Now I know why it's seen as a comedy, it's one of the worst voices I've seen.
I still can't stop laughing about the premise of it.
Now I know why it's seen as a comedy, it's one of the worst voices I've seen.
I still can't stop laughing about the premise of it.
The premise is supposed to be funny and stupid.
>yfw the nigs that made it don't think it's a comedy and actually believe it's a serious drama
I don't know, the fact that people think this flick is anywhere near decent, let alone of the best movies of the year makes me pretty sad desu.
>Mfw it was obviously made as a comedy from the ground up but due to the mistaken reception it got now the people behind it are pretending that they were serious all along
kinda disgusting
It's a fucking dark comedy.
Christ you people are like lemmings.
I've never seen this or heard much about it, but why is it considered a masterpiece?
I don't know about masterpiece, but I thought it was pretty good. You know how people hype things up though.
It's not, it's a fine movie and like any other fine movie it is surrounded by trash and piss which makes it stand out for a while.
It's pretty good even though it was cringe how much it fetichized black men. Knowing it was directed by a black dude makes it even worse.
It was made by a comedian you fucking asshat
Wow. It's like you didn't understand the movie AT ALL.
>yfw It's #4 on RT for Best movies of all time
Why are there multiple Get Out threads right now?
Did the hd rip leak and Sup Forumstards who can't afford the cinema are getting finally triggered?
I thought it was great. Rare to see a movie that mocks lilly white "progressives". The trend has been for virtue signalling predictable shit.
A true test for everyone
Visit that link
Read every 'fact' about Get Out
Come back and post your feelings on it
worth it for nazi allison
Is this the nig from sicario?
I'd watch any movie just because of her.
have another
>“For while when we had a black president, we were living in this post-racial lie,” he added. “The idea of, ‘We’re past it – we’re past it all!’ For me, and for many people out there – as all black people know – there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis. This movie was meant to reveal that there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations.”
>-This film has inspired the creation of college courses about the film's racial themes and symbolism.
went into the movie expecting something totally different because either Sup Forums didn't understand or, or lied, or both
i don't think a lot of the posters here realize the movie is making fun of liberals more than anything
>-Jordan Peele cited the original Night of the Living Dead (1968) as an inspiration for making this his feature film writing-directing debut, because the film had an African American protagonist.
Stopped there, it's obvious that's its going to be full to the brim with misguided fluff. No thanks senpai.
He probably experiences because his fucking face literally resembles an ape.
>fat nigger makes a movie about how white people are not only evil, but obsessed with the black body. also has a beautiful white woman seduce and fuck countless black men
lol the delusion.
That was the entire point, but blacks seem to have missed it entirely, having been promised a "hurr durr bad whiteys enslave black stallions."
The protagonist's buddy somewhat represents a typical kang who goes "DAMN WHITE PEOPLE" the moment things start getting weird, whereas the final reveal is supposed to be confusingly out-of-this-world kind of stupid and disprove his earlier equally stupid racist claims: it's been some fucking body snatchers all along and the race is pretty irrelevant, and if anything, those old rich folks actually like blacks.
A lot of Peele's comedy is about the extreme autism blacks tend to dive into in real life the moment they feel racially threatened, and this one is no exception
Why are lightskin niggas always the bitchy faggots? Jordan Peele looks like a typical white America. Don't see Eddie murphy or wesley snipes being gay ass niggas.
>i don't think a lot of the posters here realize the movie is making fun of liberals more than anything
It's absolutely hilarious to see them whining about how racist it is against whites.
Why didn't the family try to relax Chris instead of making him uncomfortable? They've done it so many times before, wouldn't making him feel comfortable have been a better strategy?
It's shit.
>obsessed with the black body.
sounds like Sup Forums: the movie
>racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations
Then he should have made a movie about that! Instead of an alright comedy trapped in a bland horror movie. I would prefer to see a movie about all the subtle insinuations and passive aggressive racism from white liberals sucking up, and all the overt hostility from right wing 56%ers
Is this bait? Sup Forums is pointing out how jews put nogs in everything and is sexualizing nogs.
