Do women really do this?

Do women really do this?

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I want to cum in her ass.

I need more examples to get a clear idea

do u not?

reported to the FBI

>not using long, sweeping strokes
>not covering the entire armpit
women are weird

>tfw I'm male and do exactly what she does in the morning

you know the smell only comes from where hair grows right? You don't need to swipe your entire arm with it

sometimes I sniff my own armpits in public and make a sour face even though they smell fine, hoping someone is watching and being entertained by my shenanigans

I've seen you and laughed to myself

>Not using some on your cleavage

Enjoy sweaty boobs.

how to achieve this kind of confidence

t. smelly amerifat


Both right and wrong.
Smell comes from sweat that has become exposed to air and allows the bacteria to breed, this then gives off the smell. That's how you prevent the smell, you stop the sweat by blocking the pores and ta-da, you reduce smell.

The point you made of the 'hair' is that sweat soaks into hair and then does the same thing. It's harder to remove the smell and sweat from hair. The best way to remove it is to shave it off.

I'm a man and I do this on my massive balls


My life is like the Truman show except the viewers have a window into my mind as well, I'm convinced of it. I was just thinking about this scene.

I'm definitely using long sweeping strokes right now.


I can't imagine how much of a fucking subhuman you have to be to use deodorant after you just stepped out of the shower.
It's hilarious, more and more stuff I see, I realize that I'm better than fair chunk of the population.
You fucks were a mistake.

>t. smelly ape

deodorant/antiperspirant is preventive as well as reactive

you seem to be stating that you only apply deodorant when you already smell, which is bizarre

Not single person I've come across has ever complained. Maybe if you stopped eating cloves of garlic, you wouldn't smell like shit all of the time.

>durr hurr I'm better than you nerds
>doesn't understand how deodorant works

Literally autism

maybe theyve never complained because they never wanted to get close enough to talk to you because of the unfathomable stench radiating off of you you degenerate monkey

You apply it so later on in the day your underarms don't stink. Have you not hit puberty yet or something?


>He doesn't enjoy big sweaty mammies being mashed into his face

Grow the fuck up

What is this retard talking about?


do people really rush their teeth with their clothes on? if your mouth isnt getting frothy enough to risk spilling over then you are not brushing well enough.

>all of these buttblasted virgin homos (You)ing me because they know it's true
It must be painful being that worthless.

T.repels women with his stench

Someone post the webm with her running all wet and using lingerie.



You blew it dude. Just be thankful this place is anonymous.

Why smell after applying deodorant, it's going to smell like fuckin' deodorant.

>if your mouth isnt getting frothy
>he fell for the toothpaste scam

You're the only person in the world that doesn't know you are autistic

>Maybe if you stopped eating cloves of garlic
You are aware cloves of garlic are both
1. Good for your teeth
2. Good for your semen

Right? You are aware a testosterone fueled man is suppose to eat garlic on an almost daily basis, right?

Yeah, but what type of toothbrush?
Can you use a cheap one, or do you need a fancy electric one?

What about garlic salt?

The only one who blew you anything is you blowing your dad.

But I'm not autistic though, I'm god. You people are shit-eating plebs who get excited for the same movie you've seen 7 times now.

I brush my teeth with clothes on, then I wet my hands with water than rub on the spots where a bit of toothpaste froth dripped on my clothes

Cheap is fine if you have good brushing technique.

i dont like this reply

I need to get me a hot, curly haired pit whore like that

You lean over the sink when you start frothing. It's not that fucking hard.

Not clicking that shit, nigga. I don't want to get hacked.

What does it say? Summarize it for me.

>he fell for the soy boy meme


Protip: you could start injecting shark testosterone into your balls and women will still be repulsed by you.

>thinks bubbles = cleaning
Tippy top kek. Also I lean forwards so that anything just falls straight into the sink

deodorant makes me smell

that has nothing to do with soy

>ITT: smash tourney goers who are allergic to deodorant

what really boggled my mind is that girls don't lock their bra on their back, they lock it under boobs and then they're rotating bra to the correct position

When I was a teenager I sweat far too much for sprays. Been roll on ever since.

