>Disney is retconning the CIS to be the CSS
what did they mean by this?
>Disney is retconning the CIS to be the CSS
what did they mean by this?
Dooku was actually gay. So they weren't technically CIS.
isn't that good for us?
no, they're clearly just doing it because they're butthurt about the die CIS scum jokes
every removal of SJW stuff is a huge success for our movement!
but the jokes were a mockery of their movement and changing it to CSS takes that ability to mock them away
KEK will find a way, don't worry
literally hang yourself
Independent sounds good and empowering, Separatist sounds like they’re the bad guys.
>Republic is paired with the bad guys
>CIS paired with the good guys
What did they mean by this.
How do you get to the factions screen?
it was datamined, you aren't supposed to be able to get to it yet
That makes no sense. The official name for the droids was always Confederacy of INDEPENDENT Systems, thus CIS. And the informal name for them was the Separatists.
To be fair, the name Confederacy of Independent Systems makes no sense. If they were independent, they wouldn't be part of a confederacy.
That's like saying the thirteen colonies were not independent after the war.
you can't actually be this illiterate
independent from the republic brainlet
That just meant they're temporarily forming a confederacy to combat the Republic. They intended to be independent after they seceded from the Republic.
Thats like saying the United States of America is a strange name since states are implied to seperate entities.
We aren't called the United Independent States, nor was the CSA called the Confederacy of Independent States
Maybe I am. Maybe I'm just pretending to be able to read what you said and I'm just extremely lucky at guessing both what you said and which keys to punch. You'll never know.
Well, obviously.
That makes sense.
You're using a screenshot from an incomplete and unsuable menu screen in a game made by Swedes that are notoriously bad at spelling.