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Webm Thread
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I know it shouldn't be a shock, but a woman made preggers is gorgeous.
PA approves
Got caught off from posting this in the last thread.
Great Martian War
The soundtrack is audible diarrhea, recommend muting.
This is a concept that should be expanded on.
which version of macbeth is this?
2010 version with Patrick Stewart.
For the record, it a really good stage setup converted to film.
Last one.
Also, it was a better telling of macbeth at 1/1000 of the budget of the 2015 verison.
Now at least no one can complain that there was no OC this thread.
Didnt watch the movie
Why does she have two irises?
movie doesn't tell it. it's just old evil folklore belief, related to possibly an eye defect called "pupula duplex"
He was paid to do that...
Also, about to head to bed, but let me know if anyone wants any more shakespeare made into webms
stop posting this pathetic waifu shit you fat virgin
It posted to prevent the elder gods returning user. I do not post it, glad someone does. Can't count on the Japs being able to kill 9 year olds
how did he get away with this?
The kikes of hollywood wouldn't dare fuck with Reimi, lest they experience the one man holocaust.
ded thred
what film?
>that struggling mmmmmmhhhh
I'm a bit of a fan of hers
She was great in About Cherry
I have no SFW webms of her though so have one of Ashley Benson instead
> two clips from Turkey Shoot
> Lynda Stoner doesn't get her tits out in either one
IIRC she only has a brief shower scene and you don't see much
The only tits in the movie are the hideous danglers belonging to Koo Stark's body double
i guess i will just have to hope that someone in the Channel 7 archives has an aneurysm and they decide to release all of "Cop Shop" on DVD.. including the episode where Lynda Stoner's character had to go undercover as a model and they had her wear a thin dress and walk through a fountain.
dear god i wish i'd owned a VCR back then.
All those great fapping moments lost to time
It's like the burning of the Library of Alexandria but with tits
The mummy, terrible movie
>we want the Sup Forums audience
Post the end of Venetian Nights. That final shot of Abbott sitting there in complete heartbreak is some of the best non-verbal reaction acting I've seen. Fuck was Edi Patterson just crushing it those final two episodes.
I have it somewhere, one sec.
I knew you had it, love you.
Love you
"SOMEONE'S been eating strawberries."
I'll never love anything else as much as I loved this show, I don't know what it is about it that just clicked with me. It makes me want to tell my weird anxiety shit to fuck off and start writing like I'd always wanted to.
yeah i thought the same thing
>nerds meme about wyverns and dragons
>no-one remembers the "do Balrogs have wings" argument that divided LOTR fandom for decades
That first season was really good. Then I feel like it took the Marvel route and started trying too often to be funny, and left some entire subplots feeling weak as shit.