I'm so glad I saw this movie the week it opened before it became a thing the everyone feels compelled to comment on, no matter how ignorant.
Its a shame I only just got around to watching this last week. The shitposting wasn't this bad opening week was it?
The way you see the movie says more about you at the end of the day. Non-retards can see a dark comedy that pokes fun at sensationalizing racial shit for no reason. BLM and Sup Forums see an opportunity to cry about stuff
Why would they act racist? We know they are aware they are being weird because Allison's character is aware and she is with them.
Why risk it? Wouldn't it be better to just play it cool until the time for the buyer?
How long does Allison's character date black men that they are willing to go to the countryside to meet their entire white family and not leave right after the first weird shit like the brother starts happening? And on that note, how can she have so many of them if it would take like at least an year for each of them.
If tapping a spoon on the side of a cup is enough to create some relapse then why would the woman that is the specialist on this procedure do that when the body switched maid is right there?
I remember lots of OPs with this guy's face and people getting pissed off about it being posted so often. The threads were more about discussing the plot than people being triggered by muh evil whitey.
>be Jordan Peele
>be halfbreed upper-middle/upper-class kid
>can't relate to the majority of black people in the united states
>can't relate to the majority of white people in the united states
>have not a single real issue in your life because of financial advantage
>make comedy that panders to liberal sensibilities with self-deprecation
>thanks to news exploding every black live lost to only circumstances that reinforce the "WE'RE DIVIDED AMERICA IS RACIST" narrative decide that this must be the truth
>create movie about literally every white character being evil and out to get you
>not believable at all, and only entertaining as something ludicrous and pathetic, with mediocre filmmaking and writing
>because Peele has never had a single moment of actual discrimination/racism/poverty/violence in his whole life cannot even create a believable/likable black main character
>proceed to spread how you've always felt the "invisible hand of racism" behind every white person's smile
>be so mindless with so little character in real life that you've fully metabolized the "No one gets along, everything is going to shit" narrative into your actual perception of the world
Is there anyone as pathetic as Jordan Peele?
Yeah, Armond White.
>Is there anyone as pathetic as Jordan Peele?
You should know by now that Sup Forums has trouble determining satire
>Is there anyone as pathetic as Jordan Peele?
Yes, but he's very pathetic. Very dishonest.
Have a quick google about what he's been saying about the movie since it blew up.
>t Jordan Peele
The whites in the film have a cartoon caricature of blacks that they actually believe and want a piece of. They are still racist in the same way that "asians are good at math" is racist. Although "racist" is overused to mean nearly anything having to do with race. Somehow everyone lost the difference between "racism" and stereotypes.
She's younger and more in tune with the hyper sensitivity of today's yewts. Try to get your parent's not to embarrass you. Pro-tip: You can't.
I don't know if pathetic is the word but manipulative and detached do come to mind while thinking about him. I'm a chinaman btw so i don't even have a horse in this race.
>tfw too dumb to understand that films can be more than one genre
>I would prefer to see a movie about all the subtle insinuations and passive aggressive racism from white liberals sucking up
>That's exactly what happened in the movie.
>subtle insinuations and passive aggressive racism
If this gets nominated for any academy award what a fucking joke
No, the movie was
>White man says something stupid no one ever says in real life
>Black man looks uncomfortable
I meant some actual smart dialog
He's not wrong, half the shit you said was just bullshit assumptions and conjecture from the "you wouldn't be racist if you actually lived around blacks" narrative.
>That's exactly what happened in the movie, the entire plot was set up with insinuations and passive aggressive racism. But not more like kind of racism as opposed to because that's what liberal sjws do.
SJWs do this all the time irl.
Sup Forums is not and will never be Sup Forums you fucking faggot. talk about Sup Forums or neck.
>paying attention to reviews