Vikings Season 5
Cooper Young
Tyler Hernandez
main protagonist is now a dickless faggot cripple
no thanks
Parker Williams
Thank god for Ivar, Bjorn is cool but not interesting enough to carry the show
Plus he's hotter, no homo
Josiah King
>reddit spacing
Carson Evans
> Ivar, the dickless
> Floki, the Imam
> Niggar, the nigger
> Lagertha, muh strongk womanz don't need no man
pleb-tier if you kept watching past season 2
Blake Murphy
team ivar
Kayden Wilson
>main character is not black
2017, ladies and non-binary people.
Cameron Ortiz
Ivar is based
Justin Nelson
He killed the worst brother imo. Curious to see more Hvitserk though, feels like he got the least attention.
Samuel Peterson
Damn, she is hung like a horse.