Is she right?
Is she right?
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Did somebody say lynch mob?
I don't get it, she's proud of being a retard?
Gangster movies are criminally over rated so she's not far off from the truth
Is she Asian?
Women are always right
>couldn't even be bothered to draw parody covers or something
She's Burmese
even my girlfriend liked (I think) The Godfather and she isn't a film enthusiast at all
Whether you like The Godfather or not, I'm really confused about how you could possibly think Prometheus is a better movie.
So "Yes".
Absolutely retarded.
>Great story
>Multiple on screen murders, beatings etc
>At least 5 superb performances
Why is that not enough for brainlets to find the Godfather entertaining? What more do they want?
None of you faggots have even like Ed ling enough to form valid opinions about ANYTHING.
I don't respect the opinions of anyone who isn't at least 36 years old.
Why does Fassbender look like Cumberbatch in the Prometheus poster?
Her criticism of Snowpiercer is completely stupid. It's not a perfect movie by any means, but it is clearly a fucking allegory. There's no fucking point in saying "hurr durr your allegory is dumb because it wouldn't be physically possible".
Jesus. Why are there people out there proud of their own mental limitations?
I don't really get the point being made here. Why those movies? Just to say you don't like The Godfather?
Also Blade Runner fucking sucks so she's right about Twilight being better.
This is just why I don't care about any white persons opinions
They're both in the same category of Reddit meme actors. She probably just got them mixed up.
>liking Twilight over Blade Runner
People like this don't actually exist.
They're not "people".
Read it again. It's not saying it's not possible (though it's not), it's saying it's a stupid setting that makes no sense and only serves as a flimsy basis to have a train in your movie (which it is)
ha ha?
that part was a joke
I hope
>having shitty opinions warrants a lynch mob
Special Snowflakes deserve their lonely, destitute death at end of a long, pointless existence.
>Its a woman thinks her opinions are interesting enough to warrant a lynchmob.
Post ONE (1) woman who realizes that their opinions/thoughts are boring.
We'll wait.
Godfather is Brainlets favorite "classic" film
>Hey, did you like X film?
>I mean, it was soooo boring
literally a non-critique that suggests a very low attention span or maybe just low cognitive abilities
it's an allegory for class warfare you fucking idiot, of course the setting is ridiculous
Fuck this bitch. Snowpiercer was awesome.
A country so irrelevant their most famous thing is their python.
No one who uses words like snoozefest can be right on anything
Stop being so square, poindexter
>lynch mob
No, if you use snoozefest to describe anything you can go and fuck yourself
Gosh golly, I think it's just swell.
The Dark Knight Rises doesn't have any plotholes.