGI a Robin Williams cameo
Yeah, I'm sorry, my penis compels me.
ok changed my opinion I will definitely be catching this flick
I already have my tickets for the pre midnight screening.
>kevin hart
>the rock
>jack black
i woiuld rather get my cock sewn off
Karen is a foot taller than everybody.
No, because I don't like the Rock.
I see Orson Welles is making his return to the silver screen
I'll probably catch it on tv
the trailer looks ....FUN
I'll watch anything with the rock in it.
Hopefully she shows panties too!
You do realize you're only going to really see one of them, right?
Actually he'll see all three of them...
Yep, even though it's transphobic because I like adventure movies.
But there's three of them?
One of them will be seen during quickly edited XCUs. You might see a wide shot, but it won't be much to look at. One will not be seen at all because her purpose is to stand there while they set up lights for hours so they don't waste the star's time.
no i dont think you understand. there are clearly three of them in the pic so..?
Give me one, single, 2% serious reason why I fucking would?
also, yea i'll watch it but i already know it wont be shit compared to the orignal
Uh, because it's gonna be Litty?
If this movie came out Ten years ago. it would of worked, but now? This is going to lose alot of money.
>Will you watch the new Jumanji movie?
As it should be enjoyed; as a shitty HDcam rip with hardcoded moonlanguage subtitles.
On my phone.
In the shitter.
On 2x speed.
What do I look like, a fucking RETARD? Like I'm gonna miss the RAUNCHIEST, ROMPIEST ROMPERINO that the U.S. box office has ever seen?
I feel truly sorry for any JABRONI who's gonna be missing out on this SUMMER SMASH to go see some FAGGOT ASS SHIT from that guy who directed 2013's PRISONERS.
Where my boys at ready to get #LITTY?
So you're telling me they hired 5 girls to just stand around and do absolutely nothing?
Yes, welcome to the film industry.
Why don't DPs smoke?
Because it takes 6 hours to light it!
Bro, no one on Sup Forums actually knows shit about the industry.
Lovely actress.
don't act like you wouldn't pay to watch it happen
That was totally sexual harassment by the Rock
A twitter campaign must be started.
I'm not watching this JEW MAN JIZZ
i'd rather take a bath in battery acid
no. i like karen gillan but kevin hart is annoying and the rock has really disappointed me with his being butthurt by critics.
she got hit with one of those canisters from the rampage trailer and is growing at an alarming rate. she wont be able to fit in a house soon and will have to be kept outside like an animal and bathed by being hosed down by team of zookeepers
i hate interracial porn but i need to see them fuck
hell no
considering it solely for Jack Black. I like him in everything
>Rock is almost the same size as Kevin Hart
Holy shit I never knew how much of a manlet he is
Sure, looks litty af
holy fuck jables looks old