When I was a gross disgusting sailor and had no water to shower for weeks on end I learned to wear female deoderent as it's scentless so as not to conflict with perfume and doesn't accrue to a horrible reek if you can't wash it off.

jessica babyfat

>don't want to get hacked
It's the US fucking government, if they wanna hack you there's nothing you can do about it.

>ITT: gross ass fucks who don't shower because they think their 5 year old stick of old spice will cover it

>60 posts
>2 (two) replies with pit pics

nah we all know you wore the female deodorant because you were the designated seamen bucket


bet you losers still use shampoo lmao

I haven't used shampoo for years. Microfiber cloth + plain water is superior.

Maybe American girls do that since they are so fat they can't lock their hands on their backs.

But here, girls do lock their bras on their back. I know because I was known in high school as Seb Fast-Hands because I enjoyed unlocking bras of my classmates. They never noticed until they stood up, then they would yell my nickname.

I banged 3 of them. Shit was so cash.

Revolting. Here's my humble attempt to make it up to you.

found that kid that cleared hallways in high school because of his foul stench

please dont meme like this, its really uncouth.

It's called Speed Stick nigga, it ain't expensive

Seriously, try scrubbing your hair with a microfiber cloth under running water. It actually cleans it, it's not some dirty hippie meme. Be sure to wash the cloth after each use!

what's wrong with shampoo? don't feed me that "all-natural" hippie bullshit either

can you show me good brushing technique on my dick?

Not kidding I use tree sap as shampoo

>degrease hair with shampoo
>re-grease hair with conditioner
What a fucking waste of time. Microfiber cloth is the true patrician hair cleaning method.

Nothing, something with curly jew hair such as you can continue to use it.

>I know because I used to unlock bras in high school
That's the only time you've ever seen a chick hook her bra up? Of course they are going to do it from the back if they still have their shirt on. But usually when women are getting ready in the morning they do it in the front and spin it around.

Nigga there is no way you are cleaning your scalp with a microfiber cloth

I can't even into whatever the fuck you think it's doing. You must be keeping that shit short if it's working but if you go short enough you can skip shampoo entirely.

i don't use conditioner user, just head & shoulders old spice shampoo. it smells nice.

Me neither, fuck that guy is an animal

>not using hair gel

Microfiber cloth cleans the scalp adequately. It doesn't need much cleaning if you avoid shampoo, because the scalp only produces excessive grease in reaction to shampoo. Microfiber clothes are much better than traditional washclothes, and they are cheap. Try it if you don't believe me. At first you will need to wash every day (unless you want to look like a dirty hippie) but as your scalp adapts you can wash less frequently.

have fun looking like this

I don't care how fucking "cool" normies insist this is, I will not do this. Having gunked-up hair feels fucking terrible.

I just get a short haircut and let it look retarded most of the day.

What about dandruff, how do you fight it?

remove the teenager pimples and it would look 10/10 and you know it

Dandruff is mostly caused by shampoo. Stop using shampoo.

i don't need to fight it, i've never had bad dandruff. my skin doesn't dry easily i guess.

This sounds like bullshit. The scalp is not a mucous membrane. It is skin like everything else. It's not getting greasier because you use shampoo. That sounds like hippie propaganda.

A microfiber cloth MIGHT work for short/thin hair but it's not going to do anything for people like me who have super-dense hair. If I don't shampoo that shit every day it's a huge fucking mess.

Oh, I know

>We should stop using shampoo, toothpaste, stop fighting dandruff, and stop using deodorant after showering
I love Sup Forums

Wetting the spots where toothpaste froth splatters cleans the clothes

>Wetting the spots where toothpaste froth splatters cleans the clothes

I don't use any of those things and not only are more attractive but more red pilled too.
Seriously, stop buying into the hygiene jew. Maybe the only thing you should invest in is body wash to remove all of the feces and semen from your disgusting bodies.

At least tell me you use a skin cleaner

wtf i hate hygiene now!

What, in all sincerity, did he mean by this?

This, rather a faint smell of sweat than being suffocated by some faggot with liters of perfume on.

>not bathing or washing to trigger the libs